How Many Questions Should You Ask In An Interview? - Coaching Moment

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Welcome to Coaching Moment. This is a series where the Work It Daily team will sit down and give you some straight-talk advice on comments we're getting here on YouTube.

In today's episode, JT O'Donnell addresses how many questions you should be asking during a job interview.

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I asked about 8 or 9 questions in my phone interview friday. My hiring mgr answered them completely and was pretty at length with it. I'll consider that a good thing. Meant she liked me, I guess. Either that or that's just her personality.


Great video!
What questions should be asked if the interview is for a promotion within the company? What would the 4C's be then?


Thank you, straight to the point and aligned with reality, as always. Also, I need to add, fabulous jacket you're wearing, top quality! (I can't help it, I'm a garment person...:-) )


I love your recommendation to ask about referencing notes/questions prepared before the interview. I've been bringing my laptop to interviews where my notes/questions have been prepared. Do you recommend doing this? Still asking permission to use my laptop? Thanks!!


I'm mostly nervous during my interviews.
What's the best way to overcome this?
Do more mock interviews with different professionals/friends/family members?
Any suggestions would be helpful..


I just ran into a tricky situation....Back in December I interviewed with a company for a position as a contractor, that interview was with the person who would be my boss. Recently, the company opened a conversion posting for those of us wanting to stay on as Full Time employees (doing the same job). This time the interview was with my boss and a counterpart of his (since she also has contractors in her team wanting to convert). I prepared for my interview but did not think about asking questions. When it got to that part of the interview I was a little stuck. I could not ask the same questions I did back in December and at this point I've worked in that company 10 months so I feel pretty comfortable. Any suggestions on what I should have asked?


Loving all these videos! I was trying to find a video on what to wear for an interview. But can't seem to find one. Do you have any? I have a couple of interviews this week and I've been on 4 already and no luck. I wanted to make sure that my dress attire isn't the issue.


I ran into an interesting scenario in a recent interview where the phone interviewer was on the other side of the country, and so had no intimate knowledge of the team, supervisor, or the office culture. The questions I had in mind were pretty specific to that office, so what can I ask in these situation where the interviewer is not equipped to answer them?


Nice informative. I have a question..what is the best way to get a job in New York City if I am living in a different city?? Any tips??
