Christian Homemaking, Saving & Managing Money, Role of a Biblical Wife

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Christian Homemaking, Saving & Managing Money

Perfect Supplement Sale: 27% off PLUS use my code for an additional 10% off through Thursday.
Favorite products, Collagen, Gelatin, Beef Liver and Magnesium Powder

My other videos on Building Your Home Economy:

Mentioned in today's video:

#christianhomemaking #christianhomemaker #homeeconomics #homeeconomy #biblicalwife
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Perfect Supplement Sale has started! 27% off PLUS use my code for an additional 10% off through Thursday.
Favorite products- Collagen, Gelatin, Beef Liver and Magnesium Powder


In the early 80s in England we were taught Home Economics as a subject at school, everyone, boy and girl. Budgeting was a big thing growing up in the 70s and depended on the whole marriage understanding this


God is answering my prayer to take away my desire to buy new clothing and replace it with a desire and ability to see and knit them myself. However, in my fallen nature, I’ve replaced that that desire with a desire to buy fabric and yarn. I’m now praying for discernment and the ability to deny myself. Modern convenience and instant gratification have made extremely difficult for me to really prioritize purchases and discern between needs and wants or when to postpone a purchase


My husband and I have always said… “Poverty builds character “… God will always provide for His children. ❤


I’m about to become an empty nester and while I thought this meant I would ramp up my hours at work, my husband shared he would prefer time with me in this season more than any amount of money I would bring in. We spent our entire marriage doing everything for our daughter and now it’s time for us! I’m working on a new mindset and a heart that continues to trust in Gods plan when a lot of our friends and family are questioning it. Luckily, I’ve only ever worked outside of the home part time and never used my income for expenses. We’ve learned to be strategic and smart with money! Also, this game will end up under the Christmas tree with my daughter’s name on it #teachthemyoung 😊


Shopping manager specials at Sprouts is so much fun for me and truly feels like a way I'm providing for my family. When I'm able to feed my family of 7 for under $600 (sometimes even $400 or $500) month, I feel like I have won the money game in my head!


This video blessed me immensely. I believe in being wise with our money; being a diligent steward. God has been impressing it upon my heart and in turn, my actions in this respect. This encourages me more in the Lord and doing as He commands of us! Not married yet (pray for me haha) but as I prepare, gaining Godly wisdom and knowledge as such from a Christian wife that you are Kelli is a blessing. God bless you.


Love this video! I stopped watching for a minute to search for the game cash flow and it is SO expensive now! That will be my thrift unicorn i’m shopping for! Thanks so much for sharing and for your genuine desire for teaching with a heart full of integrity!!! Much love!


I love Proverbs. Some people call it old 🗝️🗝️ wives tales but you can find truth there.


Hi great video! I’ve got beef liver from our local farm then would freeze in pill size chucks and then take one eat day like a pill with water. Fresh raw liver actually tastes pretty good! But if you don’t want to taste it, freezing it is a great idea. 😊


Thank-you for the hard work you put into these well thought out videos. They are very informative and interesting at the same time. ( And it's ok if you don't get it all just right).


Wow! I imagine that staying in any kind of historical building would be so cool!
We all knew what you meant, so don’t let negative people get to you.

I was hoping you might give us a video about wearing skirts and dresses through the cold months. I have gotten used to them and I now feel uncomfortable and a bit self conscious in jeans and I don’t want to go back to them. I know you can just put leggings on but do you have more tips and tricks?
Thank you for sharing your life with us! It has been such a blessing to me!


Unfortunately I had an abusive husband. I raised my 2 sons as a single mom. I always wanted to be a homemaker. I had been for the first 7 years of my marriage. So the best I could do was work part time and live as frugally as possible in order to be a homemaker and raise my children. It was hard. Now I'm an empty nester and disabled living on the system. However, it seems not much has changed because I was so use to doing without luxuries but I always have everything I need. Prudence and frugality for the win.


I wondered if you were still drinking liver smoothies. 🤣 Ah the slave quarters, AKA mother-in-law houses. That is interesting experience to share with people how to make do. I'm imagining your designer Herman Miller moving box seats. When buying deeply discounted items, people should consider its longevity and storage requirements. That looks like a fun board game.


I get to be a home 🏠🏡 maker 😁 it's great.


Great video Kelli . Have you looked into barley to use in recipes for added protein? Azure has it and it's so cheap for 25lbs. I'll use a cup of that ground up in place of hard red or white in recipes like waffles. It's also a good rice substitute.


Have you seen improvement with your liver since eating liver or taking the liver supplements?


Thank you for ALL this information. 😊 What do you think about the Trim Healthy Mama products? They also have a super helpful podcast on all healthy things… I need to buy the collagen now … I use it for coffee and oatmeal.


What capsule making machine do you have?


I dont understand the hype around Azure Standard. The prices seem so high. I guess I just like Costco.
