Dangers of Applying for the Green Card Lottery DV-2026

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🛑 DV 2026 Registration Opens Tomorrow!

🛑 Watch this before you submit an entry.

The Diversity Visa (DV) Program Green Card Lottery for 2026 begins tomorrow, October 2, 2024, at EDT (GMT-4).

Before submitting your application, we recommend watching this video to understand the potential risks involved in applying for the DV Lottery.

Please be aware that all information you provide, could potentially be used against you in the future if necessary.

You can still apply and have no issues. This is just a precaution and applying for the visa lottery will not necessarily negatively affect everyone. After all some lucky winners will get green cards out of the program.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery program, drop them below in the comments. We're also here to assist with any type of U.S. immigration concerns. You can text, call, or email us.

☎️☎️+1 (802) 780 0564☎️☎️

Post by Justine
From the AK Poku Law Team

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Thanks for shedding light on this. Initially when I asked people about it showing immigration intent, they said that applying for it and losing it does not show immigration intent... they said that the error arises when you apply and win and fill the DS-260 but do not enter the US, that's when you get the immigration intent problem when you apply for a non-immigrant visa. I was initially skeptical about this, thanks for the valuable information and insight on this. I appreciate 💯


Meaningful presentation. Will do it with open mind


Hey, will my F1 student visa be affected if I applied for DV lottery and get rejected ?
Or in the another scenario will it affect my F1 visa if i win the lottery but do not file the DS 260 and instead try for F1 visa.


Hi Ms, I accidentally selected an old picture for my DV lottery application. I’m wondering if there is still a chance for my application to be selected despite this. I would really appreciate your insight. Thank you!


A quick question - a friend applied for DV lottery 2026 but after submitting, she realized that she misspelled one name with one letter, will it be an issue if she wins?


I'm single person and i choosed in question number 13 ( Unmarried ), and question number 14 number of childrens i left it blank because I didn't have wife or children's, is this ok and no worries or what ? Pls i want an answer


Hello…I did mine last year while I was in a relationship with one stepchild and they were included in the registration process but now I'm single, please what will I do in the process of filling out the forms…should I select divorce or single


We tried Dv lottery 2025 both of us (my husband whom we separated recently) and I wish to apply DV2026 . What advice can you give me now that we are no longer together taking into account that my details as a wife are still in our last year's applications and our children bare his names? Kindly assist because I intend to try again without him NB: There are no divorce papers since it was a customery marriage after separation. Thank you


Please what about living in Ghana and applying for seasonal work in USA


Hi I recently came back from America in May 2024 was on J1 visa and I did not over stay I also have a 2 year rule to stay in my home country because of my J1 now I applied for the Dv Lottery 2026 by then my 2 year rule will be fulfilled so if now I want to visit AMERICA by DECEMBER 2024 will I have a problem when applying for visitors visa to America for 2024 December holidays?


Can you apply for the visa, after you are in the country on b1/b2 or f1 visa?


Hello, , i would like to know if i have a child but am not legally married or even married but am single in the status statement can i still fill in single? and also include my child even if his fathers details are in his birth certificate? 2nd i had paid for a student visa fee for an interview but i had not booked the appointment date and am not sure if the agent had insert my details for the interview and since then we have never communicated because she became sick and since then we've never communicated


What advice would you give to me a final year student in the university of Ghana who wants to further my education in the USA? Should I apply or not? Your advice will be greatly appreciated.


Mai dia thanks for program i would like to know like there is scenario where by aman came and picked all the children's and left you alone do you really qualify to apply fpr DV Lottery


i applied for the DV LOTTERY once last year but did get selected could this affect my k1 visa


On where you were born if it's not a city what am i going to do n write on the form


My case number is 3.6k and I'm in Ghana but i haven't received my 2nl yet


I’m already in US and out of status with my F-1 student visa. Can I apply for it?


I have been denied twice as students visa in entry's usa. Can I apply or I should forget


Nigerians can't apply for the lottery. I tried and it said my country isn't eligible
