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do you have a dress code at your school? watch my haul to know what appropriate clothes you should wear to school! :-)

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HONESTLY the 'you got dress coded' clothes they give you are more distracting than the 'inappropriate' clothes, it's amazing


I was in school, and I was wearing a sleeveless muscle shirt type thing. My teacher decided that my shoulder was so extremely distracting to the boys that were doing there class work, as was I. The class was dead silent and he calls out "ELIZABETH! I can see your shoulders, go to the office to get a different shirt to wear!" I asked him "Sir, what's wrong with my shoulders? Everyone has them...." and he had the nerve to say to me "Whats wrong with your shoulders?" Well, your distracting the boys from there learning." I continued with "My shoulders aren't distracting to my classmates, you calling me out and sexualizing my shoulders is!" He yelled some other things that I didn't pay attention to, and I said as I was walking out of the classroom "Dearest classmates of the male gender, I'm extremely sorry that my shoulders make your willies go wild :/"

I got lunch detention for a week, but it was worth it.


I got in trouble for showing my shoulders, so they gave me a flannel shirt and said to "wear it". He never said how to wear it, so i tied it around my midriff and walked out.


I walked past my principle in short shorts and a tank top. She stopped me. Told me that I was breaking the dress code. I yelled, OH MY GOD ITS A SHOULDER AND LEG I CANT HANDLE IT, than I collapsed on the floor. Everyone stared at me. Lets just say she let me go. #ThugLife


I love this because you can't tell she's being sarcastic until you see the clothes


I love and appreciate this video immensely. The dress code doesn't even remotely teach girls how not to show off too much skin or when you need to cover up a little more, it teaches them to be covered head to toe all the time because if not men/boys will be distracted by YOUR BODY in which YOU were BORN WITH. It shows that if boys have an issue with the way a girl is dressed, that she should change her physical appearance instead of him changing his mind set. At school my dress code states girls are not allowed to wear shirts with cut off sleeves, are not allowed to have your bra strap showing (how does it differ from a tank top strap?), we are not allowed yoga pants nor leggings, we are not allowed ripped jeans and when we wear shorts they need to be arm length (plus a little) as well as for skirts. I get that they would like us to keep it appropriate but it is getting ridiculously over the top with rules and it is body shaming. Just because I've got on a skirt and t-shirt in no way means I'm asking for "it". 


Ok so I actually have a funny story about dress code. The teachers at my school will no longer dress code me or my friends because we have made them afraid and it was actually a complete accident. Every time one of us came to school with shorts on or a bra strap showing the rest of us would FREAK OUT. We would start covering our eyes and yelling things like "OH MY GOD I CAN SEE YOUR BRA, WHY THE HELL WOULD A TEENAGE GIRL BE WEARING A BRA?! THAT IS DISGUSTING, ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME PREGNANT?!" and "PUT ON A SWEATER YOU SINNER!!" etc... We didn't mean for it to happen but the teachers noticed us doing things like that so now they won't dress code us because they know we'll turn around and start mocking them.


I couldn't pay attention to the video because I was distracted from your hands! You need to cover them up! It gave me impure thoughts!


This is the sassiest video I have ever seen and I love it.


actually at my school we aren't allowed to wear leggings under shorts or skirts. it's still considered a distraction and a violation of dress pubic school. yes. I know what I spelled.


If a guy can't handle seeing skin as in my knees it's OBVIOUSLY his problem. I will never change my style or conform so the guy isn't distracted. If he is that turned on by a knee he is a complete horn dog that needs to go to obedient school. I will wear whatever the hell I want && won't care if it distracts a man. Sorry not sorry.


i think some people are missing the point..its not that girls always go to school wearing revealing outfits...she saying that some common reg clothes girls wear.. the school overreacts/makes them out to be inappropriate bc they can be seen as "showing off too much" /distraction for guys... but often times guys never get in trouble for this /type of thing...


We have a no shoulder rule at my school and I asked one of my teachers if I could take it off (because it was almost summer and it was super hot) and she said it was okay. Later that day I was in the gym and this other teacher had a microphone, "Haley Monroe put your jacket on." In front of 3 entire grades. I hate my school and sexism towards women. "Oh look a shoulder, I'm totally going to fail this test!" -said no GUY ever -_-


Story time y'all!!!
My friend's birthday was about a two weeks ago, and she wore this beautiful new white winter dress with stockings and boots to had full length sleeves and went past her knees. She usually wears jeans and a tee shirt and she told me that today (at the time) was the first time she really felt pretty. During lunch the assistant principal literally ran us down the hallway screaming “stop! You are a distraction and you are breaking the school dress code!!!” apparently he deemed the dress “too tight” so it would “distract the learning environment, because the boys might have sexual thoughts about her” the assistant principal confiscated her dress for a week, made her change and called her parents. (She was supposed to be in AP calculus, but going to class looking like a wild harlot would have been a distraction for the boys). Well, my friend has a server dust allergies, asthma, unfortunate mysophobia, and depression and anxiety. So, when she was forced into the dusty used cloths, she had an anxiety attack (because it was dirty) and her face and throat started swelling (because it was dusty). The administrator wouldn't let her leave or change until one of her parents got to the school (and no she didn't have her inhaler), so she cried for an hour until her parents got to the school. By the time her parents got there the go home bell had already rung and she still wasn't allowed to leave.  She didn't show up to school for the next three days, and she didn't text me so I was kind really worried. When she did get back, she didn't speak... TO ANYONE, and she didn't eat either. on Friday she started to talk to me (only). Apparently her parents think she is a disgrace to the family and was kicked out of the house, and next month sees going to move to Haiti as a punishment with her uncle because of her new “reputation” here. Its her senior year, and her parents won't give her any type of support (including paying for college) Good job public school system of America. 


With the shorts and yoga pants thing- My school banned that because they said it was cheating dress code and was still too revealing


I completely agree with this, girls should be able to love their bodies and be taught to, the only thing I have to say is that some school codes are good(ex if a girl wears something like JUST a bra is bad and Is distracting for everyone) but I most definitely agree with this video and good for you Anna for standing up for girls that are taught to hide and hate their bodies.


Ppl at school: "Oh no, look! You can see her bra strap!"

Me: "yeah I am wearing a bra, you know why? Because I'm a girl so stop being sexist.

Lol I love this vid!


I feel like dress codes were made initially to teach men and women how to dress in a professional environment without giving them a uniform. Meaning, you shouldn't go to a professional place dressed like your at the beach. But I believe that over time, the idea behind dress codes changed. Now it seems as if the people enforcing the dress code are doing so because "it's distracting to boys" and maybe to make women feel embarrassed about their sexuality. Which, no woman or man should feel embarrassed about their sexuality, it's natural. And No, you shouldn't go to school half naked, but even if you did, it wouldn't be your fault if someone was distracted to the point where they can't focus. Life is full of distractions, and if a kid can't get through a 45 minute class period because a girl's shoulder is exposed, how the hell is he supposed to get through life after school.


In my middle school, tank-tops, shorts that do not go past your knees, sweatpants with logos on the back and even muscle tees are banned. Oh, and also, we're not allowed to wear shirts that show our shoulders. Like, how ridiculous is that? No one's going to go up to someone who is wearing a shirt that reveals the shoulders and comment, "Your sexy shoulders makes me hot in my loins." So, being fed up and exhausted of this rule, I asked my health teacher about why we have the dress code, she replied with, "Boys, especially in middle school, can lose control pretty fast and it's our job to make sure that students are dressed appropriately to avoid awkward situations." I almost flipped my shit.



this is what it says in my planner:
navy blazer
mid grey school trousers
mid grey tailored school skirt (worn with grey/natural/black tights/white ankle socks)
plain white traditional collared shirt/blouse with a top button
navy jumper/tank top with school logo
house tie
dark socks
low heeled, traditional black leather school shoes with no brand logos
no more than one plain ring/
two small studs in each ear

