Linux Mint 21

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Today I am providing you with a review of Linux Mint 21, This release is based on Ubuntu 22.04 and custom code from the Linux Mint Team. The release is solid, and I ran into no issues when installing it, or configuring it so I could look at features in the release. Linux Kernel 5.15 is supposed to have a native NTFS driver, but I have yet to see any distro use it, so I assume there is something wrong with it. The NTFS-3g driver (FUSE) is installed by default and will provide you with full NTFS support (Read and Write). I also put the system through my usual benchmarks bring based on Ubuntu 22.04 it is no surprise it performs about the same. I did try the kconstrutor/hardening scripts for Ubuntu on LM 21, and they work find as long as you modify the scripts/pre to point to LinuxMint instead of Ubuntu.

00:00 - Intro
00:16 - Overview
01:23 - System Requirements
02:29 - Upgrading from LM 20.3
02:50 - Key Features
04:51 - Linux Kernell
06:13 - LM Hardening
07:39 - Final Thoughts
08:43 - Benchmarks

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Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Werq by Kevin MacLeod

Industrial Cinematic by Kevin MacLeod

Music Used in this video
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

#Review #Linux #LinuxMint
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I think Linux Mint has always been a good choice for a new Linux user coming from Windows.


Great to see your review of Mint 21, i've not had a chance to check it out myself here. Years ago i ran Mint on many machines and installed it for others but generally preferred LMDE. The only thing i wish hadn't changed with Mint is the removal of KDE as a default desktop edition. When not running Qubes here these days KDE Neon is now my favorite. I'd be curious to see you do a KDE Neon review someday, i don't see too many people talking about it but i love it. Have a great week Don! :)


Mint 21 looks fine and works fine. But just like it is in Linux, I cant let my personal standpoint out of the game and so I use LMDE 5 💪🤗


Thanks, DJ. I have it installed on a Asus G73jh. I used it on a stream a few weeks ago. Mint is nicely put together but I have never considered it for a daily driver.


Mint is always a good option.
I personally prefer Mate and things just work out fine.
👍 DJ.


I'm done with Arch updates, and the underlying pressure to update your system (we don't remind you, but we kill you if you don't), and tbh I'm actually debating going to Mint again. It's just good.


Wish you had added a section at the end showing aspiring Mintites how to increase the hardening index. This would be a comfort in an unsafe world.


Thanks. Will there be any re-rerun on that sore-thumb PostMark 1.51 test? Why would it's cousin UB22.04 be so mach faster?


I still can't quite figure out why Linux Mint cannot span multi-monitor wallpaper backgrounds correctly on 2 monitors. This is the only GNOME based distribution that gives you the option to span wallpaper between 2 monitors, but will take your image and simply plop it between the two monitors with black background on either side. This functionality exists in GNOME (and you can take advantage of it using GNOME Tweaks), but it seems to be broken in Linux Mint. Maybe it's the Cinnamon desktop only; I have not tried this in Mate or XFCE.


Thanks for the video. If I understand right, Mint is not a privacy/anonymity distro like Tails or Whonix? Is that right?


Mint Cinnamon is nice except for the icon theme, but this is easily changed. I like Cinnamon and the new upgrader. Very easy to use, but I'm still happy with Debian 11 Xfce.


I dunno?....but it seems Linux Mint 21 doesn't like ThinkPads....Dell XPS's....or Huawai Matebook X Pros....I've tried to upgrade a current drive running 20.3...and every time?...I get a crashed system. Sorry....I don't have time for troubleshooting what should be a smooth upgrade backing up my data?...and attempting the upgrade?...I et a black screen with an error every single time stating there's an issue with displays and graphics....

No thanks...I'll just go back to Fedora Linux...have been using that distro since I first touched down in Linux...and I know it....and have been through hell and back with it...(Dependency Hell to be exact!...LOL!) so nah...its pretty but I'll pass....
