Is L-Carnitine Safe? | Watch FIRST BEFORE Taking L-Carnitine Supplements

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Is L-Carnitine Safe. Can L-Carnitine cause weight loss? Side effects of l-carnitine. Which l carnitine for weight loss. How l carnitine works. L carnitine to lose weight.

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What is L-Carnitine?

L-carnitine or acetyl l carnitine, is an amino acid that plays a huge role in the body in energy production, converting fat into energy. In fact its an amino acid celebrity, and is one of the most popular supplements on the market since it has been studied to enhance athletic performance to bring fat burning to the next level, help with osteoarthritis, slow down Alzheimer's disease, help in cardiovascular disease, and so much more.

Carnitine Foods List or carnitine injections.

And while many of us get our carnitine from our diets mainly in fish, red meat, and poultry, avocados, peanuts, it’s also available in capsule, liquid or as injection form to get a concentrated dose which some of you are wondering about if its worth taking more.

How l carnitine works

You see, L carnitine is a type of carnitine, which comes from amino acids. And when amino acids combine they form proteins in order to do a specific task in the body. And one of The main tasks for l carnitine is to turn fatty acids into energy to power the cells. And the good news is that generally speaking, in most people: the body makes enough of it on its own. The liver and kidneys create L-carnitine from the amino acids lysine and methionine.

L carnitine deficiency?

But in other cases, some people are at risk for lower levels of carnitine, for example if you have angina or intermittent claudication, or are a vegan or vegetarian, your levels of carnitine may be lower, and you may have been recommended to try out some carnitine.

Types of carnitine. What is the best form of carnitine.

Acetyl l carnitine: which is useful for benefiting brain health and memory since its able to pass the blood brain barrier, which is why it was studied in Alzheimer's disease.
Propionyl l-carnitine: which helps increase nitric oxide, which dilates the blood vessels giving better blood flow.
L-carnitine l-tartrate, which is found in your sports supplements, reducing sore muscles and giving you an edge on performance. So the type of carnitine will vary based on what it is you're actually trying to target.

What dose of l-carnitine. L carnitine dosage.

With the two main forms of carnitine in L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine, the amounts range from anywhere from 3 mg to 5,000 mg. You see the problem now, that's a wide range. Carnitine doesn't have a well established tolerable upper intake level.
Based on the research available, a dose of up to two grams per day is mostly used with the least amount of side effects. The general standard you hear about L-carnitine is anywhere from 500–2,000 milligrams daily.

Side effects of l carnitine.

Stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Which is why it may be best to start at lower strengths and work your way up. Interestingly, when you get to the 3000 mg or the 3 gram level, something bizarre happens, you can start smelling like a fish. A fishy body odor the literature tells us.

Risks of l carnitine. L carnitine cardiovascular disease.

Further than this, we know that carnitine helps preserve muscle glycogen and lower muscle soreness but if you have uremia and kidney dysfunction, it can play the opposite effect and cause muscle weakness and cause seizures in those who have seizure disorders. Which are all important factors that cant be ignored. Now that we discussed the dosing, the side effects, and who it is not suited for. I want to turn our attention to what happens to the unabsorbed carnitine, which is often ignored in other videos. There is some research, some, ideally I would like more, but some research indicates that intestinal bacteria metabolize the unabsorbed carnitine to form TMAO and gamma-butyrobetaine which might increase the risk of Cardiovascular disease. This ties back into the controversy with eggs and choline.

And to put it all together, if I were to start a carnitine supplement, i would start with a low dose, increase it slowly, to see how my body tolerates it over time. And With any negative side effects, be sure to report them to your doctor and if you're using it to enhance the fat loss and weight loss, be sure to use it in combination with a healthy diet and active lifestyle to see the most results.

This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Dr. Arsalan Aspires has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

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I'm not sure what he said i was hypnotised by the hands


Try speeding up the video to like 1.25x-1.5 and watch for a minute, then bring it back down to normal and you will feel like he’s talking in slow motion


Thank you! I’m excited to start, I’m glad I was educated!!


My L-Carnithine story: Last summer I lost alot of weight and hence muscle mass. That had a terrible effect on the strength of my legs. But otherwise I was healthy. That was right before a summer holiday with lots of walking. So I was desperate, I thought I won't be able to manage. But I got myself L-Carnitine and that saved me. I always had it with me and could walk the whole day. Otherwise I could have walked only for 15 or 20 minutes.

The guy in the store had told me they're giving it also to the elderly out of the hospital so they regain their strength. That made me confident. And it worked and still works miracles for me, when I need it now.


Thank you for your presentation. You have a gift of speech and that helps with your viewers. Thanks!


just found your site. I really like how you talk about dosages. So many sites don't go into how much and when to take. Excellent! thankyou ! and your content is really good - especially how you explained choline and TMAO. Look forward to future videos!


Great video bro, I appreciate you mentioning the TMAO, I also knew about this but was def confused about how little it was mentioned


Your explanation was so clear and thought out. Thank you! I was wondering if you could discuss L-carnitine in relation to PCOS.


👌👍 Extremely knowledgeable and professional


Thanks for going over the side effects


Perfect and precise, thanks for the info Doc


Thank you for your videos. I keep happening upon you and like your approach and explanations of your topics. And, of course, the topics you choose are great. I am a huge fan of supplements and like learning which ones I could benefit from and what I am wasting my money on. Subscribed. Can't wait to learn more.


Well I was diagnosed with type 2 over 2 years ago and decided to try low carb and walking. This worked great and after 7-8 months I found the feeling in the soles of my feet came back. but after 2 years my toes still had numbness. I read about acetyl l carnitine and neuropathy so I decided to try this. Within a short period of time the feeling returned in my toes. So I found it really boosted my keto diet in reversing neuropathy. Also I noticed an increase in energy especially brain energy.


“I don’t know what to do with my hands” 😂 but this was helpful, thanks!


Thanks for making this video great information 👍👍👍❤️


Very insightful information this was great timing just started to research this supplement..


Thank you so much for that Insight❤ very much appreciated


Love your videos & your style of provide useful, detailed information, on any of the given topics, with clarity...& in a way the layman would readily grasps....


Thank you for all this information👍. I've tried acetyl L-carnitine 500 mg in addition to mornig coffee and it seems it works for me to increase energy well👍
