Lessons from a bulimia recovery journey | Dr Lily Battershill | TEDxYouth@StGeorgesEdinburgh

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It's 2am and I've just binged and trying to throw up.... As always 😞
THIS IS NOT A LIFE I can't continue like this 💔


thank you so Lily... this is such a rare gem of a very real and courageous and empowered and empowering (!) sharing relating to disordered eating patterns... you have such a Gift (!) too in your true and compassionate, also poetic, expression... what you are sharing, your 'testimony, ' is also so very relatable as if in moments you have found the 'words' - those precious healing words, and insight IN-sight too that mysElf and so many others may often find ourselves rummaging for in the dark... disordered eating patterns varied, varying, have been a thread/ 'companion' through my liFe - falling away at times/ 'expressing' again at others... what i see is that they 'drop away' in 'yes!' safe spaces and 'yes!' this includes too safe relational spaces: spaces where there is too a feeling of emotional, psychic, safety. i don't think i'd ever truly acknowledged, seen, until listening today to the Gift of your sharing just how much i HaVe felt unSafe in LiFe... how 'ambivalent' about being 'hue-man' in moments i have been - and, also 'yes!' as you present so much of all this is patterns/ patterning in the brain - imprints absorbed from e.g. mothers, significant others: along the way - ripples on the surface, not truly anything of the Essence, light, whom we truly aRe... and, i'm also so very aware of also on-going and with patience journeys - lamps of compassion curiosity also lit for ourselves - of becoming, too, a 'saFe plaCe' 'Peace Garden' too within and for ourselves... (with 'me' what's true to write is 'for oursElves'...) a blessing blesSing your 'talk' popped-up and in today - wish you well, free and vital however, wherever your journey unfolding... a few golden keys you share here for healing; entering the Garden - roses, lavenders and lilies; bright water streaming too... thank you.


Thank you for sharing. Keep up the great work! You’re correct that this work is very important.❤️🙏


Thank you beautiful lady. I pray to get to the other side too.


also wish and feel to share that any 'disordered' erratic eating patterns also can coincide, concurrently, with also some very true and real transmutation processes/ rebirth - new physiology processes where YES also our bodies/ beings body-beings may also be truly TRUE-ly needing, happiest, with eg much lighter diets and e.g full of light foods. E.g. many diets at this time and across the years HAVE been 'iightening' - in my own lifestream early individual choosing childhood to be 'Vegetarian' and along the way much 'denser' foods 'falling away' ie. i have discovered that For Me (we are all so individual in-divine-duality and so yes need to go-withing, truly listen to ourselves!) more dense foods e.g. like pulses/ pastas simply do NOT move through my system/ cannot be digested/ and create Depression. i.e. on the other side of this: during winter in Northern Hemisphere i need to eat SUNNY yellow-green bright Light-Rich foods or i am deeply-down depressed... many sacred texts e.g bible / yogic texts transmit too a 'sacred physiology' of 'rebirth' - these are the 'new wine skins' that the bible' speaks of i.e. this process of being-human is Too at some point in our life stream/s a rebirthing - a caterpillar becoming a butterfly! and, as many know the DNA of the butterfly is totally different to that of the caterpillar - the caterpillar needs to totally 'liquify' in order for nature-the Mystery to reconstellate the miracle of a butterfly! in other words, i see much nuance-subtlety too in our journeys with food-eating and see them too through a much wider/ vaster multi-aspected lens i.e. to me also seems to be about a process around 'embodying' here in the physical - of embodying the vastness of our Spirit in the body. i've also found Tantra, and tantric teachings, super helpful along the path. In other words, if someone is feeing they are with disordered eating patterns then i'm dedicated to bringing curiosity/ open-ness to hear something NEW too - because 'nourishing' ourselves goes beyond 'food and eating' / physical nourishment it is also of course the people we surround ourselves with/ the environments we live in/ the music words we listen to etc - the presence of nature, kind words external/ internal or not in our lives... in these times there are evidently, too, many folks nourishing themselves in very light ways - there is a Pranic festival now in Italy... so, what i'm seeing in essence is a much Diversity in Who/Whom we Are and how how in this Moment/ for now we intuit-sense-feel we Need to eat/ nourish ourselves. i.e. i do feel there are dimensions to this Theme which we have yet to uncover, bring awareness too... Natural transmutational processes in our bodies - and, intuitive-instinctive needs to eat/ nourish ourselves differently - may also be a part of the mix here; listening, truly hearing each other is going to be eVer a most powerful medicine. love to us.
