Hungry Pelican Swallows An Entire Pidgeon

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This is the astonishing moment a hungry pelican ate a pigeon - before being forced to spit out the bird.

The seabird caught the poor avian in the open enclosure at the Green Rabbit Animal and Plant Theme Park in Xi'an in Shanxi, China, on September 5.

It appeared to have secured a juicy lunch but a zoo visitor intervened and prised open the attacker's giant beak.

Footage shows the father, who had his wife and daughter with him, chasing the mischievous pelican to open its beak and free its 'meal'.

The man eventually cornered the feathered creature and rescued the pigeon, which hobbled away from its brush with death.

Staff said that they were accustomed to rescuing birds swallowed by the greedy pelican, which has developed a reputation for swallowing its feathered companions.

They added that the pelican had been put in quarantine as punishment but had not learned from its mistakes and continued to attempt to eat other birds.

The same bird swallowed a dove last month on August 27.

Eyewitness Mr Li, who was one of those who raised the alarm, said he and others had instantly shouted for a keeper, who was quickly on the scene to save the dove, which appeared unharmed after its brush with death.

Footage from May also showed the pelican being caught with a pigeon in its mouth.

Clip ID: 678594

Рекомендации по теме

Pelicans: What? Do you get mad at your dog for eating kibbles when you leave them in front of it?


Those poor birds… they should never be cohabitated! And this is their enclosure? This is animal cruelty.


Wtf, first who let the Pelican out!
and second, whos that guy.


Homeboy is like I want to eat the pigeon too


That's animal negligeance to make them cohabitate☹


This pelican is now in notorious criminal😮


What did that silly man expect??? It's a well known fact that pelicans eat pigeons.
