My SEED HAUL and the Vendor Hall | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

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My grandfather passed away in 1973 and my mother, his daughter passes in 2001, while going through her things i found an old rusty, prince albert can, labled with a taped lable across it that said my fathers favorite okra so i opened the can and found the okra seeds so in 2017 I planted them and waited for them to come up. They did and I found out it was crimson spineless okra and it really produced a good amount of okra for our family, I felt like grandfather was pleased that I found his gift left for our family and was happy I planted them. I felt a connection to him that I hadn't had before. still saving those seeds each season to plant each spring. He was such a great gardener. Guess you could say I have one foot planted in heaven with him and one foot planted firmly in my garden and there in lays the connection.


Ken has such a genuine heart. He is a person that needs to have copies made of him.


The Philippines salt story is fascinating. I love the PASSION on display here, by ALL the vendors! You can tell these folks are really invested in their product quality and worth. Thanks for sharing.


Thank-You for taking me to place I can't go. You have blessed me!! Heart


You've mentioned that you plant pineapple ground cherries but forgot to let us know exactly what kind and from what company. Maybe I've missed it because I only found you about 4 months ago. I've already received my Kajari Melon Seeds for the spring, and convinced my husband that the radishes I planted this month will taste great roasted. I especially look forward to ordering the sweetest ground cherry seeds for my grandchildren. Thanks Jess for awakening my gardening senses that were dormant far too long. Barbara Behringer - South Louisiana


Brad was the second person I met at the Expo that was even more lovely and real in person than I could have imagined from watching your interview at last year's event (Thanks again for your kind and generous chat and prayers). Without knowing it at the time, I bought almost the same seeds and a few flowers too. Hearts for heirlooms and gardening seem to grow qualities that transcend the objects of affection to create inspirational humans.


I didn't hear you say it, but I heard it in my head. "I need all the things!" 😂


As corrupt as my home state of California is, there still are a LOT of us here who have not bowed our knees to the Baal government, and are down-to-earth kinda folk! Thankful that you are highlighting the forgotten goodness that still lies within our state. Love y'all!!🥰😘


That salt is priceless!!!! I live in the Philippines and can't even get hold of one egg salt. Watched a documentary on making that salt years ago and I felt so happy and a bit jealous that it traveled overseas.


Catalogs as inexpensive Christmas gifts. Little did you know how much those catalogs would eventually cost you in building projects! Love it.


I did not even know we had that kind of salt here in the Philippines. Thank you!


Ken, from Hudson Seed Co is a kindred spirit. I rarely meet such a blessed and sacred soul. I canna say how grateful I am Jess that you bring him into our lives. I really needed this this morn. Bright blesssings for your day my girl..


You make me feel like I'm not alone in this. And, all of a sudden, the world of food growers and oppurtunity is opening up to me. I feel hope. Thank you.


Jess, you are definitely not alone. I too have such a passion for heirlooms. Been successfully growing many different varieties for about 10 years in the desert (my pic shows a few Gold Medal tomatoes from my garden). I too felt like quite isolated in my passion for growing and saving the seeds. It's hard to not share this passion. As a result, I've been able to share my knowledge and "turn on" my local gardening community to growing heirlooms. Just too exciting! Thank you for sharing. This is the first year I've missed the Expo. You are such a blessing ❣️


Oh Jess, you are such a “happy place” for so many of us!!! Thanks for letting us live the dream vicariously, through you Darling. Love you and Miah so much💕


Wow I live in the Hudson valley & never heard of this seed company...totally excited to check them out!! Thanks Jess ❤️🥰😘


Love your enthusiasm. I never would have known about this expo without your videos. Thank you! My husband and I went on Wednesday. The Hudson Valley seed table was a spot that we spent a lot of time. Can’t wait to grow the glass gem corn!


I was an art major in college and now I’m starting my own little homestead...aka Hudson Valley Seeds = pure joy! All the fave things wrapped into one. And I agree, Ken has such passion for his can hear it in his voice! Thanks Jess!


Love the SALT story!!! Seeds you highlighted are neat-o! Kinda hard to believe it's been 2 years since we were at the Expo. Was our first big event we covered on our channel. We WILL go again someday!


I didnt get to go to this event this year, but have been to the Seed Bank in Petaluma! Lo and behold. I had purchased Baker Creek seeds! WOW! It made me feel like I must, must, must make this event a priority next year!! Thanks for sharing your excitement with the world!!
Beautiful seed packages, lemon pepper sounds great too!
