Tommy's First Look Tutorial on the Synthstrom Deluge

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I've been wanting a Synthstrom Deluge synth for a while now, and the other day one popped up used at a low(er) price, so I grabbed it. I expected it to be fun, but it turned out to be a little more bad ass than I anticipated. In this video I do a quick overview of the basics of the unit as I know them so far. I'm learning the thing myself.

0:00 Intro
1:18 Overview
2:18 Clip Mode (Kits & Loading Samples)
5:05 Sequencing a beat
5:24 Tempo Change
5:35 Mutes
6:06 Sidechaining
6:46 Clip basic controls overview
8:25 Probabilities
10:10 Synth Mode, Scales & Keyboard
16:48 Waveform Editing
18:45 Choke Groups
24:20 Dropping Bass
24:55 Recording Automation
25:20 Shortcut grid overview
26:15 Adding Saturation
27:00 Live Performance Muting
28:18 Ending
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Hey man. I bought mine over a year ago. IT CHANGED everything for me. It's an astonishing machine - and it gets better with every update. Stick with it- there's SO much it can do. And very soon that small screen won't be a problem. Oh, and learn how to sample via the LINE IN or using the little mic - it's a BRILLIANT sampler! Trust me bro: you'll love it!


COOL buy and a musical asset ..I got mine a while back and it took me a while to understand it..., I am no expert in drum machines and synths ..this was my first jam box ...its a very unique powerful machine which evolves over time.


“Oh I made trap!” That shit was funny. Also man, you’re really good at these videos, especially if this is your first one. Please do more on the Deluge!


I will get into Song Arrangement mode and synth programming in another video.


Enjoy your deluge. Btw, you don't need to press audition+shift to access a shortcut, any1 of the two is enough.


Where do you get your drum samples from?
