Is it possible to increase my height by making Dua? | Quora

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So the question is, Is it possible to increase my height by making Dua?

This whole world is running on Dua and Daowa. One is faith and the other is science. So there is no chance to call it impossible. But here I have something more to say.

2. Science

First of all, let's talk about science. Science means the Law of Nature. For example, whether you are a Muslim or a non-Muslim, if you jump from the tenth floor you will die. Because this is a natural law that we call Newton's third law of gravitation in terms of science.
At one age your height will increase and at another age, your height will not increase. This is also a kind of law of nature. You will see such natural laws everywhere from our bodies to the whole universe, and behind each of these natural laws, there is great wisdom of Allah that we sometimes understand and sometimes we don't understand. We can explain these natural laws, but we can't break these laws. We cannot change a natural law, all we can do is impose one natural law on another natural law.
In that case, you should discuss your height problem with an expert who has been studying this topic for many years and has some achievement in this field. Because that expert person may know a natural law or science that can help you encounter another natural law or science that is working behind your lower height. In a word, there is a science behind not increasing height and it has to be confronted with another science. From that point of view, science is actually a part of faith. Because GOD is your guardian, not your servant.
If you just pray, don't follow science, it means that you don't really understand the science, the law of nature which is offered by GOD. Or even if you do understand, you don't care enough. You think of yourself as such a virtuous person that you are basically waiting for something miraculous or supernatural.
Now I will not ask you how logical your waiting is. The question I will ask you is, can you please tell me, how many miracles have happened in the lifetime of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? How many events have happened outside the natural law? He is one of the greatest prophets, the holiest man, yet if you study his life you will find only a few such supernatural miracle events. Where there are only a few miracles that happen in the life of the last Prophet (peace be upon him), should we, sinful people like you and me, expect that Allah will go beyond the laws of nature and do many more miracles in our lives? Will we wait for those miracles? Would you jump from a ten-storey building thinking that Allah will protect you all the time?
Do you understand what I mean? The point is not that GOD can not protect us, the point is that GOD can test us but we cannot test GOD.

1. Faith

So prayer or faith has no role? Of course, it has. Just because you are following science, does not mean that you no longer need to pray to GOD almighty. As a Muslim, you should do both following science and making dua. See, without the permission of GOD, not a single leaf moves in this world. Not a single leaf moves beyond the control of Allah. And so whatever you want for yourself, you have to get it sanctioned through prayers from Allah. Because without the help of Allah, we all are helpless. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: A hadith from Bukhari and Muslim, Dua is worship.
Another hadith says that a person who does not ask for anything from Allah, Allah is displeased with him. By the way, It is something that is the opposite of human nature. And it will be the opposite because humans are finite and GOD is infinite. Infinite cannot be compared with finite. So, if you are shy with GOD and do not ask for something from GOD by being polite, then it is your own loss. However, it was a Hadith Number. 3373 of Tirmidhi Sharif.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) further said, ‘The door of mercy has been opened for those of you who have opened the door of duas. And among all the duas the most pleasing to Allah is Afiyat; That is, to pray for safety and health. '(Jame Tirmidhi, Volume: 5, Page: 552, Hadith Number: 3547).
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) further said, ‘Only duas can change destiny.’

And finally, I will tell you another hadith which will make your mind relax, completely relax. It is narrated in the hadith, ‘When a Muslim makes a Dua, and his dua does not include any sinful act or a request for breaking up any relationship, then Allaah must give one of the three rewards. Either Allah will immediately accept his dua and will give him what he wants. Or will protect him from any misfortune due to the dua. Or will save it for the good of the Hereafter. '(Ahmad, 3:16, Hadith: 11149). In other words, whether your height increases or not, none of your duas will go in vain. In a word, you have no loss if you make dua.
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