Hearing Bells When Angels are Near

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I’m hearing bells now and I had a feeling I wasn’t the only one going through this 😭😭🙏🏽🙏🏽


Thank You. Yesterday I'm sitting alone outside listening to nature and praying over loved ones and I heard 3 bell rings, I raised my head expecting more and looking for where the bells rang. 3 rings I thought at first oh a church is ringing their Bells, no I had never heard the bell rings before. I Thanked the Lord and felt Blessed. GOD BLESS ALL LOVE ALL.😊💖💛💖


I heard bells this very night from the corner of my room. I sensed immediately it was important and I listened intently. I looked it up and I landed here to see your video. Thank you for sharing. What a delight I feel knowing it’s my angels. It’s a sign to pray so I’m going to do exactly that now. 💜✨✨


Have been hearing bells for days. Beautiful clear and ethereal bells. Glad to see I'm not alone!


I heard small bells tonight which brought me here, like tiny and soft Christmas bells.


When I was a teenager. Around age 14, I decided to start reading the bible. After a few days, I noticed I would wake up to the sound of bells ringing. It sounded like it was next to me but in the distance at the same time. It would happen around 0238 to 0300 each morning. I didn't understand it and ultimately I was a little freaked out and I stopped reading the bible because of it. I told my mom and she told me it was the devil messing with me but she didn't understand my intuitive gifts and abilities. I also woke her up twice telling her I could leave my body in my sleep. She was happy when I moved out. I suppressed my gifts for years but at age 43 feel drawn to them again.


I heard bells when I was 10 years old after praying in my room. I had no TV or radio in my room. My parents were sleep and all of the lights were out. After I prayed a very deep and sincere prayer the bells started. It wasn't just ringing, it was harmonized as a song, almost sounding like Christmas bells as they are harmonized. I covered my ears as if the music was coming from the outside but it was coming from the inside yet very loud and clear. After a few minutes my body became paralyzed and I begin to shout without my control. It was as if my spirit and body were separated and the spirit within me was jumping up and down extremely fast as if it were jumping a thousand times a minute yet my body was paralyzed and I could not control what was happening to me for that moment. After that, tears of joy came running down my face because I knew that the Lord touched me and heard my prayer. I searched for years to find people that have had similar experiences and praise God that I am not alone and God is allowing others to hear these bells and or music.


I heard Bells this morning when I woke up. I wasn't asleep I was fully awake. It was a soft tinkling or like the sound Chimes make in the Wind. At first I thought maybe it was a slight earthquake rattling something. When this happened I was praying to the Lord and asking him to show me about his anointing. For the past couple of weeks I have had a strong urge to pray and read the scriptures and seek for a fuller experience with the Holy Spirit. After reading all the comments I believe that the Bells were a sign from God or a manifestation of his presence.


Im a energy healer and I hear bells every morning. Its at its strongest between 4:00 am to 6:00 am. They don't sound like bells but more like faint wind chimes. I think every one angle puts off about two chimes every 30 to 39 sec. Meaning the chime just repeats itself but the chimes are different for each individual angel. When I hear them together it just sounds like a wonderful wind chime.


Thank you for this video, this morning in my room I am surrounded by pictures of my family, especially of my Mom. I have prayer time each morning, this morning I am thinking of my next door neighbor, a young woman with two children and her Father that I would see walking his dog everyday. She told me he just passed of Covid19. I pray for her lose and after talking to her yesterday I pray she will be watched over by her Father and prayers. Just out of nowhere in my room I heard a soft bell, made me smile and write this to share my experience.


My aunt called me saying she had been hearing church like bells. I never really believed her until I heard them too. She came up to VA to bring me back to SC to spend the week with her. On the road I started to nod off but couldn’t fall asleep because of the bells I was hearing. I looked at her and asked her to turn off her phone. She gave me a confused looked and asked why, I said BECAUSE THE RINGING IS LOUD! Her face went blank, she yelled, YOU HEAR THEM TOO!?! So strange.


I’ve heard little light bells several times lately. The first two times I noticed it but didn’t think too much. The third I began to think … ok, this could be angelic, now I heard it again so have been looking to see if anyone else has had this. I’ve had other experiences too, a sunflower seed dropped in front of me in the kitchen and also some loose sparkly beads I found in a small heap on the floor, in the kitchen too. I love it and very thankful 🙏✨⭐️


I heard 3 bells last weekend and 2 today. My mother passed away last month and my grandfather 2 months ago. A single bell each time.


I've been hearing the exact same thing at night it acared me cuz I'm a kid but now it makes me happy


I read the bible yesterday & then went into prayer & no one else was in the house & I heard this bell ring quite faint then just 15 minutes ago I was watching a YouTube about God & I heard it again my son is home & I asked him & he said he hadn’t heard anything!!


Moved into a new house a month ago - heard bells while sitting in the living room. Seemed to come from the celling. I was puzzled. They were sweet bells - most like alter bells, I'd say. Rang once; then again a few minutes later. Last night I woke at 3am and went to the kitchen for tea. Sitting there, they rang again above me, same bells, different location. Really amazing. We are a very spiritual family, but have never heard bells until moving here.


I had a similar experience. I was asleep, and as I was waking up from my sleep, I heard bells and questioned God, " What it meant unfortunately it has not been revealed I pray that the Lord will bring us interpretation of the meaning of these things.


i heard bells ringing right now. like i heard it in the corner of my room right behind my ear i heard it ring two times it sounded like a church bell


I heard censer bells around my house like 2:30am in the morning a few weeks ago. I was sitting quietly in my living room in the dark. My guess it was spirit blessing my home, casting away whatever was coming or to come.


I too have heard bells. This morning around 6:38am. The sound of two soft taps on a singing bowl. Coming from downstairs, but my singing bowl is next to me. This is the second time it’s happened. Just decided to dig a little this time 🛎
