Sunday Sabbath Stumbling Block?! 🤔

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❤ Jesus is the sabbath. He did all the work and I rest in Him. ❤


The sabbath was made for man . Not man for the sabbath. The Sabbath was made for us to rest. It wasn’t made for anything else. I just praise the LORD that he has given me a day to rest in him physically. The rest of the week to rest in him mentally. Thank you GOD !


We are to worship every day; praying, singing worship songs, reading the Bible are forms of worship. We are commanded to REST from our work on the Seventh Day. Fellowship is important as well. Blessings to all who are in Messiah.


There are so many excuses flying around this comment section for why people don't keep the Sabbath. Just read the Word, study, pray and meditate. If the Holy Spirit is convicting you on this, don't ignore that conviction.


You are absolutely right! The Sabbath starts Friday about 5 minutes before sunset. This is when you start the Sabbath ceremony. We started doing the Sabbath ceremony in 2020. When I was at one of my lowest points in my life. My daughter had been injured for almost 6 years. At the age of 10, she sustained a head injury and that gave her a constant migraine. The migraine prevented her from attending school. She was unable to read, write, or leave the house. The doctors did cat scans, and mri's. One doctor said consider this her new norm. I kept hoping. Then we took her to the Mayo clinic another mri, and other tests. Then I turned to God. We started having nightly Bible reading, out loud. Because she could no longer read. Each one of us would pray. Then I said to God. I want to obey all of the Ten Commandments. When we did that, we started the Sabbath ceremony. Then God opened doors I did know existed. We learned about deliverance and healing. My daughter was healed on January 10th, 2021. She is now in school and enjoying life.

Satan has us fooled by saying two candles are for a romantic dinner. No! The two candles are for women to wave in the light. Because Eve blew out the light of life when she took a bite out of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The ceremony also helps keep families together.


Thank you for that. I confronted my pastor about this issue along with scripture that states the true sabbath is on Saturday. I was raised to go to church on Sunday but for quite a few years this has been bothering me. I feel I’m am breaking the fourth commandment by doing this. My pastor sent me some links showing me why we call our Sabbath on Sunday but one of the things I’ve read was the church changed it to Sunday. I reached back to him telling him this is a man made law, not God’s law. Back in the ancient days the Emperor Constantine made a decree that the Jews worship on Saturday and Christians worship on Sunday.
My Pastor has made no more comments to this subject along with other subjects that I have brought up in regards to the Mark Of The Beast and beginning of Sorrows which we are now going through. I feel that the churches need to talk about this more to prepare people for what’s coming.

Thank you again for this video clip! 🙏
More and more I’m reading and hearing thru programs that the true Sabbath is on Saturday


you are correct. I keep Saturday Sabbath like Jesus😊. No commandment to change to Sunday that is the right to say. Sabbath is the worship day🙏


I have began keeping the true Sabbath not because of anyone or anything but because the Holy Spirit has placed it on my heart. I also am acquainting myself with the Jewish Holy feasts and festivals so i may observe them as God has commended in his Holy Word.


Amen!❤ I used to struggle with this, but the truth keeps coming back to me.
I keep and try to keep it Holy. God bless you!


Jesus IS our Sabbath -- we rest in Him. What day we choose to worship as a group is not bound to any day -- Saturday or Sunday. Ours is a relationship with a person, not a set of religious traditions. We are ONE WITH CHRIST.. He lives in us. Tread carefully before you get caught up in this...

It is lovely to set aside the biblical sabbath and worship in that way because you want to honor GOD. But it does not make you any more 'right' or 'holy' than someone who worships on Tuesday.

I understand the debate over sunday/constantine.... but you are missing the point. We are with Jesus all the time and supposed to be in constant communication with him.

This indicates that our present pastors are just as religious as the high priests of Jesus' days, lack deep relationship with the Messiah. 😢 No wonder we are still wondering 😢


I usually go on Sundays, but I know in my heart that God never changes the Sabbath Day.


Yes I too keep the 7th day Sabbath. It’s the 4th commandment and starts out with the word “Remember “❤


Shabbat shalom We did Sunday for years..but it was not about rest and renewal..but just a day to attend church..we have been observing the sabbath as instructed in Torah for three years now..and when I say oh what joy and abundance this change has brought..I truly mean it. It literally means to return to the covenant..We say goodbye to the week behind and bless the week a wife..mother of 3..and caretaker to 9 pets..the sabbath is not just a day to go to a service's a day to is not my the dishes will wait..the fur will collect in corners..and I will walk by that dirty sock..because this is a day set apart onto Him!! We light our Shabbat lamp..bless the day... blow our shofar and go through our Torah portions. Saturday morning is my date with Abba.. He wakes me up early, and I research and learn..sabbath is Saturday, and we should observe. According to His guidelines, not our own


We just learned of this and have changed to Saturday. Also, stopped eating pork and found it is everywhere.
Thank you for this message ❤


Exodus says Sabbath is an אות (ote) a sign, or distinguishing mark between HIM and HIS firstborn.... Israel is HIS firstborn.... We are grafted in .... There's no gentile gate in the new Jerusalem.... Citizens of the commonwealth... Need to understand the statutes and judgments of HIS kingdom...

Ecclesiastes 36:27 HIS spirit the Holy Spirit placed in us will cause us to be careful to walk in HIS statutes and keep HIS judgments.

Statutes + Judgments = Torah
Statutes = Loving GOD
Judgments = Loving others as self.

On these two depend the whole law and prophets Matt 22:37-40.

May HE bless us all with eyes that see, ears that hear, and hearts that understand .


Keeping the sabbath is a commandment. Jesus led the way for us. I’m a follower and believer of Jesus Christ and I see every church that does Sunday worship a branch of the Catholic Church. Who are we to decide how God wants to be worshipped? It’s all laid out for us we need to obey. Not obey traditions of men.


Yes, in the 10 Commandments we are to keep the sabbath day holy and it’s really meant that way. We are trying to make so many changes in this world that it doesn’t make any sense violating one of the most important 10 Commandments.😮


We lost 11 calendar days when we switched to Gregorian calendar. HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT DAY IT REALLY IS?
