HOW TO BE ATTRACTIVE TO A WOMAN | 10 Things Women Find Irresistible

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A lot of men are confused about women and don't know how to attract and date them. These men find themselves rejected again and again.
They desire a deep, loving and lasting relationship with a woman but stay single for a long time.
In this week's video, I'll teach you 10 powerful things that will make you irresistible to women!


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0:00 Intro
0:58 How to listen to her
2:04 How to be present with her
3:11 Value of kindness
3:35 How to take charge with her
4:01 How to be interesting to her
4:31 How to be confident
5:01 How to communicate well
5:24 How to be connected to your heart
5:40 How to be funny
6:03 Be handy with fixing things
6:26 Outro


HOW TO BE ATTRACTIVE TO A WOMAN | 10 Things Women Find Irresistible
How to make her chase you | 10 most irresistible things | How to be irresistible to everyone
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I’ve been married for 20 years and guys…all of these tips are still important. Thank you Helena for making this advice up front and center. One thing I think we forget when we get in a long term relationship is that all of these tips are a way we need to live our lives. Keeping her interested in you after all these years is just as important as getting her in the first place.


Your first point is so important as the ability to listen so that your lady feels heard is not always easy for a man to do. I find it’s being nervous that leads to a me personally being too talkative so it’s something I need to practice. I know when I listen the relationship is so much easier. I also found not talking and maintaining eye contact gives you an opportunity to enjoy your interaction and actually stops you worrying about what to say next. Thanks Helena 😊


Agree with everything but #8. The only emotion you should show a woman is stoicism. Though they say they want you to show emotion and vulnerability, but don't, it's a test, a trap, and if you do, they will think that you are not "man enough" for them.


10 Reasons in order
1; Money
2, Money
3; Money
4; Money
5; Money
6; Money
7; Money
8; Money
10; and finally. Money.


All the techniques are surprisingly sensible, but as well, I've failed to get them right. Excellent!


Hi Helena,
I really liked that you brought up the part about communication... My wife is from the Philippines, and my communication ability was one thing about me that impressed her. She reads and writes English very well as well as speaking and writing 3 other dialects in the Philippines... She told me that it was a huge turn off for her almost immediately if a man can't speak or especially write well. She said that since so much communication is done these days over mobile devices, that she can't stand misspelled words, and grammar mistakes when we have spelling and grammar checks readily available... She said that if you can't even be bothered to write a sentence to her with the help of an app, that shows that you are lazy, and won't be interested in putting the time into something as complex and important as a relationship... Makes a lot of sense to me! 🙂😉


One of main things I do is :
1-I laugh and have a smile, for feeling wonderful with her.
2- When I talk, I don't pre think what should I say, I directly say how's she is, about environment, anything and after how I feel about her.
3 - I m calm when I listen to her, I just listen, and feels good when she shares.
4- I like to dress what I am comfortable at .


Well spoken. " You don't need to be James Bond, to show her, that you are a person of high value" Sums it up perfectly. Another wonderful video. Thank you again :)


Thank you, Helena all your suggestions are 100% true I did almost every single one of them and more when I was dating my wife, but one thing that I did most of all and learned from my grandfather. I always brought her a small little gift. Every time we went out and she knew I was thinking of her all the time, because she was truly an amazing lady and a very smart and intelligent and very beautiful I was a lucky man, so that’s my suggestion !


Why should it be difficult to have a relationship nowadays? If you both are interested in each other than you both take it from there. Relationships have now gotten down to a science to where nowadays it gets complicated to where everyone wants to stay single. Keep it simple everyone and both of you are happy. 😉❤


The best way to attract women is to ignore them. When they see that you can live without them and be happy, they get curious. They then start to make an effort to get to know you. If you chase them you give them the upper hand, and the power to reject you.


I love your videos you give great advice and you make my day seeing you smile Beautiful ❤


Thank you for the tips, most of these are all pretty much common sense stuff, unfortunately for many common sense is not common


Relationships in a long term are complicated and require too much effort to keep them going. All these techniques work well for short term relationships where excitement is still there on both sides


Highly insightful, and helpful, thank you Helena!


Helena, Thank you for your sincerity!


These days I seem to have this uncanny trait of attracting women at bus stops. Before that it was supermarkets. Its fun chatting and making a play for them as sometimes we can wait ages for a bus and the conversations always seems to have a double edged meaning. Your videos are spot on Helena and I think you are doing a cracking job of helping everyone with your sincere and very matter of fact approach! xx


Thank you Helena, for the well thought out video. Something else I found to be helpful, is to be yourself, and not to try and be someone or something you are not. Most women can see through someone playing a role, and not being genuine. And if you find someone you truly connect with, you might be fortunate to both become "other centered"....thereby eliminating the need to be sure that your own needs are being met. If I'm not mistaken...this level of intimacy is nearer to "self actualization", and is very equitable and pleasurable.


Thank's for sharing Helena 🥰🥰😘😘 merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Aside from his physical attributes and skills, I love his dry, irreverent humor and curiosity about MY thoughts and opinions on any subject we might be gabbing about. We're always talking no matter what activity we're engaged in and he makes it easy, friendly and always rewarding. (Wink)
