How to play Uno Remix (Uno Legacy)

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This game plays just like regular uno but with a couple of twists. For a refresher on the regular rules of uno, check out this video. Unwrap the remix cards but do NOT shuffle them. Write each player’s name on the back of the scoresheet. Place the stickers nearby. Count how many players there are. Take that same number of cards from the front of the remix card deck and place them face up in the center of the table. The youngest player goes first and takes one of the remix cards, then proceding clockwise, each other player takes one. Each player writes on their card with a sharpie according to the type of card it is. The new cards are as follows:

Plus card. The next player must draw as many cards as tally marks shown on this card, then their turn is skipped.

Add a mark card. Find any plus card in the play deck and add 1 additional tally mark to it then shuffle it into the deck. Then destroy this card.

Wild + name: to customize, write your name. You may play this wild card at any time, however the person whose name is on the card gets to choose the new color.

Skip to: to customize, write your name. When this is played, play immediately skips to the player written on the card.

The giving card. To customize, write a name of an opponent. When this card is drawn, this card is immediately given to the player whose name is on the card. This card cannot be blocked by a shield.

Shield name. To customize, write your name. You may play a shield from your hand to block a penalty card that would cause you to draw cards. If the name on the shield is your name, then you can block any penalty card regardless of that card’s color. However, if the name is someone else’s name, then you may only block a penalty card with a shield that is the same color of that penalty card. If you are blocking a wild draw 4, you must first wait for the color to be chosen before you can block it. After you play a shield and block a penalty, play continues in the. current order from the player who initially played the penalty card.

Draw 2 name. To customize, add the name of an opponent. When played, if there is one name on the card, then that player must draw 2 cards. If there are two names on the card, then the player who played the card picks one of those 2 players to draw 2 cards. If the player who drew the 2 cards is next in turn order, then their turn is skipped, and the next player goes; otherwise play continues in the current turn order from the player who played the draw 2 name.

Wild draw 4 name. This is the same as the draw 2 name except with 4 cards. The only limitation on this card is that you are not allowed to play this card if you have a card in your hand that matches the color of the top card in the discard pile. If the player who is about to draw the 4 cards thinks you played illegally, they may challenge you. You reveal your hand and if the play was illegal, then you draw the 4 cards instead. But if the play was legal, then the challenger draws 6 cards instead of 4.

Add a name card to draw 2 and draw 4: find any draw 2 or draw 4 card respectively in the game play deck and add any name to the card then destroy this card.

Once everyone’s remix card was been customized, add those cards into the game play deck. Pick a dealer who shuffles the game play deck then deals 7 cards to each player and play like you would normal uno with the added cards. At the end of each round, the winner takes the lowest numbered star sticker and adds it to their score sheet. Before every new round, repeat the process of customizing remix cards; with the winner of the previous round picking the first remix card in the next round. The winner of the previous round is the dealer in the next.

When you run out of remix cards for a round, use however many you have left; then at the end of that round, the player with the most star stickers is given the champion sticker and the player with the fewest is given the jester. If there is a tie, then the champion...

0:00 – Objective
0:16 – Set Up
0:49 – Plus Card/ Add-A-Mark- Card
1:09 – Wild + Name/ Skip-to
1:30 – The Giving Card
1:46 – Shield Name
2:30 – Draw 2 Name
3:03 – Wild Draw 4 Name
3:38 – Add a Name Card to Draw 2 & Draw 4
3:54 – Special Rules
4:30 – Winner & Jester
5:02 – End Card
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this might be more interesting if people had to put "Player 1" instead of names. That way it can be universally used. instead of locked to one group.


I’m not ready for the “destroy the card” part


it's never a tripple s games video without the phrase "the _ player goes first then play proceeds clockwise". is like watching the show and the main character says he's catch phrase.


1:06 *D E S T R O Y T H I S C A R D*


I've never seen a game that requires you to destroy the card.


This reminds me of a thing I heard of where there were DVD rentals where the disc chemically self-destructs.


*”No cards have been harmed during the production of this video”*


i was not prepared for "then destroy this card"


My Variation:
The Shield can cancel ANY opponent's action card's effect. You don't need to follow colours as long as it's your own shield! However, if an opponent has a shield card that has their name or the player who put a shield before them's name on it then they get to cancel your shield. It's like putting a Just Say No card on a Just Say No card in Monopoly Deal, if you know what I mean.
Draw 2 Name and Draw 4 Name will result in two players drawing the respective number of cards IF two names are on the card(unless one of them is you). If they aren't going next, their turn won't be skipped. Otherwise, they'll have to skip a turn.
You can put the same name on the Draw 2 and Draw 4 cards to force the opponents to draw double to amount of cards. OUCH.
You can't put more than 3 marks on the plus card.
If you draw a Giving Card with your name on it, discard one additional card from your hand then give it to ANY OPPONENT OF YOUR CHOICE. Opponents can block this card and prevent you from discarding.


I'm not gonna destroy a card just for some "permanent nature"


If the remixing cards are finished, then unique cards are for regular Uno, right?


Uno "Frick you in particular" edition.


there is no point in destroying the cards, you can't play the game anymore if you do that.
instead, just put the card aside until you finish the entire game.
when you finish the game you can start again and add those cards back in without having to buy a new deck of cards.

for all of those saying "you have to destroy a card in a legacy game" you are right, but it's unnecessary here, since putting the cards back in the box does the same effect and avoids having to buy a new deck of cards if you want to play again.


Just use those cheapo sticker dots to save your cards.


After you destroy a card, your dog jumps over the table and wastes your game.


Couldn't you use dry erase markers? Do we really need to go that far as to destoy a card?


This UNO game is like 1 time gameplay 🤣 I bought it and I Think I will have it like collection 🤣


when he destroyed the cards, I felt that


New players coming to play after the names have already been written down
Who wtf is Joe???


I can't wait for this to be added to the amalgam.
