#6 Reading and Writing data into CSV files in Python| File Handling | Class 12 CBSE Computer Science

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Welcome to the Part 6 of the Chapter Data File Handling in Python for class 12 CBSE Computer Science .

In this video I have discussed how to work with CSV files in Python. Basically, the reading and writing operations with the help of CSV files are discussed here. reader() , writer() and writer() functions are discussed which facilitates these operations

If you haven't watched the other parts of this Chapter , you may watch them by clicking on the links below 👇:

👉 Part 1 Introduction to Data file handling in python

👉 Part 2 Introduction to text files in python

👉 Part 3 Reading data from text files in python

👉 Part 4 Writing and appending data into text files in python

👉 Part 5 Data Manipulation in text files in python

👉 Part 7 Reading and Writing data into binary files in python

Basic concept of CSV files
Opening a CSV file with open()
Operations on CSV Files:
reading from csv files
writing data into csv files
reader() in python
closing a csv file
Practical program based on reading data from csv files
File Modes for writing and appending data in python
Practical program based on writing data into csv files

While implementing the practical programs in Python , I have used Spder IDE and textedit text editor for managing data . You can use any other IDE and text editor of your choice.

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Bhargab Kakati
PGT(Computer Science)

data file handling in python class 12
reading and writing data into csv files in python

#Python #FileHandling #Class12 #ComputerScience #CSVFiles
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👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌✌️✌️✌️✌️sir Plz complete all the syllabus by December.
My computer sir is very bad in teaching.
I can only understand ur teaching.Iam proud to say that ur teaching is the best I have ever seen till now.


One of the best video I watched so far.
Thank you 😊


Excellent sir keep going, very helpful


I have been waiting for long time Thanks sir


Do you have a video for the same here but to create a JSON file?
Thank you!


Sir it's a humble request to complete the rest of the chapters in class 12th computer science with python ... Please sir .


If we want to enter 5 records then csvwriterobject.writetow (), we have to use 5 times.what will be the file mode if I want to enter 5 records and then to read records.


#write a program in python to accept student id, student name and country from the user and store it into an external csv file
import csv
with open('data2.csv', 'w+') as cs:
while ans=='y' or ans=='Y':
s_id=input("Enter student id:")
name=input("Enter student name:")
country= input("Enter country:")
csv_writer.writerow([s_id, name, country])
ans=input("Do you want to insert more data(y/n):")
for line in csv_reader:


Enter student id:1
Enter student name:alice
Enter country:india
Do you want to insert more data(y/n):y
Enter student id:2
Enter student name:nikoles
Enter country:usa
Do you want to insert more data(y/n):n
['1', 'alice', 'india']
# list
['2', 'nikoles', 'usa']
[] list

why am I getting those empty lists in output, sir?
