Julian Baggini - Godless Gospel

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I am creating videos sort of documenting my journey as I explore the big questions of life. This includes me sharing things I've learnt, interviewing experts and having conversations with others.

My interests span from religion and philosophy through mathematics and computing. I aim to produce some more formal content teaching and elucidating concepts and other more informal videos discussing ideas with guests.
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This was a great chat. Very informative. It was nice to see someone not arguing for an absolutist position, but more the messiness of the actual world and how to get somewhere in exploring this. I would love to see more him in the future.


Thanks for the interview. I remember first seeing Julian as a guest on closer to truth a few years ago. I remember reading his piece on his fathers passing and being touched.



Another great interview Nathan. Julian had lots of good ideas, like Christianity borrowing lots from Plato. I am in Australia and the volley of advertisments was overwhelming. We just got a couple of minutes of interview then more ads. Half an hour in there have been over 15 advert. breaks. Never seen so many. Youtube has gone over the top with ads. We need an alternative to Youtube and Facebook.


I knew I would enjoy this interview. I had only encountered Julian through his books and articles, but they created an image in my head of a thoughtful, reflective person - and I do not mean by that just intellectually, but from the heart he is reflective too - give people the benefit of the doubt, we are all trying our best, and we are all a bit rubbish at it.

When it comes to the terminology of “we are all a bit rubbish at it”, I intensely dislike the term sin; at least when it is used in a religious sense. I prefer the word “mistakes”. We all make mistakes, sometimes we make bloody big mistakes too, but still mistakes. I like the word mistake because it seems to me to immediately include the Idea that we can learn from our mistakes.

I did like Julian’s emphasis on how our mistakes shape who we are, that they damage us as well as others. I like to see this as we are unfinished people, still being fashioned by our thoughts, words and actions - so fashion carefully or you may end up not liking what you are becoming.


I think the gospel is not about values, rather, it’s about the image we (they) have (had) of God- proscriber v Father, exclusivist v commonly caring.


I really enjoyed this conversation, especially his points on ethics.


Be perfect AS the Father is perfect… that’s different to religious moral perfection.


Very enjoyable discussion with an affable man. (His project bears some similarities to Thomas Jefferson's "Jefferson Bible." Did he mention that in his book? Just curious.)


Good interview Nathan. Physicalism presupposed. Baggini - accepted Dominion as trivially true, then tries to explain his own morality from being a decent human. The moral facts we use collectively in western society are the result of Dominion. Subjective experience of "God" that is veridical is necessary.
