Can You Solve This 'Easy Looking' Endgame Puzzle? 🔍

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🔍 In this puzzle, it is white to move and win! There are so many variations to this one, so be sure you calculate everything out! Give it your best shot! Let me know what you think in the comments!

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FEN: 8/8/8/4p3/p1k1p3/4P3/2K4P/8 w - - 0 1
Composed By: Unknown
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A very nice geometrical puzzle. I did sovle this one, did not find it too hard. its all about creating a longer way for the opponent to catch the pawn. because at h3 the pawn control the g4 square, so the black kin will have to spend one more move to go via h4 to catch the pawn.. and additionaly as you said, it looks similar to a zugzwang in that sence that white has a opposition or more imporantly, black does not have a usefull move..

when/if white played h4 imeditately, black HAS to go Kd5, but after h3, the king can wait one more move. But does not have a good move, as a3 seems most useful, its just that after a3, the white king now have one move less to take the a pawn.. so when we THEN play h4, black is forced to run with the king and they then have a direct way and dont lost one move to go around.. but now we also dont have to lost one move to go around.. so thats what we gained.. in stead of playeing h4 right away we played h3 to force black to shorten our way or get a longer way them self.

One thing
At 0:56. You are acctualy not showing the best way for white. Then line you show white looses a tempo, i guess you just want to show that white looses the pawn race.
But after the black king plays Kd5 to go after the h pawn.. white should ofc not waist time on moving the pawn.. instead white should go strait for the black a pawn. White then gets to the senter pawns one move faster.. but its still one move to slow.. so white losses in that line too.
i talking about this line:
33. h4 Kd5 34. Kb2 Ke6 35. Ka3 Kf5 36. Kxa4 Kg4 37. Kb4 Kxh4 38. Kc4 Kg4 39. Kd5 Kf3 40. Kxe5 Kxe3
As i said, its not winning for white, but its superior to the line you showed in video as white kind of waistes a tempi on using moves to run unesesary with the pawn.

I calculated that and got the idea of h3 becuase i saw all the other lines failed and that black would get one square longer to go around.. and if black moved the a pawn, witch is more or less forced as they have no good move (they looses a tempi no mater) then we instad win one tempi there as the pawn takes 2 moves to take instead of 3.


pushing the third black pawn in the wrong direction around 3.24


You know this puzzle? :
White: Ke2, Bf3, Nb7, Nc5
Black: Kc8, Rb8, Bd8, Pawns: a7, c7, h5
Stockfish could not solve it even after telling him the first 7 or 8 moves for white 😅


It seems absurd that the given move wins, while 1 h4 does not!


I would've known h3 is the best and brilliant move.😎👌🏻


Well yes it's easy to find in a real game and in a puzzle.😺💪🏻


After realizing h4 doesn't work I tryed h3 😅. Very nice puzzle 😊 in a réal game I'm sure I would have played h4 😢


You make mistakes in your videos. But over all you choose interesting chess studies. Why do you not tell us the chess composer? It is the right of the chess composer, that if a chess problem is shown, also his name is shown.
