EXPOSING The Gum Industry

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I'm not much of a gum guy. Let's see if I can change that by testing some of the most popular brands. Which lasts the longest? Which blows the best bubble? Which would I use as currency? The answer may shock you.






0:00 Gum, strugglers.
2:08 Chewing Gum
15:24 Bubble Gum
22:45 Fun Gum
32:50 Bonus Gum
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Scott having never gone to summer camp is the biggest surprise of the video.

He gives off mad camp counselor vibes to me


Watching a grown man chew gum for 36 minutes (and enjoying it) is a testament to just how likable Scott and his family are.


Scott: I’m not really a gum guy.
Also Scott: *has an encyclopedic memory of every gum commercial ever*


Scott is out here pioneering the decade’s greatest exposing franchise:

- Toilet Paper
- Pillows
- Gum

I’m already getting hyped for the long awaited sequels:

- Chairs
- Chips
- Soft drinks


Scott: “sorry if we’re whispering there’s a baby”
*Immediately followed by the most dad cough of all time*


Scott exudes so much dad energy that with Jaiden walking around in the background with Corbin I feel like I'm sitting at the dinner table across from my dad listening to him rant about gum lol


First toilet paper, now gum: scott is a journalistic icon


Jaden taking care of the baby in the background while he eats gum in front of a camera feels normal when it’s a Scott Cramer video.


Jaden just being a mom in the background is so wholesome I’m so happy for them 🥲


"it's like chewing on flesh, and i like it" was definitely something i did NOT expect to hear today


I love that, whenever Jaden’s in the background, your eyes clearly want to look back and check for a reaction/response from her. Until she just joins the video 😂 clearly so much stinkin love between y’all 🥹


5 gum was the gum everybody was dealing in middle school. It was mostly for the wrapper because if you peeled off the emerald part of the gum wrapper perfectly without ripping it, it had the static electricity needed to perfectly stick to our binders. So everybody would cover their binders in their favorite color of 5 gum. And it was always impressive when you found someone who had a binder completely filled without a single ripped wrapper. Because the wrappers were so fragile, it was almost a sign of status to be able to have that many gum wrappers perfectly overlaying your binder lol


If no one was convinced that Scott isn't much of a gum guy, thinking 3 minutes is a long time gave it away lol


One scary thing about the random gum machines at the mall is that you don’t know if that gum has been in there since the 80s


As a person with misophonia - you actually did an EXCELLENT job of NOT having horrific triggering chewing sounds constantly! I'm very impressed.


Scott and Jaden just blowing bubbles for awhile is the type of thing every kid thinks their parents do when they go to sleep.


So fun fact, because Trident is sugar free, it's less likely to get stuck in braces, so when I got braces in middle school, it was the only gum I was allowed to have 🥲 I was in softball and the coach wanted us all chewing gum to help with our pace or something like that? He always kept a pack of orange Trident for me. Ngl I was jealous of all the other kids chewing on Big League Chew, but I still carry around and chew on some orange Trident gum as an adult lol I'm nostalgic for it


When I was a kid, I went to this religious church camp type thing… I was too young to fully remember what it was. It wasn’t an overnight thing I dont think. Regardless, on the bus ride home, we did a bubble blowing contest. They had a whole bucket of the original Dubble Bubble gum. I think the only rule was that we had one try to blow the biggest bubble. We could take as many pieces as we wanted, and by the time it got to my turn, I had discovered that the kids who thought that grabbing a handful of pieces would make their bubble bigger always did way worse. But the kids that only grabbed a single piece didn’t have a lot to work with. So I opted for 2 pieces, and, not to brag. But I beat everyone on that bus. And my prize was that I could take the rest of the gum home in the bucket that it came in. And that was the best prize ever to a 6 year old. I kept that bucket for a long time after I had finished all the gum in about an hour lol but I didn’t even remember anything about this event until I watched this video. You unlocked a memory. Which is crazy because I had that bucket for SO LONG. I probably had it for a few years following this event. I kept toys in it, blocks, crayons, Nintendo cartridges. I wore it as a hat for playtime. It was such a huge part of my childhood, it’s kind of unbelievable that I forgot about it


The fold down on the gum pack is actually wild. It's perforated, so you finish the bottom deck first, tear it off, and you can just close it down on the only layer remaining. Nice, compact, and an intelligent design. Man, sounds complicated AF typing it all out, and I haven't finished the video yet so maybe you figured it out, so you know, good job if you did. Proud of you buddy. Love the videos, enjoy your day!


Fun fact, on many gum packets you can find the ADA Seal of Acceptance. You can also look for gum that contains xylitol. The bacteria in your mouth eats the xylitol, but it does not get anything useful from it. Essentially it starves the bacteria.

It it not a good replacement for brushing, but it can be helpful after eating. You should still keep flossing and brushing
