An Underlying Coherence Between Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

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This talk was delivered at the conference, "Quantum Information Revolution: Impact to Foundations?" at Linnaeus University, Sweden, on 10 June 2019. This answer to Bub's question, "Why the Tsirelson bound?" reveals an underlying coherence between special relativity and quantum mechanics per Fuchs' desideratum that we "take the structure of quantum theory and change it from this very overt mathematical speak ... into something like [special relativity].'' That is, no preferred reference frame (NPRF) leads to both the relativity of simultaneity (due to everyone measuring the same speed of light c) and the Tsirelson bound (due to everyone measuring the same action +1/-1 h-bar/2). The relativity of simultaneity means things like, "The boys are the same age and they are not the same age." The Tsirelson bound means entangled binary information reflects an "average-only" conservation principle, which means there is no trial-by-trial conservation between different reference frames. As with the light postulate of special relativity, this constraint is not underwritten by a dynamical mechanism or hidden variables, which implies spatiotemporal constraints are fundamental to dynamical laws as argued in "Beyond the Dynamical Universe" (Oxford UP, 2018). Thus, the answer to Bub's question per Fuchs' desideratum is, "the Tsirelson bound obtains due to conservation per NPRF.''

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Well I am a high school dropout, and thus I have no physics education at all, but I was interested in "Motion". So in my spare time I analyzed motion to determine what it is and what it is that is required to make motion possible. The final outcome was that I independently derived the SR equations, along with the Lorentz Transformation equations. In turn I had revealed the "absolute" foundation that makes the relativistic "no preferred frame of reference" outcome occur. Anyhow, I would love to hear your response to my YouTube videos which show my complete analysis of motion and how it led to the SR equations. Also, the manner in which I derived the equations does not seem to have been thought of by anyone else up to this date.


Shadow world time distillation, topographical issues. Much more than that though. Time dilation. Both ends must meet on each side equally to nexus .
