White Christian Supremacy & Evil Christian Doctrines - Indians & Allies Condemn Christian Supremacy

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Christianity is the false religion & terrorist organization continually being used to dispossess & slaughter Indigenous people around the world. Christmas; a day of mourning the loss of hundreds of millions slaughtered in the name of Christ. The doctrine that claims Indians hold no title to our ancestral homelands REMAINS enacted as US, Canadian, & international so called "law". It is being upheld by those who profess to be followers of Jesus & by complacent Christians who benefit from the theft of our lands, just looking to be "saved".

On this day, I hear the screams of hundreds of millions crying out from the spirit world who were slaughtered by Christians. I hear the screams of men, women, two spirit, elders, children, babies & the unborn who were savagely cut from their mothers wombs by Christians. I am their voice, they shall be heard & you shall atone for the sins of your ancestors along with YOUR sin of allowing this racist, dehumanizing structure; settler colonialism!

Shame on Christians allowing another Christmas to come to pass while under this vile, racist, dehumanizing white & Christian supremacist structure! If your so called "democracy" is real where all you Christians individually rule, then shame on every god damn one of you!

If this IS a system your Christ desires, then fuck him! He cowers awaiting my return home!
The Doctrines of Christian Discovery (DoCD) originate with 15th century Papal Bulls that were issued by the Vatican & implemented by Monarchies, sanctioning the brutal Conquest & Colonization of non-Christians who were deemed “enemies of Christ” in Africa & the Americas.

THE DOCTRINES DECREED BY ROMAN CATHOLIC POPES, beginning in 1452, were adopted by European Christian Nations for the purpose of providing them a legal cover to pillage & destroy non-White Civilizations around the World.

Fuck white supremacy!
Fuck your misinterpretation of "civilization"!
Fuck the USA!
Fuck Canada!
Fuck Australia!
Fuck New Zealand!
Fuck Brazil!
Fuck the Vatican!
Fuck the British empire!
Fuck Nationalism!
Fuck your false religions!
Fuck your terrorist organizations posing as your "governments"!
Fuck your violent occupation!
Fuck your churches!
Fuck your Genocide!
Fuck your Christian enacted holocaust!
Fuck your Christmas!
Fuck Christianity!
Fuck your Jesus!
Fuck you forcing it all it all me and my people!
Fuck your trespassing!
Fuck your dehumanization!
Fuck your colonial nations fraudulent sovereignty!
Fuck you ignoring Indian voices!

If your Jesus were real, he would beg forgiveness to all Indian peoples spirits in the spirit world for allowing his followers to slaughter hundreds of millions in his name.

Had the Christians "Jesus" been a real spirit, your savior would answer to me for his failures. He would receive no forgiveness. He would receive no mercy. Genocide is not a forgivable sin. It is a sin that leads to the end of ones spirit. Be careful who you chose to follow, relatives. Christmas is just another one of their many lies! Jesus is a lie! They made him up to control you and I. Had he been real, I personally would have ended his spirit. No spirit can be allowed to fail on this level!

If I've offended your religion, GOOD! How's it fucking feel? Now just imagine if I slaughtered your family and forced you to worship my way? Declared your nation null and void and gave you "reservation land"! Just imagine if I stole your children & forced them to practice my ways? Fuck your offensiveness. Get over your privileged self and start fucking thinking how others feel! Just imagine how this shit feels on THIS side of colonialism, Christian!

There has never been more humans slaughtered on this earth since the dawn of time, than in the name of Jesus Christ. You think about that FACT, Christian! There has never been & we can only hope there will never be a higher failure of humanity than the false religion of Christianity. There's not even a close second! If I were the chief of my nation, Christianity would be banned from my ancestral homelands for all of time. Christianity has proven to be evil, over & over again. It continues to oppress all Indian nations all over the world, TODAY! Right now! Catholics sit on the US so called "supreme" court & are upholding the evil, racist, vile filth, RIGHT FUCKING NOW! They believe they are the ones who get to decide whether or not to allow whites to continue stealing our children! They are deciding this RIGHT THE FUCK NOW! You can't get anymore evil & oppressive than this if you tried! That's as supremacist as it gets!!! They claim Jesus grants them this authority to be the ones who decide if whites can take Indian children from us! RIGHT NOW!

"Jesus" has failed humanity & so have ALL his followers, even just the complacent ones, just looking to be "saved".

Christian relatives, I do still love you, but you are all lost.
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White American Christianity Needs to Be Honest About Its History of White Supremacy
Hundreds of years ago, the Church laid the foundation for the theft of the Americas, enslavement of Africans and Native Americans, and centuries of brutal colonization worldwide, with the doctrine that it was O.K. to take land and liberty from people who were not Christian.

Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence reflects the strong influence of Christianity in the American colonies, by rooting the rights it demands in our status as creatures of God. But the Declaration of Independence also describes Native Americans as “merciless Indian savages, ” and the Constitution defined African-Americans as only three-fifths of a person.


Christianity as done so much damage that nice, bubbly mega church Christians need to recognize.


Ive been watching your vids a few years now I think, always informative I really enjoy them all. These stories should be taught in school. I feel when I was a kid they went out of their way to hide all this.


In Canada, the Indian residential school system was a network of boarding schools for Indigenous peoples. Attendance was mandatory from 1894 to 1947. The network was funded by the Canadian government's Department of Indian Affairs and administered by Christian churches.
The school system was created to isolate Indigenous children from the influence of their own native culture and religion in order to assimilate them into the dominant Canadian culture. Over the course of the system's more than hundred-year existence, around 150, 000 children were placed in residential schools nationally. By the 1930s about 30 percent of Indigenous children were believed to be attending residential schools. The number of school-related deaths remains unknown due to incomplete records. Estimates range from 3, 200 to over 30, 000.

The residential school system harmed Indigenous children significantly by removing them from their families, depriving them of their ancestral languages, and exposing many of them to physical and sexual abuse. Students were also subjected to forced enfranchisement as "assimilated" citizens that removed their legal identity as Indians. Disconnected from their families and culture and forced to speak English or French, students who attended the residential school system often graduated being unable to fit into their communities but remaining subject to racist attitudes in mainstream Canadian society. The system ultimately proved successful in disrupting the transmission of Indigenous practices and beliefs across generations. The legacy of the system has been linked to an increased prevalence of post-traumatic stress, alcoholism, substance abuse, suicide, and intergenerational trauma which persist within Indigenous communities today.

In 2021, thousands of unmarked graves were discovered on the grounds of former residential schools, and are continuing to be searched.


In 1986, the first apology for residential schools by any institution in Canada was from the United Church of Canada in Sudbury, Ontario. At the 1986 31st General Council, the United Church of Canada responded to the request of Indigenous peoples that it apologize to them for its part in colonization and adopted the apology. Rev. Bob Smith stated:

We imposed our civilization as a condition of accepting the gospel. We tried to make you be like us and in so doing we helped to destroy the vision that made you what you were. As a result, you, and we, are poorer and the image of the Creator in us is twisted, blurred, and we are not what we are meant by God to be. We ask you to forgive us and to walk together with us in the Spirit of Christ so that our peoples may be blessed and God's creation healed.

In 1991, at the National Meeting on Indian Residential Schools in Saskatoon, Canadian bishops and leaders of religious orders that participated in the schools issued an apology stating:

We are sorry and deeply regret the pain, suffering and alienation that so many experienced. We have heard their cries of distress, feel their anguish and want to be part of the healing process...we pledge solidarity with the aboriginal peoples in their pursuit of recognition of their basic human rights... urge the federal government to assume its responsibility for its part in the Indian Residential Schools... (and) urge our faith communities to become better informed and more involved in issues important to aboriginal peoples

On September 24, 2021, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a formal apology for residential schools stating "We, the Catholic Bishops of Canada, gathered in Plenary this week, take this opportunity to affirm to you, the Indigenous Peoples of this land, that we acknowledge the suffering experienced in Canada’s Indian Residential Schools. Many Catholic religious communities and dioceses participated in this system, which led to the suppression of Indigenous languages, culture and spirituality, failing to respect the rich history, traditions and wisdom of Indigenous Peoples. We acknowledge the grave abuses that were committed by some members of our Catholic community; physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, cultural, and sexual."

On August 6, 1993, at the National Native Convocation in Minaki, Ontario. Archbishop Michael Peers apologized to residential school survivors, on behalf of the Anglican Church of Canada.

On June 9, 1994, the Presbyterian Church in Canada adopted a confession at its 120th General Assembly in Toronto on June 5, recognizing its role in residential schools and seeking forgiveness. The confession was presented on October 8 during a ceremony in Winnipeg.

We ask, also, for forgiveness from Aboriginal peoples. What we have heard we acknowledge. It is our hope that those whom we have wronged with a hurt too deep for telling will accept what we have to say. With God's guidance our Church will seek opportunities to walk with Aboriginal peoples to find healing and wholeness together as God's people.

I don't believe in a spirit named Jesus Christ. However if I did, I wouldn't believe he would view Genocide as forgivable sin. If I were Jesus, I sure as hell know I wouldn't.

I wonder if all these false Christianity faiths have forgiven Hitler the Nazis and ISIS? If Genocide is forgivable, why do they ask Indians to go first? Why haven't they publicly forgiven Hitler? You know, set the example, since they're the "Civilized" ones and all.

How dare they beg us for forgiveness. How dare they!

If I were chief of my nation, there wouldn't be a church of Christianity allowed on sacred Indian lands, out of respect and honor for the thousands of my ancestors slaughtered in the name of Christ. There sure as hell would be no preachers of Christianity invited to sacred pow wows either. Any Indian of my nation, had I my way, would need to go to settler lands and worship that false religion there.

I will always consider an Indian Christian my equal, the same as I do settler Christians. I simply consider those Indian's spirits lost. Colonized. I too was once lost. I have set my spirit free. It is enteral and it does not require your Jesus's saving. I know this to be true because in the spirit world, there lives no greater spirit than mine, just as there lives no lesser spirits than my own. I see and feel the spirit world, the same as I do the human world, there is only equality. I know these truths because the trees tell me so. I know these truths because the wind tells me so. I know these truths because the lakes, ponds and rivers tell me so. I know these truths because mother earth tells me no lies, unlike humankind.


According to the view of many historians, the Constantinian shift turned Christianity from a persecuted into a persecuting religion.

Miroslav Volf has identified the intervention of a "new creation", as in the Second Coming, as a particular aspect of Christianity that generates violence. Writing about the latter, Volf says: "Beginning at least with Constantine's conversion, the followers of the Crucified have perpetrated gruesome acts of violence under the sign of the cross. Over the centuries, the seasons of Lent and Holy Week were, for the Jews, times of fear and trepidation. Muslims also associate the cross with violence; crusaders' rampages were undertaken under the sign of the cross."

The statement attributed to Jesus "I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword" has been interpreted by some as a call to arms for Christians.

The bloody history of the tradition has provided disturbing images and violent conflict is vividly portrayed in the Bible. This history and these biblical images have provided the raw material for theologically justifying the violence of contemporary Christian groups. For example, attacks on abortion clinics have been viewed not only as assaults on a practice that Christians regard as immoral, but also as skirmishes in a grand confrontation between forces of evil and good that has social and political implications."

In 1095, at the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II declared that some wars could be deemed as not only a bellum iustum ("just war"), but could, in certain cases, rise to the level of a bellum sacrum (holy war). Jill Claster, dean of New York University College of Arts and Science, characterizes this as a "remarkable transformation in the ideology of war", shifting the justification of war from being not only "just" but "spiritually beneficial".

The Spanish Inquisition is often cited in popular literature and history as an example of Catholic intolerance and repression. The total number of people who were processed by the Inquisition throughout its history was approximately 150, 000; applying the percentages of executions that appeared in the trials of 1560–1700—about 2%—the approximate total would be about 3, 000 of them were put to death. However, the actual death toll was probably higher, according to the data which Dedieu and García Cárcel provided to the tribunals of Toledo and Valencia, respectively.

In the Portuguese Inquisition, the major targets were people who had converted from Judaism to Catholicism, the Conversos, also known as New Christians or Marranos, because they were suspected of secretly practising Judaism. Many of these people were originally Spanish Jews, who had left Spain for Portugal.
Based on the records that survive, H. P. Salomon and Rabbi Isaac S.D. Sassoon state that between the Inquisition's beginning in 1561 and its temporary abolition in 1774, some 16, 202 persons were brought to trial by the Inquisition. Of this number, 57 of them were sentenced to death and executed, and another 64 were burned in effigy (this sentence was imposed on those persons who had either fled or died in prison; in the latter case, the executed person's remains and the effigy were both placed in a coffin and burned at the same time). Others were subjected to lesser punishments or penance, but the fate of many of those who were tried by the Inquisition is unknown.

During the second half of the 16th century, the Roman Inquisition was responsible for prosecuting individuals who were accused of committing a wide range of crimes which were related to religious doctrine, alternative religious doctrine or alternative religious beliefs. Out of 51, 000–75, 000 cases which were judged by the Inquisition in Italy after 1542, around 1, 250 of them resulted in death sentences.

The period of witch trials in Early Modern Europe was a widespread moral panic caused by the belief that malevolent Satanic witches were operating as an organized threat to Christendom from the 15th to the 18th centuries.
Many people faced capital punishment if they were convicted of witchcraft during this period, either by being burned at the stake, hanged on the gallows, or beheaded. Similarly, in the New England Colonies, people convicted of witchcraft were hanged (See Salem witch trials). The scholarly consensus on the total number of executions for witchcraft ranges from 40, 000 to 60, 000.

The legal basis for some inquisitorial activity came from Pope Innocent IV's papal bull Ad extirpanda of 1252, which explicitly authorized (and defined the appropriate circumstances for) the use of torture by the Inquisition for eliciting confessions from heretics.
When a suspect was convicted of unrepentant heresy, the inquisitorial tribunal was required by law to hand the person over to the secular authorities for final sentencing, at which point a magistrate would determine the penalty, which was usually burning at the stake although the penalty varied based on local law.

Over the centuries, these attitudes were reinforced by Christian preaching, art and popular teaching, all of which expressed contempt for Jews.
Modern antisemitism has primarily been described as hatred against Jews as a race, a form of racism, rather than hatred against Jews as a religious group, because its modern expression is rooted in 18th century racial theories, while anti-Judaism is described as hostility towards the Jewish religion, a sentiment which is rooted in but more extreme than criticism of Judaism as a religion, but in Western Christianity, anti-Judaism was transformed into antisemitism during the 12th century.

Christianity and violence
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"A great general has said that the only good Indian is a dead one. In a sense, I agree with the sentiment, but only in this: that all the Indian there is in the race should be dead." - Richard Henry Pratt
Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families to attend these boarding schools to face stripping of their traditions by going through refinement and civilization. These schools stood as mental exhaustion for these students having to adapt to European ways in such a short time period while being so used to the way they were raised traditionally and culturally. These kids were sent to boarding school at such a young age that sparked high suicide rates. This also increased substance abuse within these students as they suffered severe disorders such as depression and PTSD posing as the main disorders several endured, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The trauma they faced only advanced their severe depression causing suicidal thoughts and survivors were left vulnerable to serious PTSD.

American Indian boarding schools, also known more recently as American Indian Residential Schools, were established in the United States from the mid 17th to the early 20th centuries with a primary objective of "civilizing" or assimilating Native American children and youth into Euro-American culture. In the process, these schools denigrated Native American culture and made children give up their languages and religion. At the same time the schools provided a basic Western education. These boarding schools were first established by Christian missionaries of various denominations.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries especially, the government paid religious orders to provide basic education to Native American children on reservations, and later established its own schools on reservations.

Children were typically immersed in European-American culture. Schools forced removal of indigenous cultural signifiers: cutting the children's hair, having them wear American-style uniforms, forbidding them from speaking their indigenous languages, and replacing their tribal names with English-language names (saints names under some religious orders) for use at the schools, as part of assimilation and to "Christianize" them.


Since the earliest days of Christianity, theologians expressed pervasive anxiety about Jews as equal members of society, and, with European expansion in the early modern period, that anxiety extended to people of color. This troubling legacy still haunts us today. Christian Supremacy demonstrates how theological and legal frameworks created by the church centuries ago laid the seeds of antisemitism and anti-Black racism and reveals why Christian identity lies at the heart of the world’s violent white supremacy movements.


The sexual abuse of indigenous children in boarding schools was set in the hands of those running and in charge of these programs. These adults who were their teachers, nuns, and priests performed these acts upon their students. They were touched and molested to be used as pleasure for these mentors who were supposed to educate them. Also used as objects and sexually abusing these students forming rotations to switch in and out whenever done sexually tormenting the next. These adults also used sexual abuse as a form of embarrassment towards each other. Tracing the Path of Violence Several students experienced an assault that, “can only be described as unconscionable, it was a violation not only of a child’s body but an assault on their spirit.” This act created a silent majority among the children who were victims in silence. This recurred throughout the boarding schools across the nation in different scenarios. Such as boys being sexually assaulted on their 13th birthdays to girls being forcibly taken at night by the priest to be used as objects.


“How can you say the majority of murderers were ‘Christian’?” That answer is simple: the 1991 Rwandan census recorded it, and there is no reason to doubt its accuracy.

Twenty-eight years ago this month, in the skies above the small African country of Rwanda, a plane was shot down, killing President Habiyarimana and all on board.

Plans were already in place, and the massacre began immediately. By July, close to one million Rwandans, mostly Tutsi Christians, had been killed by their fellow Rwandans, mostly Hutu Christians.

One-third of the murders took place on church property, often with the complicity of clergy from nearly every denomination represented.

Christianity had come to Rwanda in the late 19th century with Catholic priests known as White Fathers who followed the colonial powers. Rwanda’s leader was converted, and by 1920 the majority of the population was Christian. Eventually, missionaries of most Protestant denominations arrived.


U.S. Catholic and Protestant denominations operated more than 150 boarding schools between the 19th and 20th centuries, according to researchers. Native American and Alaskan Native children were regularly severed from their tribal families, customs, language and religion and brought to the schools in a push to assimilate and Christianize them.
In Canada, where more than 150, 000 Indigenous children attended residential schools over more than a century, a National Truth and Reconciliation Commission identified 3, 201 deaths amid poor conditions.
The Jesuit-affiliated America Magazine is urging U.S. Catholic bishops not to repeat their mishandling of cases of child sex abuse by priests.


The historical records are clear: Native tribes knew American colonists were coming for their lands by any means necessary — and millions were slaughtered in the process. Jeffrey Ostler, Beekman Professor of Northwest and Pacific History at the University of Oregon, joins guest host John McCaa to talk about how America was built in part on relentless violence and Native American dispossession. His book is called “Surviving Genocide: Native Nations and the United States from the American Revolution to Bleeding Kansas.”


“White Christians must come alongside their siblings of color and endeavor to see and feel the effects of white supremacy.”
Three things white Christians can do to address white supremacy: Lament, repent, dissent

Instead of being defensive, white Christians must focus on actively listening to people of color as they recount their experiences with white supremacy. Rather than accusing people of color of “playing the race card, ” white Christians need to give deference to them, earnestly seeking to grow in understanding.

In view of this, white Christians should humbly submit themselves to the guidance of their siblings of color as it pertains to white supremacy. Christians of color know all too well what white supremacy looks like. Consequently, they can bring to the attention of white Christians any blind spots they may have in this area.

“Wherever damage has been done,  restitution and repair are required.”

The silence of white Christian leaders in the face of white supremacy makes them complicit in its disregard for the imago Dei (“image of God”) in people of color. In essence,  silence sends a deafening message: “You don’t matter to us!”


Christianity is targeted by critics of colonialism because the tenets of the religion were used to justify the actions of the colonists.

Falola cites Jan H. Boer of the Sudan United Mission as saying, "Colonialism is a form of imperialism based on a divine mandate and designed to bring liberation – spiritual, cultural, economic and political – by sharing the blessings of the Christ-inspired civilization of the West with a people suffering under satanic oppression, ignorance and disease, effected by a combination of political, economic and religious forces that cooperate under a regime seeking the benefit of both ruler and ruled."

Michael Wood asserts that the indigenous peoples were not considered to be human beings and that the colonisers was shaped by "centuries of Ethnocentrism, and Christian monotheism, which espoused one truth, one time and version of reality."

During the Age of Discovery, the Catholic Church inaugurated a major effort to spread Christianity in the New World and to convert the Native Americans and other indigenous people.
Christian Missions to the indigenous peoples ran hand-in-hand with the colonial efforts of Catholic nations.

Christian leaders and Christian doctrines have been accused of justifying and perpetrating violence against Native Americans found in the New World.

The Native Americans only gave way to the force of the European after they were overcome with the diseases the Europeans had spread. The Evangelization of the natives in the Americas began with private colonization. The Crown tried to establish rules to protect the natives against any unjust war of conquest. The Spanish could start a war against those who rejected the kings authority and who were aware and also rejected Christianity. There was a doctrine developed that allowed the conquest of natives if they were uncivilized.

Friars and Jesuits learned native languages instead of teaching the natives Spanish because they were trying to protect them from the colonists’ negative influences. In addition, the missionaries felt it was important to show the positive aspects of the new religion to the natives after the epidemics and harsh conquest that had just occurred.

A large body of scientific work exists examining entanglements between Jesuit missions, western science emanating from Jesuit-founded universities, colonization and globalization. Since the global Jesuit network grew so large as to necessitate direct connections between branches without passing though Vatican, Jesuit order can be seen as one of the earliest examples of global organizations and globalization.

Christianity and colonialism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Nyarubuye massacre is the name which is given to the killing of an estimated 20, 000 civilians on April 15, 1994 at the Nyarubuye Roman Catholic Church


White Christian America Needs a Moral Awakening
By confronting their faith’s legacy of racism, white Christians can build a better future for themselves, and their fellow Americans.
The history of white supremacy among white Catholics is more complex, but the connection to white supremacy is equally clear. With its roots in Western Europe, Roman Catholicism has a long history of colonialism, particularly in Africa and the global South, where centuries of atrocities against Black and brown peoples were justified by the conviction that white Christians were God’s chosen means of “civilizing” the world. In the United States, Catholics and Catholic institutions were prominent slaveholders in the 18th and 19th centuries and forced enslaved people to convert to the religion. In late-18th-century Maryland, for example, one-fifth of Catholics were enslaved people owned by white Catholics or white Catholic institutions.


"kill the Indian in the child."
Attempts to assimilate Indigenous peoples were rooted in imperial colonialism centred around European worldviews and cultural practices, and a concept of land ownership based on the discovery doctrine.
"Underlying these arguments was the belief that the colonizers were bringing civilization to savage people who could never civilize themselves ... a belief of racial and cultural superiority."

Students in the residential school system were faced with a multitude of abuses by teachers and administrators, including sexual and physical assault. They suffered from malnourishment and harsh discipline that would not have been tolerated in any other Canadian school system.

Corporal punishment was often justified by a belief that it was the only way to save souls or punish and deter runaways – whose injuries or death sustained in their efforts to return home would become the legal responsibility of the school. Overcrowding, poor sanitation, inadequate heating, and a lack of medical care led to high rates of influenza and tuberculosis; in one school, the death rate reached 69 percent. Federal policies that tied funding to enrollment numbers led to sick children being enrolled to boost numbers, thus introducing and spreading disease. The problem of unhealthy children was further exacerbated by the conditions of the schools themselves – overcrowding and poor ventilation, water quality and sewage systems.

Residential school deaths were common and have been linked to poorly constructed and maintained facilities.

Research by the TRC revealed that at least 3, 201 students had died, mostly from disease. TRC chair Justice Murray Sinclair has suggested that the number of deaths may exceed 6, 000.

The 1906 Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, submitted by chief medical officer Peter Bryce, highlighted that the "Indian population of Canada has a mortality rate of more than double that of the whole population, and in some provinces
more than three times".

Survivors of residential schools and their families have been found to suffer from historical trauma with a lasting and adverse effect on the transmission of Indigenous culture between generations. A 2010 study led by Gwen Reimer explained historic trauma, passed on intergenerationally, as the process through which "cumulative stress and grief experienced by Aboriginal communities is translated into a collective experience of cultural disruption and a collective memory of powerlessness and loss". This trauma has been used to explain the persistent negative social and cultural impacts of colonial rule and residential schools, including the prevalence of sexual abuse, alcoholism, drug addiction, lateral violence, mental illness and suicide among Indigenous peoples.


Seeing the overt mingling of Christian symbols with those of the white nationalist movement has sparked intense interest in the role of religion in extremist movements in the United States, and rightfully so. 
But how is white supremacy embedded in American Christianity? And what does this mean for our current moment? On this Democracy Day, we break down the ideas behind this history and how it continues to play out today. 

“The basic idea was that Europeans, who were Christian, had the blessings of the church and the authority of the state to so-called discover any of the lands that were occupied by non-Christian, non-European people, ” Jones explained. ”And when they did they had the right to dominate those people and confiscate those lands.” 

Jones describes this belief as something that is “deep in the DNA of the European Christendom that comes to America.” 


As part of our political education and spiritual reclamation work, Soulforce is delighted to offer you this free digital resource, "What is Christian Supremacy?". This is a short primer that defines Christian Supremacy for organizers, activists, and healers who want to create a shared language to combat the weaponization of Christianity against marginalized people around the world.


Followers of the Book of Mormon believe in a prophecy in which Latino and Indigenous people are the ancestors of evil Israelites that migrated to modern-day North America, and that converting a child would relinquish their curse of dark skin and obtain white skin in the afterlife.

The God-fearing Nephites were “pure” (the word was officially changed from “white” in 1981) and “delightsome.” The idol-worshiping Lamanites received the “curse of blackness, ” turning their skin dark.

According to the Book of Mormon, by 385 AD the dark-skinned Lamanites had wiped out other Hebrews. The Mormon church called the victors “the principal ancestors of the American Indians.” If the Lamanites returned to the church, their skin could once again become white.
