What 'Shogun' Actually Means #Shorts

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When you hear the word “shogun,” you’d probably imagine the samurai leader ruling Japan. But strictly speaking, the original meaning is different. Shogun is an abbreviation for 征夷大将軍 Seii-Taishogun, a title originally given to those appointed to conquer the northeastern region of Japan, formerly known as 蝦夷 Emishi.
In other words, the first shogun, 坂上田村麻呂 Sakagami Tamuramaro, was a warrior, but not exactly a samurai. And his conquest of the Emishi temporarily abolished the shogun title.
The next time this title was brought back was at the end of the Heian period. When civil conflicts broke out at the Imperial Court, 木曽義仲 Kiso Yoshinaka was appointed to defeat 源頼朝 Minamoto no Yoritomo, who was trying to raise the power of samurai.
However, Minamoto no Yoritomo eventually became powerful enough to establish the Kamakura Shogunate and rule Japan. Yoritomo then requested the title of Shogun from the Imperial Court, and from then the definition of Shogun became "the head of the samurai and leader of the country" as we imagine today.
By the way, in Japanese we call the Shogunate 幕府 bakufu. The term "bakufu" was originally used to call the camp curtains set up when attacking the East.
If you’d like to learn more about Japanese traditional culture, Kyoto, and social problems in Japan, please check out my channel & subscribe!
*The content is based on personal studies and experience
There is no intention of denying other theories and cultural aspects
▼Who is Shogo? What is this channel about?▼
▼Related videos in this channel▼
-Tokugawa Ieyasu was Killed in the Battle of Osaka? ft. The Shogunate
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“To make every Japan lovers’ dream come true, by making Japan a more secure, comfortable, and safer place for everyone to visit, study, and live in”
I will be using the profit I gain from this channel at restaurants, hotels, and cultural facilities in Kyoto to introduce them. The more you watch the videos on this channel, Kyoto and Japan will become a more exciting place, and you can support your own and others’ dreams in the future even more.
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♪Sound effects♪
かわいいフリー素材屋 いらすとや
#shogun #shogunate #sakanouenotamuramaro
In other words, the first shogun, 坂上田村麻呂 Sakagami Tamuramaro, was a warrior, but not exactly a samurai. And his conquest of the Emishi temporarily abolished the shogun title.
The next time this title was brought back was at the end of the Heian period. When civil conflicts broke out at the Imperial Court, 木曽義仲 Kiso Yoshinaka was appointed to defeat 源頼朝 Minamoto no Yoritomo, who was trying to raise the power of samurai.
However, Minamoto no Yoritomo eventually became powerful enough to establish the Kamakura Shogunate and rule Japan. Yoritomo then requested the title of Shogun from the Imperial Court, and from then the definition of Shogun became "the head of the samurai and leader of the country" as we imagine today.
By the way, in Japanese we call the Shogunate 幕府 bakufu. The term "bakufu" was originally used to call the camp curtains set up when attacking the East.
If you’d like to learn more about Japanese traditional culture, Kyoto, and social problems in Japan, please check out my channel & subscribe!
*The content is based on personal studies and experience
There is no intention of denying other theories and cultural aspects
▼Who is Shogo? What is this channel about?▼
▼Related videos in this channel▼
-Tokugawa Ieyasu was Killed in the Battle of Osaka? ft. The Shogunate
-Akechi Mitsuhide was Alive After the Honnoji Incident? ft. The Shogunate
-3 Reasons Why the Shogun Didn't Defeat the Emperor
“To make every Japan lovers’ dream come true, by making Japan a more secure, comfortable, and safer place for everyone to visit, study, and live in”
I will be using the profit I gain from this channel at restaurants, hotels, and cultural facilities in Kyoto to introduce them. The more you watch the videos on this channel, Kyoto and Japan will become a more exciting place, and you can support your own and others’ dreams in the future even more.
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The perfect channel to learn about Japanese culture and history in your spare time, during your walk to school or work, and when you are cooking or doing house chores.
Not only will I be covering the topics in this main channel, but also some topics that you will only be able to enjoy in the sub-channel, like answering questions I receive, and my opinions towards some of the comments.
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▼[Places recommended to visit in Kyoto] "Kyoto Hidden Gems" series▼
*Please ask me questions through the DM here!(⚠️I do not use e-mail)
♪Sound effects♪
かわいいフリー素材屋 いらすとや
#shogun #shogunate #sakanouenotamuramaro