Every Capcom Franchise Ranked From WORST To BEST

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The term “capsule computers” may not mean much to you, but it led to one of gaming’s most enduring and beloved developers. That’s the term from which Capcom took its name in 1979, after all, and it’s what the company called its earliest arcade machines. It wasn’t until 1983 that the company actually started developing video games, debuting with Vulgus. It wasn’t half bad, and its visuals wouldn’t be out of place in a throwback indie shooter today, but it gave little indication of just how many of the industry’s biggest franchises the company would introduce to the world. Today, we’re taking a look at them all, from Ace Attorney to Viewtiful Joe. Here's Every Capcom Franchise Ranked from WORST To BEST.

Featured Franchises:
• 194X
• Ace Attorney
• Bionic Commando
• Breath of Fire
• Capcom vs.
• Commando
• Darkstalkers
• Dead Rising
• Devil May Cry
• Dino Crisis
• Final Fight
• Gargoyle’s Quest
• Ghosts ‘n Goblins
• Gun Survivor
• Lost Planet
• Magical Quest
• Mega Man
• Mega Man Battle Network
• Mega Man Legends
• Mega Man Star Force
• Mega Man World
• Mega Man X
• Mega Man Zero
• Monster Hunter
• Onimusha
• Resident Evil
• Rival Schools
• Sengoku Basara
• SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters
• Steel Battalion
• Street Fighter
• Street Fighter EX
• Strider
• Viewtiful Joe
• x

#Capcom #ResidentEvil #DeadRising


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Рекомендации по теме

A WORST to BEST request: Every Final Fantasy game ranked.


The worst to best lists are some of my favorite things you peeps do. So much work goes into them and I am infinitely thankful for your efforts


A lot of these ratings show how series fatigue is such a big factor in enjoyment of a game. In hindsight Mega Man Battle Network 6 is considered one of the best of the series by fans and still has a sizable competitive multiplayer community. It got worse ratings than Mega Man Battle Network 4 which is considered a rushed mess with endless backtracking, hundreds of translation errors, and a subpar postgame that requires you to beat the game from start to finish 3 times in a row just to access.


Man so many great classics came out of Capcom, definitely an all time favorite!


Monster Hunter in 2010 was some obscure game that I couldn't convince anyone to play because they thought it was some shovelware crap. There was only one time I found a real person who was like "Yes. I've heard of Monster Hunter". But he was confusing it with "Fossil Fighters". It's good to see that it's now as beloved here as it's always been in Japan.


Having watched this vid and looking back on all of my favorite games growing up, I've realized that Capcom was responsible for developing a large majority of my favorite games. MegaMan, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, the list goes on.


These videos are so badass, you guys! I personally appreciate how much effort you put into these lists, cheers!


I love these long form videos. The snark and editing are well done. The dragging on U.S. Gold games is a plus.


I really want them to bring back Gargoyles Quest. I really love that series and it's a shame its been dead for so long.


Capcom needs to remaster a lot of these franchises.


Please do a ranking of every single Mario game, spin-offs and weird edutainment games included.


"runs at the same framerate as its box art"... hahaha. That really cracked me up


You guys remain my favorite YouTube channel.
The effort put into these lists alone is just incredible. I watch each multiple times and once I’ve seen them several times I use them to fall asleep to. Not because they’re boring I just enjoy your voices and they’re weirdly comforting to listen to. I struggle with sleep so it’s genuinely super helpful. All your other lists, worst games ever etc series are fantastic too. I’ve been here pretty much since you split from WC (which I Unsubbed from when I heard about how they treated a number of my favorite presenters) and I look forward to everything you do and hope for nothing but success for everyone involved.


"It ran at the framerate of its own box art" is frankly an impossibly good insult


1:00 good I lovethe lack of personal opinion and seeing a video made by a computer


10 minutes in and we're already at final fight damn, capcom has so many bangers


“We lost Guy along the way, whitch means you need to press one button less to select Haggar or Cody” That killed me 🤣


Goddamn Capcom is one of the best developers of all time... right up there with old Konami.

I grew up with their franchises and I've got fond memories of smashing NES controllers playing Mega Man 2 and Commando.


Wow. Ace Attorney 7th. I’m not disappointed, more surprised that a game which is effectively point, click and read is so highly rated.

I am a fan of these games, so I am happy to see it there.


The fact that Ace Attorney and Street Fighter are not even Top 5 goes to show that critics have no clue what they are doing 😁
