Ask Dr. Pimple Popper | Keratosis Pilaris aka 'Chicken Skin'

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Dr. Sandra Lee answers all your most important questions regarding Keratosis Pilaris.

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SLMD is here to bridge the gap between a doctor’s visit and a trip down the skincare aisle. Address acne & other skin concerns with skincare solutions developed by a real dermatologist — Dr. Sandra Lee, aka Dr. Pimple Popper.


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I had ketosis pilaris caused by ingrown hairs on my arms and legs. It was cured when I had the hair on my legs and arms permanently removed by laser hair removal. Since there is no longer any hair on my arms and legs, the hair cannot get trapped under the skin. It's also a huge time saver since I no longer have to shave.


My daughter has this! Puberty hit and BAM! Her cheeks, legs, and arms are so bad 😟 so glad I know what it is and how to treat it. Thank you!!!


I'm so happy this is getting more recognition.


I’ve had this my entire life. I struggled with over-picking and damaging my skin growing up when I didn’t know what it was or how to treat it. I’ve been using a micro-dermabrasion bar soap called Crystal Peel in the shower. It’s extremely rough at first but as long as you use it gently in circular motions (to eliminate scratching) it has been life-changing for my skin and confidence. I’m also able to extract keratin manually after showering if needed. My skin feels like it can breath again, no itchiness, super smooth and healthy feeling skin. I always lotion after the shower with an unscented lotion with clean ingredients to hydrate because I’m super dry year round. Hope this soap can help others like it did for me. It has a patent and it treats KP, eczema, dermatitis, ingrown hairs and folliculitis - I experience all of these skin conditions.


One thing that helps me a lot is to apply retinoic acid. I usually use it for my face care, but one day I tryed on other parts that has KP. Get much better feel!


I have on my arms, thighs, calves, knees, buttox, im able to extract a sebum, sometimes with pus. The best thing i could suggest is a good shampoo, a loofa or scrub and goce youself that extra time in the shower, use luke warm water not steamy, and then end with a cold shower to close the pore, it is KP and in certain areas we can also have a build up of dirt and oil. Hope this can help


My daughter has it but she's 19 months old. Is there something I can use for her especially around her age?


Oh dang this explains why I cannot for the life of me remove body hair without getting mad razor burn no matter how careful I am, and why it seems my leg hair is about 35% ingrown all the time.


Should you use your products for KP everyday?


How long do the symptoms last? Will i gey clear skin again? Also how long can you shower with cold water because its been helping me uts just teh summer heat makes it worse


Dr Lee can you recommend something for np?


I'm curious how this impacts the skin on the face?


My 9 month old has KP on her cheeks, arms and thighs. I just put lotion on it. At what age can we use GA lotion on a child?


is SA better than GA for this? i never know which acid to get for it.


Is it still KP if you ARE able to squeeze the bumps? They contain a waxy white plug, but not sebum or pus. Sometimes there is so much pressure on them they literally audibly pop! It used to be confined to my upper arms but has crept down my forearms. I hate it! (But love that you’re addressing the condition; thanks!)


I developed this on the back/outter side of my upper arms from being on escitalopram. I tend to pick at my skin when I feel any bumps so this sucks in the summer. In the winter, my arms are covered so I don't pick at them. Putting aloe on them seems to temporarily decrease the inflammation when I start picking.


I have this I am sometimes self conscious but I don’t feel the need to remove it because I feel it’s kind of my special talent in some way


Does any body know how to ask a question directly to Dr. Lee i have had a couple of spots on my face and would love to know how to treat them or what i should do about them they look like black heads but have been on my face for some years it is a hard lump under the skin but mashing them does no good just need to know what to do to make rid of them ps thanks in advance ps i am from alabama


What if it is on the face? The lotion is for the body.


Shaving my arms helped a lot. But I still have them on my thighs like crazy. Idk if shaving has helped or made them worse on my legs though😞also I can definitely pop some of them. A lot of times a little white thing comes out with a tiny hair attached! I also notice if I pop one sometimes a hair pops out attached to the skin too. Idk if I have folliculitis and kp or what!!!!
