Garden SEED HAUL (What I'm planting, how to use it, and buying tips)

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Hey ya'll, I'm Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you'll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we've learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you're here.


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Fun thing that I do…I put my 7 month old in his bouncer and I will sit in front of him with my big seed purse and show him all of my seed packets and tell him all about each one 😆


Jess opens with "I have quite a few things to say about these seeds", me: checks length of film.. immediately grabs a cup of coffee and gets comfy.


Now I know she loves us: she didn't open her seed order until we were watching!!!! Rofl!! Strong, super strong woman!! Many grand blessings everyone everywhere.


So I listened to everyone who said pineapple ground cherries were notoriously hard to germinate. Then I bought a pack from botanical interest! I decided to follow the instructions and put 3 seeds per cell and I did 4 cells hoping to just get 1 or 2 to germinate. Yall let me tell you... every single one germinated, and I didn't have the heart to thin them! I ended up giving 10 plants away and keeping 2. This year I pulled up 40+ ground cherry plants growing between the pavers that make up a outside seating area where one of my pots were last year, and I kept the 8 that popped up in a bed on the side yard. Bless the heart of the people who rent this house after we move out in a few weeks cuz they aren't guna kow what hit em when they start popping up next year lol. Side note I've had absolutely amazing germination rates with botanical interests seeds. They make up probably about 1/2 of my seed collection. They also carry the tulsi yall grow


It thrills my heart that Jess is feeling so much better :) I too was extremely ill on death's doorstep, and the Lord led me to go carnivore. I fully healed with a year of carnivore, and even healed my thyroid (and I was on tons of thyroid meds for years), and no longer need any meds. After a few years of mostly carnivore (I would eat roasted brussel sprouts, and other CLEAN veggies...anything God gives us for food), my body started craving some carbs. I started added some CLEAN carbs (like italian pasta once per week, NO PROCESSED AMERICAN CARBS) back in, and my body was very happy again. I'm still mostly carnivore, but it's clear our bodies tell us what it needs as we move through this life...we just have to pay attention to what it tells us :) Your content helps me so so much, THANK YOU! This is my first year trying a Fall/Winter garden :)


More than 1 hour of talking about seeds? Yes thank you! Just what I needed today 💚


I have SO many seeds that I couldn’t justify ordering more right now. I’m glad that I got to see you open your seeds at least! I love how you explain the plant life cycle. You make plants come alive and have wishes and intentions. I feel like I’m watching an Animal Kingdom documentary. “The chard sees the hungry bunny and releases chemicals to make its leaves bitter. As the bunny takes a bite and hops away, the chard breathes a sigh of relief, knowing her seeds will be on their way soon.” 🤣🤣🤣 You’re the best Jess ❤


To anyone else on a fixed income and has little to no yard and wants to grow your own food this is what I did. I purchased a Tower Garden system and put it in my kitchen corner. It’s 108$ a month interest free for 1 year. My 16X16’ backyard has been given to my 13 hens and 1 rooster my chickens are bantam Cochin and started laying a few weeks ago, I’m getting 10-13 eggs a day. I no longer have to purchase any vegetables from the store. By doing this I have become more self sufficient I grow potatoes in grow bags on my patio along with melon plants. In my tower garden I’m growing 40 plants in 2 square feet of space, here’s what I’m growing:
Dwarf tomatoes x3
Space maker cucumbers x2
Hunny Nut squash
Lettuce 3 plants
Spinach x3
Calabrian peppers x2
Lunchbox peppers x2
Acorn squash
Strawberries x6
Fennel x4
Butterbush Squash
Dwarf peas x2
Plus 6 seedlings I just started including celery, kohlrabi, Pablo lettuce.


I had a package of Federle tomatoes from Seed Savers that was 12 years old and still had 70% germination rate this year 😊.


So glad I am not the only one who is excited for seed hauls/seed saving videos!


"I've never met a radish I did not like" - sounds like something for a t-shirt 😆


My Mom used to take cooked carrots, potatoes and turnip and mash them together with butter and salt and pepper. Heaven. Comfort food. If you put sharp cheddar cheese on top it is even better.


It's true...I could watch these seed unboxing all day. :) The value of you sharing how you use the plants too just makes it that much richer!


I have made several orders with MI based both on your recommendation, and the fact that I watch his channel often and like his content. Since he started his end of season sale, I have acquired seed that I might not have tried for the BC price (I do love them, but they are pricier).


The carrot seeds still haunting Jess 😂


My favorite thing you said about saving seeds is, "Save seeds recklessly!" I very much agree.


Tractor Supply puts all of their present year seeds in the dumpster in August. I have been known to dumpster dive. 😂😂😂


The carrot seeds!! I will never get tired of this story. Also, how AMAZING that we get an hour plus long video from Jess?!


No matter how many seeds I've already gotten, your unboxing always makes me want to pull out the catalog and get more. LOL! I literally just opened a box of garlic bulbs and fall/spring garden seeds.


That makes so much sense about the beets!! Now I know why I like the Golden beets and am not a fan of the other ones 😂.
