Candlelight - A Dungeons and Dragons Inspired Original Song Feat. Anne Dorko

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Hey hey guys!

Check out these amazing people that helped make this video possible:

▼ Anne Dorko ; known on TikTok for doing DnD inspired songs from characters submitted by their viewers!

▼ Mars, the absolutely amazing artist for this video!


I don't need the sun to come outshine the rain
It eventually sets and brings the darkness again
It attempts to burn the shadows that melt on my skin
So bright that it won't notice I'm not trying to win

This isn't some battle I've already fought
It's left me with scars that I never forgot
I'm broken and bent all my energy spent
And I just want to find time to sleep

There is comfort in the candelight
that silent spark in the night
it lets the darkness play with the light
rather than running away

There is softness in the sparks you shine
I hope that they will stay mine
In the time that we have left
Though I don't know how long it is yet
I won't be alone

I don't need the moon
To scare the dark away
I love the way she casts
The shadows on my face
So gentle in the twilight
I'm just trying to be
In the moment, become whole
With what is left of me

I've been spending nights
Burning it all at both ends
I cannot sustain
I can no longer pretend
The light I can provide
Needs somewhere quiet to hide
While I find somewhere safe I can sleep

There is comfort in the firelight
That strength to last through the night
It lets the darkness play with the light
And I'm not running away
There is power in the sparks you shine
I hope that they will stay mine
In the time that we have left
Though I don't know long it is yet
I won't be alone
Рекомендации по теме

I love the symbolism of her holding the candle with her bare hands like she finds comfort and peace in the light but needs to feel pain to be entirely like there... you know?


You know it's gonna be a good day when a new Cami Cat song comes out


This song has brought inspiration and life to a character I only ever lightly thought of creating


Its good to see Ilanya again. Its fitting that she's in the song after watching the Running up that Hill cover. After the hell she went through including the loss of her loved one. Its so fitting. Now she's a tired warrior whose found peace and comfort from the light of a candle. Its perfect.


I'm currently in the middle of a nightmare of a closing shift at work, I'm just feeling absolutely shattered with no sign of being done any time soon at 1 am. Seeing this song and hearing it is ironically that candlelight I've been looking for in this dark hour. Thanks, for giving me something to cling to


I can always trust Cami to supply me with my fantasy-inspired love song fix! This one though… It’s making me emotional too 😭 You and Anne cut straight to my soul with this one


I feel a warmth spreading through my heart from this. In my mind's eye I see a single candle casting dancing shadows in a small room with a beautiful full moon shining through the window on the house overlooking a port town. The gentle waves lapping over the shore as a cold air slowly becomes warm under the flames touch.


This song gooood. I can legit feel my heart falling warm because of this song. Keep up the amazing work Cami-Cat because your voice is like an Angel.


A car I've been restoring for over a year started for the first time today, and Cami came out with another song to make me have feels. It's a good day.


It's not the strongest of the light that's needed, but one that no matter how weak, will always burn by your side.

What a lovely gift you have given us~


Your range of genre and music capability never ceases to astound me. Beautiful as always.

I'm so glad I found your channel.


That was absolutely lovely. Thank you, Cami. Thank you very much for this calming masterpiece.


This is so hauntingly beautiful and peaceful, I love it. Time to throw this on loop for hours on end


I always love Cami's voice, but I was not expecting Anne's. So clear and clean. What a damn fine duet!


The art is stunning, the lyrics and music soothing and the starting quote just melts your heart. Truly beautiful piece.


That hits hard, it feels incredible too. Cami won't see this but after the day I just had this really and sincerely helped. Thank you, sincerely, to every person who helped with this song


Wow, talk about the feels train. There’s a romance in candlelight that I didn’t know about til this song


Every Cami-Cat song is a certified banger, a bop even.


This was wonderful Cami. It truly captured the character. And it seemed to fit my current Fey'ri Hexblade, only he is the one in darkness. Truly beautiful.


Such a beautiful, bittersweet piece! You never cease to amaze me with your work!
