Conversion Disorder

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In conversion disorder, one or more symptoms or deficits of voluntary motor or sensory function suggest a medical condition.
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Can you explain the primary and secondary gain? From the video i've interpreted your take to mean some kind of conscious or unconscious irresponsability or immaturity. Is this what you meant to convey?


Look to neurofeedback and qeeg imaging. Yes it is organic. it has do to with improper functional connectivity between structures. Yes psychological issues are organic also. Traumas will hyperconnect structures of the limbic system for instance. Physical traumas to the spine, subluxations, erc also can cause significant changes in brain function. Those structures are intimately connected to structures in involved with movement. You will not pick that up on a normal mri (functional MRIs will) pet scan etc. Yes you can make huge progress with neurofeedback once improper connectivity within the networks are identified and trained especially when other inflammatory factors such as autoimmunity have been addressed (ie functional medicine). Enough of this nonsense that we have no understanding. That is a disservice by your neurologist.


I think you need to do a lot more research on this condition. You should also know that Conversion Disorder is no longer the proper terminology for this horrible condition (I know as I have it). It's now called Functional Neurological Disorder. Your video is very biased and ignorant. You really should remove this. I've seen way better sympathetic videos on youtube that far better explain what you're failing to help people understand.
