The War Thunder Mechanic That NO ONE Asked For (And No One Likes)

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Yeah that title doesn't really narrow it down, does it?

Realshatter is a physics mechanic in War Thunder that tries its hardest to be realistic. But sometimes it's better not to strive for accuracy, lest you sacrifice what makes a video game fun to play in the first place.
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I would like to clarify that the graphic at 2:40 is supposed to be in GRAMS not KILOGRAMS... Somehow missed this while editing
For comparison an AIM-54 Phoenix has 61kg TNT equivalent explosive mass, which according to the graphic is 2/3s as much as a single 30mm round (probably not accurate)

ADEN = 90g (.09kg)
AIM-54 = 61, 000g (61kg)

Edit: AND AS ANOTHER COMMENTER POINTED OUT at 2:16 those are in fact MG 131s, the machine gun, and not the MG 151 which is mounted in the prop hub (another classic pilicast blunder)


yeah the enemies bullets never seem to have this problem


realShatter isn't bad in and of itself, it's just horribly, HORRIBLY misconfigured. Generating between, say, 15 and 20 fragments would technically be more realistic than generating exactly 17 every single time, but practically it would still be consistent and fun. Going from a fixed 10 or 15 fragments or however much fragmentation rounds generated before to between 0 and 3 like they do now is neither realistic nor consistent nor fun. All they have to do to fix realShatter is take the amount of fragments a round generated previously and make it generate +-10% more or less fragments. It wouldn't really change anything in practice since the deviation is so negligible, but it would be more realistic under the hood.


"Most notably the MG151"

That is the 13mm MG131 cowling gun bro


"WTF? Am I firing blanks?" ... is something I've said to myself, more than once recently. I'm glad to know it's not just my imagination, or over inflated ego, and that it's actually another "gaijin problem".


the problem with the minengeschoss is around the same time as realshatter was enabled, the sturmtiger was introduced. Because of the Sturmtiger, gaijin decided to rework HE entirely to do less overpressure damage. the Sturmtiger survived, but most other HE slingers were heavily nerfed. This also contributed the double wammy of making air RB basically unplayable for weeks.


worst part is realshitter isn't even realistic 💀


2:43 Imagine flying a plane that could spit a 102-kg shells into enemy

And in WT it would still "Hit"


2:40 im pretty sure that is meant to be grams, not kilos... i dont think a 20mm minenceshoss weighs the same as a medium sized dog...


I noticed this with the AU-1. I would get air kill no problem in ground battles with ground targets belts, but when I switched to air targets for air rb, I struggled to kill anything. It felt like Gaijin just switched air and ground targets belts around


i get the feeling its a bug that manifested over years of spaghetti code but gaijin in their infinite wisdom decided to pass it off as a new mechanic and nerf a bunch of he aircraft belts


the 151 has always been my favorite wartime gun. good velocity, good fire rate, great damage. and now with gaijin’s wacky take on “”realistic damage”” it’s even better by comparison. but I’m not happy about it. lol


Brilliant video, 10/10. Loved the visual examples and editing


I had no idea it was a mechanic gaijin added. I thought it was a gun nerf across the board. Because of real shatter I have almost entirely quit playing air rb. I still play top tier because I can ignore guns and use missiles.


Damag value randomly generated?
I seems had familiar feeling with this

Oh yeah HP bar tank games that i have been PLAYED YEARS that im sick of it and leave it for WT so i can do CONSISTENT DAMAGE and not being in mercy of RNG

And here i am becoming the clown. No matter what ther RNG will always catch me back


I once shot another plane with a 30mm and it only said hit. After it killed me, I saw their plane on the kill cam... there were holes the size of a wheel on that plane...


The funniest part of this is a few years ago Gaijin advertised war thunder by dunking on the RNG in world of tanks, ever since they’ve been constantly adding more and more RNG mechanics into the game


man i feel like i’ve been saying this for so long, gaijin seems to pick and choose where they want to be realistic, and where they want to balance. and it has a negative impact on the game environment imo. some players have an awful time, some don’t, and almost all of them (newer players) are bound to one tech tree which either cements them into their respective countries’ “metas” or makes them give up on the grind and quit, or go the premium top tier route


Real shatter is truly one of the mechanics of all time. But excellent video Pilicast, rip my Spitfires, Corsairs, and 190s.


Video is predominately correct but a few minor corrections/additions:
1) Mg 151 performs so well, in part because it predominately relies on explosive mass, but also because it does not currently use the real shatter system. As it stands it is probably the current best gun below 11.0, alongside...

2) 12.7mm Brownings are immune to real shatter as there is quite simply nothing to shatter. For most vehicles, 'how close you can get to being a glorified 12.7' determines how good your guns are post-real shatter, which is why Hispanos with their high velocity and fire rate do fairly well despite real shatter, while the 20mm Type 99 with it's substantially lower velocity and fire rate do far, far worse even though they can take a higher density of AP rounds. A lot of other 12.7mm guns are also not currently on real shatter and their best round is the IAI which basically functions as low caliber HEI. Most if not all of these will be moving to real shatter after La Royale drops though so use them while you can.

3) The current best round in the game is APHE because it is hard codded to generate a minimum of 12 fragments which, while worse than HEF at it's peak, is a god send and the real reason Hispanos perform fine despite real shatter (SAP-I functions as APHE with a very low explosive filler). In order, the hierarchy of best rounds goes: Ball/Practice/Tracer (functionally identical to AP but with worse pen), AP/HVAP, AP-I, SAP/SAP-I, SAPHE/SAPHEI/APHE (functionally identical to each other, though SAPHEI has a better chance of getting fires as you might be able to guess). Real shattered guns can still get by if their explosive filler is high enough but even then APHE is often still the way to go. Compare the HEI and APHE rounds on the MiG-29 for example, the difference can sometimes be extreme.
