Analyzing K-Pop Using Machine Learning | Part 2: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

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This is part 2 of the tutorial where I find interesting insights from the variables.

In this video, I perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on the data I collected from part 1 of the video.

You can always go deeper to find more insights in the exploratory data analysis part of the data science cycle. Once you have a good understanding of what you want to do in the model building process, then you can stop it there.

01:15 I realized I forgot to clean three columns (variables)  in the previous tutorial, so I start with cleaning them.
03:31 I analyze continuous variables using histogram, boxplots, and correlation matrix
10:35 I analyze categorical variables using bar charts and pivot tables.
19:36 I download the notebook and upload it to my GitHub page.

#ImportData #KpopMachineLearning #BTS
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Feel free to discuss ways to handle multicollinearity! Stay tuned for part 3 - model building as well!


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For being new to YouTube, your very good at tutorials man! Definitely following this series keep going!
