Flow Field Pathfinding in Unity DOTS! (INSANELY FAST! 15 NEW Lectures)

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💬 Here's the awesome update I've been looking forward to for quite a while!
I've just added 15 new Lectures to my DOTS course all on the topic of making a DOTS Grid System and Flow Field Pathfinding!
This was quite tricky to make into understandable step by step lectures but I'm quite happy with the result. We're going to go slowly bit by bit implementing the Grid System and then the Pathfinding while creating lots of debug visuals to make sure everything is working.

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If you have any questions post them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them.

See you next time!

Hello and Welcome!
I'm your Code Monkey and here you will learn everything about Game Development in Unity using C#.

I've been developing games for several years with 8 published games on Steam and now I'm sharing my knowledge to help you on your own game development journey.

I do Unity Tutorials on just about every topic, Unity Tutorials for Beginners and Unity Tutorials for Advanced users.
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💬 Learn how to get MASSIVE PERFORMANCE to build any game you can imagine!
Write code that runs 260x FASTER!


For anybody unsure if to purchase the course: I’ve been using Unity for years and know my way around C#, but DOTS always felt like a hurdle I couldn’t get over. I finally bit the bullet and paid for a course, and honestly, it’s been worth every cent. It’s really helped me kickstart my DOTS journey and made everything click. Totally recommend it for anyone struggling to get started with DOTS


Dots and ecs is winning me over... in my game due to heavy pivoting and all I stumbled on a solution that demanded 3600 objects on one map... So I tried to implement movement sync and graphics through dots... blazing fast, my pc struggled with regular objects... but this saved the game so far.


A few years ago I implemented my own ECS / DOTS like system in a different game engine.
The experience made me realize just how inefficient most software is these days. Essentially CPUs and GPUs have become blazingly fast but software development practices have moved in the opposite direction. The way we usually build software with object oriented design is counter productive to how CPUs like to process data resulting in a lot of wasted CPU cycles.
Now to be fair, I'm not saying all software needs to be blazingly fast and run in 0.24ms but at the same time it's a shame to realize that our computers are not nearly as slow as we're lead to believe. On the upside, it is kind of exciting to realize that the hardware is not really the limiting factor in building amazing software.


I wasn't expecting to see 3 free lectures when I clicked on this video.


If you are interested, I did implementation of your a* pathfinding video in ECS and I could show you.
With of course implementation to 3D space but movement on one layer for a platform game.


I am developing a real-time strategy (RTS) game. In my game, I can build a command tent, a worker hut, a garrison that can build troops, and an archer tower that damages enemies and can also train archer troops. I have just started development on the project, and in the future, I will add more buildings, troop types, and enemy types that will attack the castle and try to destroy the command tent. I have not fixed the total number of troops I can train at this moment.

Are DOTS compulsory for my game? I may add Unity multiplayer features, such as a dedicated server. Is there a way I can build this type of game without DOTS? If yes, how many total troops, enemies, and buildings can Unity handle in a scene that is currently rendering in the camera view?


will your dots course include DOTs multiplayer, because I dont see it in the listed learned topics for DOTs and I will buy it instantly if it does. Personaly I would rather get it on UDEMY as I have a bunch of courses there already but if this really helps you out then i could make an acception


The course looks great! Next time I feel the urge to do some game dev I'll definitely pick it up! Your cooking game course was delightful.

I have an idea for an rts in space which uses all three dimensions, I imagine modifying the grid to calculate x, y, z would be fairly straightforward. If I wanted to add gravity to the equation that could be done by adjusting how the best scores are calculated right?


can you please make a full in depth tutorial on how to make a multiplayer game with the steam multiplayer api, because I'm making a game that uses your steam account (it will be on steam) and has proximity chat + text chat for people who don't have microphones. I'd appreciate it if you could make a tutorial on this because every other tutorial is always to hard to understand or just straight up doesn't work. Have a good day, you're amazing!


Obviously, DOTS is needed for large RTS things or a fluid sim, but do you think Flow Field could still be useful outside of DOTS? Would you consider making a standalone video on that with a reference to the DOTS version?


he he he, will you now take these dots and implement Bezier' Curves for individual paths to follow? ... Please? Details man, details, lots of details.


One question regarding bestCost: Did I understand it correctly that you add up all grid positions one by one their costs to the bestCost so that at the end you know which way is the fastest? If so, did your byte type for bestCost does not overflow (255 + 1 = 0) and thus result in perhaps not the best path than another?


Are we gonna get free version of course in future?


Hey codemonkey, can you make a video how to use GameObjects that navigate towards the player (run every frame pathfinding function like A*) and that function calls run in DOTS? GameOBject + DOTS + BurstCompiler, but without the ECS stuff as much as possible.. I think you had a video with that topic, but maybe it needs an update with Unity 6 coming out with newest DOTS version?


It might be answered in the full course, but why is the grid built of discrete entities instead of neatly packing all the data in linear arrays?


Hi is this going to be available on Udemy?


could anyone suggest me any good tutorial about chopping trees, thanks.


Man, can you do payment plans? XD I really enjoy your content and want to do this course, i have the ones on udemy already, but in my country the dollar conversion is just wayyy too much and this is quite expensive, rightfully so though you always put a lot of effort in these, but jsut want to know if there are options on payment like a monthly thing or something similar


I'm confused...how did you not get an error using a NativeArray in an IComponentData? I thought unity says to use a dynamic buffer instead.
