How to Hand Train a Bird

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Learn to hand train your bird with these great products!

Stackable Divided Breeder Breeding Parakeet Bird Cage:
Pets vv Rope Bungee Bird Toy, Bird Perch:
Large Wren Finch Bird House for Garden Window:
Bird Feeding Dish Cups Parrot Food Bowl Clamp Holder:
Airtight Pet Food Storage Container:


You may not be able to get your parakeet to balance a ball on his beak, but every hook-billed species -- from parakeets to cockatoos -- can be trained to step onto your finger when you tell him to.

Step 1: Train only wing-clipped birds
Don’t try to take your bird out of his cage unless his wings have been clipped.

Step 2: Desensitize bird
To get your bird not to flip out when you put your hand into his cage, several times a day insert your hand into the cage and wave it slowly in the bird’s direction. Repeat this daily until the bird gets used to it.

Try holding a bird treat when you put your hand into the cage. Once you can get your bird to eat from your hand, you’re well on the way toward establishing 'hand trust.'

Step 3: Hold perch or stick
For the next two weeks, insert your hand into the cage several times a day--but this time, hold a perch or stick in your hand. Your goal: getting the bird to step onto the perch.

Step 4: Trigger “step up” reflex with perch
When the bird gets used to the perch in your hand, start getting him to step onto it. Hold it at a right angle to the bird’s body and gently nudge him in the chest. This will trigger his 'step up' reflex.

Always say 'Up, up' or 'Step up' when you nudge the bird with the perch. Give him lots of praise when he steps onto it. He’s making progress!

Step 5: Replace perch with hand
When the bird is comfortable standing on a hand-held perch, you can start training him to stand on your hand alone. During each training session, move your hand farther down the perch -- and closer to the bird.

Step 6: Discard perch
After a few days, your bird should assume that a perch comes with a hand attached--so now it’s time to up the ante once again. What’s next? That’s right: your hand without the perch.

Step 7: Trigger “step up” reflex with hand
Moving slowly and smoothly and repeating the 'Up, up' command, nudge the bird in the chest until he has no choice but to step onto your pointer finger to steady himself.

Step 8: Repeat
Repeat this procedure until the bird has no problem stepping onto your finger and perching there.

Step 9: Practice outside of cage
Now you and your feathered friend can begin working outside the cage. With the bird perched on your finger, slowly and smoothly bring him out through the cage door.

If you have a large bird, a T-stand will be a helpful training tool when working outside the cage. Practice putting the bird onto the T-stand and taking him off again.

Step 10: Practice verbal command
Practice the 'Up, up' command diligently until the bird knows that he should always step onto your 'finger perch' when you say so.

If the bird gets startled and flutters off your hand, calmly follow him to where he lands and nudge him, saying 'Up, up.' Usually, he’ll step right back onto your finger.

Step 11: Enlist friends and relatives
Encourage your friends and relatives to work with your bird as much as possible. The tamer a bird becomes, the happier his relationship with his human flock will be.

Did You Know?
Birds in the parrot family have two toes facing forward and two facing backward, to help them hold onto things while they’re climbing.
Рекомендации по теме

Learn to hand train your bird with these great products!

Stackable Divided Breeder Breeding Parakeet Bird Cage:
Pets vv Rope Bungee Bird Toy, Bird Perch:
Large Wren Finch Bird House for Garden Window:
Bird Feeding Dish Cups Parrot Food Bowl Clamp Holder:
Airtight Pet Food Storage Container:


At 1:53, the bird wanted a head scratch instead of stepping up. That was cute for me, lol.


My bird just learned to step up onto my hand naturally. She now also flies onto my shoulder without command :)


Oh I thought I didn't need a hand for this.


me: wow that's *easy*

me trying to hold my bird

bird: imma end this woman's whole career


Honestly, moving your hand away from the cage when he bites is not a good thing..
He will get used to keep biting when you put your hand in the cage.
they should give these additional informations..


I got my cockatiel yesterday, and since I got him from an amazing lady who took care and hand fed all of her birds, it’s day two and he is already stepping up. He’s such a tame friendly bird <3


I don’t like clipping my birds wings

I feel like it’s not really good because your giving your bird a handicap


My bird didn't have wings clipped and he was tamed happy little guy. You don't necessary need to clip their wings if you will work with them slowly then they will not fly away


Subtitles on: Step 1: "Don't try" well ok then *shuts off video*


Taming these birds take weeks to months. Taming a Sparrow took 5 minutes. My dad came home from work one evening with a baby Sparrow in his flannel pocket. He said a hawk was after it and it fell from the sky. My dad ran over to it and the hawk left. He picked it up and took it home. I looked up some stuff, etc. We made a temporary place for it in form of a shoe box, some bedding, food and water filled plates under our dining table. I checked on it every 10 minutes or so until we went to bed. It didn't eat any food or drank. We woke up and found it chilling, but still didn't eat only pooped. I tried to pick it up. It was scared for like 5 minutes and then it finally got on my finger. After that it did everything I wanted it to. It followed me around the house walks pretty funny and cute. Everywhere I put it it stayed until I started leaving the place he follows. It doesn't poop quite as much as Parrots do. It was with me for hours and not a single skat. I had to let it go because mom.


Step 1 is totally optional... it should be stated


You Don't have to clip a birds wings


As long as you keep all windows and doors shut and any gaps they could fall down covered, you don't need to clip their wings. They'll fly circles around the room but this is good because it helps to control their energy. :)

(Some birds can get hyper by squawking alot or flapping in their cage and getting them out in an enclosed room helps them to calm down).


Thanks for the video! I have a male and female, and when I first got them, they were almost completely wild! (Got them off of craigslist) If I went anywhere near the cage, they would flip out. Now, 6 months later, I have them tamed, and can hold them and have them with me. However, I can't always get them to step up from inside the cage. I will be starting to teach them how these next few weeks- thanks for the tips! Wish me luck!


No way, i got her yesterday and now my budgie is so good at it


This helped A LOT my mum got me a bird cage and said I’ll be able to train a bird (once we get one) and yeah I don’t know how to train one so this helped! Tysm


What do you mean "dont let it out of the cage unless its wings are clipped"
Im not diong that to my bird!! I WANT HER TO FLY!! ;-; someone please explain me :/


Thank you really so much for those tips, I've been trying to hand tame my lovebird and he just kept running away and not listening to my commands, when I saw that you have to start with a stick I did the same and I could learn him some commands, now he comes on the stick and goes off when I tell him to. though it has been only a few minutes, I'm going to practice a little more.

really thank you soo much, it was very very helpfull.


Well, I just placed my finger in my budgie's cage and it sat on my hand without any training. And I just bought it today
