5. nach dem Alter fragen | ask about age in German | Kurzdialoge | A1 | Learn German | March Special

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#learngermanoriginal #LearnGerman #deutschsprechen
In this video series you will come across a few situations with simple dialogues that you can also practice. Every day there will be a new topic - Today's topic - HOW TO ASK ABOUT AGE IN GERMAN
Download worksheet for FREE here:
Download TRANSCRIPT here:
Listen to PODCAST here:
It is highly recommended to listen and repeat. You can always pause and replay to hear something again.
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Do like our facebook page for more tips and interesting facts about Germany and other German speaking countries :
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Learn German online for free with easy to understand lessons on our channel "Learn German".
Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel on YouTube and start learning German today!
In this video series you will come across a few situations with simple dialogues that you can also practice. Every day there will be a new topic - Today's topic - HOW TO ASK ABOUT AGE IN GERMAN
Download worksheet for FREE here:
Download TRANSCRIPT here:
Listen to PODCAST here:
It is highly recommended to listen and repeat. You can always pause and replay to hear something again.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write!
Support us at:
Watch our Playlists-
Do like our facebook page for more tips and interesting facts about Germany and other German speaking countries :
Also visit us here:
Learn German online for free with easy to understand lessons on our channel "Learn German".
Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel on YouTube and start learning German today!
5. nach dem Alter fragen | ask about age in German | Kurzdialoge | A1 | Learn German | March Special
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