Kirov The Old Broken City? | это разрушенный город?

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the sound of the birds singing as you are waking through the city is definitely magical


Kirov was founded in the XII century by Novgorodians, and according to one of the legends, like the Russian capital, stands on seven hills. The city was called Khlynov, then Vyatka, and received its modern name in 1934


Киров - лучший город земли ! Это моя Родина ! По стечению обстоятельств мне пришлось оставить свой любимый город . . 😥 Очень приятно, что кого- то ещё интересует мой родной город Киров ( Вятка * . 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 К сожалению, английский знаю плохо . В школе и институте немецкий изучала . . И да : Киров совсем НЕ разрушенный город !


Вы молодцы, надо показывать людям из других стран наши города и наш образ жизни, чтобы было понятно, что общего у нас больше, что надо общаться, дружить, ведь у нас только одна общая планета Земля. И ещё, вы красивая пара.


Thanks for sharing this beautiful old city, the churches are fine coloured marine green the catholic brick red, typical russian style. The environment is peaceful with parks ponds, ducks birds, very pleasant for a walk. Buildings are very colourful too, memorials are decorated with flowers, and eternal fire, so meaningful to appreciate the fighters of the past. Indeed the old cold car is interesting I like it. Have a good day, love to Xenia.


Late to the show because I'm working on the new house... :) I like Kirov. For a 500k city it's not bad at all. Founded in the mid 1200 century. I also like that in some places, you can see really far, as the city is built on a series of hill tops. Nice tour of Kirov bro and thank you for not showing the broken parts :) Sad you did not had time to fish.


Какой прелестный, уютный город Киров! Еще сохранили старинные здания, лицо города.


Greetings from NYC USA.
Good people united.


Как сдорово что есть такой канал, который объединяет всех людей увлекательными путешествиями и это всё благодаря тебе дорогой Даниэль и твоей спутнице Ксении. Будьте счастливы и продолжвйте это дело Мир Вам и благословит вас Господь


Thank you for the excursion! I did not expect Kirov to be so beautiful. As we say in Russia "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" so thank you for showing the city like this. Jews 2.5k years celebrate Purim - the holiday of salvation from the genocide. For us, May 9th is something similar.


So many beautiful towns and cities in Russia! Will see them all soon with your help, dear friend!


Never ever have I been and, probably, would I be either in that city, just do exploring it by your eyes. Bundle of thanks for spending you time and filming. Btw your videos turn to be far more professional time by time.👍🙂


Много раз проезжал мимо Кирова, но ни разу не удалось рассмотреть город внимательнее. Спасибо за обзор, брат. Жаль, что не заехал в Тюмень. Обязательно заскочи на обратном пути!


Walking in this street feels like a beautiful painting down to earth, man. 🖼
The buildings look like they stood the test of time really well.

Wow, Russia!! 😲


Awww :) Thanks very much for this video! I was there in July this year, walked the same streets as you, went down the stairs (because my hotel was near the end of it) and a couple of times I did it after 23.00 with my smartphone and debit card. Kirov was absolutely safe. Next year the city will celebrate its 650th anniversary! Not many people know, Kirov has a good paleonthology museum on the 3rd floor of the local puppet theatre. The museum tells about ancient flora and fauna, has some models and samples of ground with real bones. 20 species of dinosaurs were found in Kirov region near the town of Kotel'nich. Kotel'nich even has an open-air 'dinosaur park' where you can enjoy the nature and look at dinosaur models. My 1st property, my holiday home is not far from Kotel'nich, and this year they've laid 43 km of gas pipeline there, so even small towns are improving.


С удовольствием побывала а Кирове вместе с вами.


Thanks Dan and Senia. I thougnt that was a beautiful city. God Bless both of you!


Здорово, что открываете для себя Россию😀 Она разная и красивая и не очень😀 Как и везде🤷‍♂️ Большие территории, просто Огромная страна и сколько было нападений🤷‍♂️Ужас. Но мы процветаем и жизнь продолжается👍😁😀🥀🌼🌻🌼🥀🥀🌼🌼🌻🌼🥀🥀🌻


Hi Daniel, i admire your trait to be able to get joy from something simple as buildings in a small town, i'm such a person myself, i can get fascinated even if i see an interesting pattern in mud, needless to say about something that has history and complexity, human-made or natural, architecture, machinery or forests and animals, you name it.
Of course it's nice to look around when everything is repaired and neat, but as long as i see some progress being made i'm totally okay with some broken paint or sidewalk, it's not a big deal, it'll be fixed in the future. What really sucks is negative trend when you can see that ahead is only desolation, that's when it becomes sad. It's of course possible to find beauty in desolation also, just as in your video about abandoned village, but the feelings are mixed in such cases
Anyway, Марта, у Вас и правда шикарный сын! Вот такой 👍


Круто не ожидал увидеть Тебя в нашем городе!!!! спасибо за позитив.... городу больше 650 лет.... и до сих пор есть здания конца 19 на чало 20х веков!!!!
