Warframe, Exodia Contagion 2 Billion damage yellow crit.
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Before the arcane got nerfed with it's rework the number would scale the high in one hit. The damage now splits 2 viral procs one on first hit then 5 seconds after another. There is about 5-7 impact procs that hit per hit on stuff like the Eidolons. You can use Shattering Impact mod woth a radiation + impact damage build and strip armor with 17 direct hits, (the host can see the health bar turn red from yellow only) then quickly kill Eidolons as well with Exodia Contagion or you can build for just Radiation and not go for a armor strip setup. Pure radiation build can one shot limbs pretty often as well using chroma, rhino or harrow. After nerf of Exodia a 300+ power strength build rhino would be a need. Chroma as well. I USE OVER 363% Power strength on my chroma with my setup. My opticor one shots limbs as well.