Elite Sniper Becomes Nightmare For The Terrorist Sniper Team

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Рекомендации по теме

House sniper, put a rifle on a robot, and turn on your pc and control it without the fear of getting killed


Sniper teams rarely at all use the 50 cal on missions like that, it’s very heavy and has a huge report when shooting it . They might use it to knock out vehicles when they don’t have to move around or trek much today even on very long range shots they don’t use it with the 338 lapua and 408 chytac


elite sniper? he or his team was caught almost every fight. and the last one he was in plain sight not even TRYING to hide. more like "just scored enough to pass" sniper


2:40 we aren’t gonna talk about there sniper in like 6ft long


The Turkish Sniper Team movies are good.


Bro what is it with the "Elite Sniper" every single video is like Elite Sniper Kills whole army.


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