Where Can Regenerative Agriculture Actually Work???

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We've had a lot of comments and questions about where regenerative agriculture can actually work. We give you the three requirements needed for it to succeed
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Love the video Ryan. I would add that the only thing other then land, some rain, and sunshine would be the "will" to follow though and work through set backs and learning curves. I'm so glad your sticking with the high frequency moves and looking forward to your land continuing to improve.


Great video! When you manage your land to have good soil (organic matter==life ) and good grass (solar collector ) is difficult to argue against its productivity... Look videos of principles of soil biology by Ray Archuleta and/or the books of Allan Savory of Hollistic Management, both treasures.


If cattle are already in your area. Rotational grazing and regenerative agriculture will improve your soil and productivity. Bottom line hands down. Give me cows, carbon water and mineral I'll build you soil and healthy forage.


Very good ... I am doing this in Brazil


Yes of course it works everywhere, especially if you already are running livestock, then managing for healthy land will improve your production.

About doing this in Arizona, which is a very brittle environment, a few notes should be added. In brittle environments, trampling dead grass on the ground (50% of it or more) to have as much ground cover as possible, is much more important compared to a humid environment like yours. This is because as you said, when it rains, it really rains, and you need to do everything you can to prevent the water from flowing on the surface and picking up speed, and also to have the ground insulated from the sun and heat to avoid evaporation.

Basically, try to mimic the tightly packed mega herds of bison that would be constantly on the move.


Love your videos bro. They're giving me so many ideas for our property next year.
Please make a video of what you do when it gets real cold in the winter. Do you move them into the barn or what?
Thanks in advance.


You're absolutely correct, it will work anywhere. I mean come on, Greg Judy's mentor does it in Africa. Yes, you might have to make adaptions for your area, but it absolutely works EVERYWHERE


yeah people get caught up in the idea of production ag. they forget that the whole idea behind regenerative ag is to REGENERATE, it's NOT a perfect system, its a system that acknowledges that conditions are not going to be perfect, and you need to adapt. whereas production ag usually focuses on obtaining perfection to grow the highest yield. regenerative ag focuses on sustainable development.


The biggest problem I find with people is that they don't want to fool with the cattle everyday. There are lots of ways to get most of the advantages and not have to move them everyday but it usually falls on deaf ears. Once a week is often too much to ask. They turn some cows out check on them every week or so and see if there is anything to sell once a year. Personally I grew up handling cattle like that and I hated it. They were half wild, hard to handle and it was like going to war with an animal that outweighed you 10 times over. After my dad passed we implemented rotational grazing and the change in the land and the cattle was nothing short of astonishing. The cattle became tame and the grass went wild. We were able to do it for 3 years and it was the only 3 years the farm has ever shown a profit. Internal family drama shut us down two years ago and the land has lost a lot of the gains. We will be returning within the next year and hopefully will make the change permanent.


Great info brother 👍🏻 I want to try this here in Western Australia, I have 65 acres, do you think I could do the 1 acre sections? I guess it would be trial and error for animal load on the property, but start small and see how the land does? We get lots of rain I think about 41inches


?How many acres of land does this farmer have and how many cows? thank you


How do you sell your cattle? Do you sell the hides and horns?


Have you given any thought to putting fish in yalls pond? Does it have fish already?
Love the channel!


In my opinion I jus don’t think that it’s enough to make a noticeable difference especially for the work you put in it with just a few cows in our pasture, now i feel it would make a difference if it was back when herds of millions of Buffalo roamed the fields just my opinion tho whatever works for you keep doin it


I just wrote this .
In few words it shows the great gift that legumes "magically" give to humans and the earth by their ability to synthesize protein from thin air:

" Our bodies are made out of protein

Legumes magically transform air in our atmosphere into protein

Our soils need nitrogen

Legumes magically fix nitrogen in our atmosphere into the soil

We need oxygen to breath

Legumes magically transform CO2 into O2 for us to breathe

Every time you buy meat

Your are funding cut and burn deforestation operations

That permanently destroy 28 million hectare acres of forest each year

Resulting in Lower oxygen levels, Higher CO2 levels, Higher temperatures, droughts and famines

Resulting in starvation, thirst, suffocation and heat waves

The dollars that fund these deforestation operations

Come from the meat you buy

They don’t come from anywhere else

Stop buying meat

Millions of people have given up meat to live on legumes

You can too

Don’t believe the lies the meat industry’s paid agents SAY

About how you cant have perfect health without meat

Believe the healthy, strong, energetic, lean, youthful bodies of vegans you SEE

I have been vegan for 40 years

At 62 I work 60 hour weeks on a farm

I run 10Ks

I am able to sit alertly and tranquilly for hours in meditation

The only difference between a meat eater and a vegan is PAIN

Meat eaters are building a prison of pain

Wherein it will be painful to live

And from which painful to escape

Karma is real

If you think Jesus experienced pain so that you would not have to

Stick your hand in a fire

God put pain here for a reason:

To teach you that you have gone astray

And to lead you back to the right path"

Please send a copy to your congress man
