Was Leonardo Da Vinci Dyslexic?

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Almost everything Da Vinci wrote in his journals is back-to-front and the letters inverted. Was Da Vinci's mirror writing a deliberate form of code or is it possible that he was dyslexic?

From: THE REAL STORY: The Da Vinci Code
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I've been practicing/studying mirror writing/ambidexterity for a few years now. When looking at the symmetric design of our bodies/brains, it appears we are designed optimally for dual dominance (blood flow, neuro, synapses, myalin, etc). I think Leonardo da Vinci noticed and was intrigued by this, to the point where he developed his non-dominant side in mirror fashion because it formed his brain to better see the world our creator designed (his 'Landscape' sketch features ambi writing since the age of 21). I think his practice of dual dominant development is what formed his mind to perceive space and understand what he understood, recognizing him by us as a genius. The development of our non-dominant side, in mirror-fashion, brings hollistic development to the mind/body that less than 1% of us currently experience.


I am able to read and write back wards along with mirror writing but no I am not dyslexic. Yes I am left handed mirror writing is actually quite uncommon


I am ambidextrous and dyslexic. I am able to mirror writing with my left hand since I was 19 years old. I also can mirror write with my right but it doesn’t feel natural. I can also upside down mirror writing. I love mirror writing in general, it makes me feel my brain is working at it best!


I am left handed, and when I was in first grade, I wrote my name backwards. I also have no problem reading mirror image writing. It was probably something that just came natural for DaVinci.


The dyslexic theory strikes me as a ridiculous. I think he probably wrote through a mirror oriented over his desk, so that he would not have to look down constantly, which is uncomfortable. If your head is down all the time, the lateral process of the cervical vertebrae compresses the neurovascular bundles that exit your brain. He was into anatomy and probably figured this out after having a sore neck from being head down in his notes a lot, and adapted to do all his writing in a mirror.


I broke my right hand and for months I wrote in mirror writing and got comfortable with it, without knowing it was an actual thing lol


That writing "test" is a shamble's, she did the test with just 4 people, try a hundred or so next time, plus the speed wasn't measured without mirror writing before to actually check who is faster at writing anyway.

Di Vinci wasn't dyslexic, I am left handed and when I write I smear the ink across my page and my hand, I personally think he wrote like that for that reason. Plus the added bonus of it being in code.


Lady, You are jeleous of our human nature...i'm also left handed and used to write in anticlockwise way but after getting in school we are trained to write in clockwise direction. 👍


Not dyslexic, just wanted to be special. I know Leo, he told me


I am left handed and I have been comfortable writing backwards aka "mirror writing" since I was a child. I also have w nice normal cursive handwriting. I think it helps with Creativity.


I think he had ADD or ADHD because he didn’t finish a lot of his work because he would get distracted by other ideas or side projects he had.
Leonardo di Vinci got into trouble with work contacts/employers because he took too long to finish projects or he wouldn’t finish them at all (at times).

His mind was really active and he wanted so badly to complete all the ideas he had.


There are methods of transferring writing from one piece of paper to another (like a graphic, charcoal, and ink transfer) that end up mirrored.


I am able to write backwards with my left hand, note that I am write hand. It came to me naturally when I was 19 years old. It feels right to me write backwards with my left hand. I also can write upside down and upside down mirror writing with my left hand.


I am a natural mirror writer. I write with both hands at the same time, or each individually, , with any of them in "normal" direction or in reverse order. I paint with both hands at the same time, write upside down, upside down mirror writing, you name it.... 
Sorry, I have NEVER suffered from any dislexia, quite the contrary, was one of the best students in languages, loved to write and tell long stories (still do) (followed sciences professionally, by the way :-) ....because I also love science), ... but basically for me, this video presentation is definitely not acceptable as a scientific experiment because it goes against the basic rules of what a scientific method should be.
Too many flaws, ... but one thing I know, ... I do this, simply because it is NATURAL for me and it is how I feel more relaxed, and peaceful, ...this is my answer, as simple as that!.... I feel really relaxed, at peace, happy, when I write backwards. Why?? I have no idea, it is a feeling that come from inside, ... that is all.
I did it for years without telling anybody, so it was very much related with my own world, until I began to question why I did it. 

I am now personally convinced this is a genetics trait because I have several cousins that are left handed but cannot do it, and then I have found a cousing (she is over 80 years old today) that does exactly the same as I do. And when we talked, it looked at though I was experiencing speaking with a twin sister of mine. Her way of thinking was just exactly as mine, same interests, same needs to explore and learn, same love for arts, science, music, ....incredible! And she is much much older than I, but something was just connecting us (and we had never met before). Her enthusiasm was the same, we talked for hours about how we felt so comfortable writing in this way, etc, ....
This means that I just need a third generation that does the same and it is inherited for sure. I truly believe that this is a recessive x-cromossom because I see this on my mother side. This means that more people in the world have this (or express this recessively) and leonardo was just one more. 

I have thousands of things written in reverse and the same love for everything in life (science, arts, music, languages, you name it, except politics). So I do not need to sleep much as if my brain needed to be always awake trying to find more and more things in a constant need for exploration (and so little time to live).... so please, once for all, ask people that do this, WHY they actually do it, and you will be surprised with their answers. Rather than trying to explain why leonardo was doing it without knowing how he/we feel.

It is nothing strange for us. It is just a very NATURAL thing, that we never trained and that is all, .... I would be more than interested if any of you have (that are naturally mirror writers), found on your family (three different generations) that do the same thing because this would be a more interesting case to study :-) :-) 

I would be very interested to learn about cases like that :-)...

Finally, I have seen plenty of cases where it is obvious that people have trained their mirror writing, it is not natural for them. It is always good to practise both hands, of course, but it is obvious for those that do this naturally, how those cases are fake and not real. 
A natural mirror writer can write even faster backwords. I have also read that some people that write normally with the right hand can mirror write. This is less common so it seems. But are you sure you are not left handed and were at some early age forced to write with right hand ? There are so many cases like that, and people do not even realize they were left-handed originally.

To all of you, I feel very glad to realize that I am no longer alone and that there are quite a few "natural" cases out there. So I would encourage that we "get together" to understand the real extent of people that do this and the different ways and modes of doing this, ... naturally. And it would be great, that once for all, others that do not experience this naturally, stop considering Leonardo D´ Vinci as an isolated (or genius case!), because there many of us out there, that do not come public but have exactly the same traits, ...I do hate the word genius, ... we are all humans and each one as important as the other, ... okay this is another topic of conversation :-)...


Who else does it? Would it be possible that he might used mirror as he writes? Maybe he put p mirror above his head or a magnifying glass that invers images (if there was any). Just wondering.


Drawing a lot of assumptions at the end there...


I have that problem too.
with my left hand i write mirror, with my right hand i write normal.
Is not dislexia, is just the right hemisfer does not need to adapt to the left hemisfere since non of them are predominant


A sample size of 4 people is way too small.


Dont people write Arabic from the opposite site too?


Well he didn't only mirror write. He wrote normally too. He sent letters, almost like resumes, to people he was trying to get work from. Dyslexia wouldn't really explain it. I believe the more simpler explanation that he was an artist and he was left handed so he just decided to write backwards makes more sense.
