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The Gypsies or Romani are a nomadic ethnic group that roams the world, living in tents, speaking their own language, and maintaining their unique culture and traditions. In this short documentary, I want to talk about this ethnic group, their origins, history, culture, language, genetics, folklore, and much more.
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This documentary was very interesting. Thank you.
I'm from rural Ireland, now in my 7th decade and I was familiar and interactive with two "Travelling" groups:
1) Tinkers ie Travelling Tin-smiths.
Genetic testing has determined that these Irish Travellers broke away from the main population circa 1000 years ago.
2) Gypsies/Romany Groups that travelled throughout Ireland via the rural roads - mostly in bow shaped Carravans drawn by horses. I think that these Gypsies travelled throughout the islands of Ireland and Britain. They were primarily traders in goods and crafted items. The native Irish "Travellers" (the men) repaired and created vessels of Tin. They were very skilled in this work. The women gathered food and drinks from the farmers' wives (flour, milk etc) and took care of the children. These travellers were more likely to pitch tents in familiar locations than to have Caravans - though they did use horse - drawn carts.
Both Travellers and Gypsies frequented Horse Fairs to deal mostly in the White and Black Piedball breed of horse. Everthing has changed in Ireland now. We have lost much of our older Culture. Slán/Bye.


This makes perfect sense that they came from India, palmistry, jewellery skin tones and eyes, well-done a great video


The term " Gypsy" is actually considered offensive to most Romani. The Roma can trace their ancestry to northern India. They are not to be confused with travellers of the British Isles - who call themselves " Gypsies." A young YouTuber, Florian, who is Romani gives accurate information on the Romani. Aside from genetics, language, and belief systems connect all Romani - groups in the British Isles who claim to be Gypsy, have a language related to Celtic.


I am a Punjabi from India. I live in leicester Uk. I have a friend name Amos who is a gypsy and also have come across some gypsy guys from Bulgaria. They all still know some words of their old language which r punjabi words. I was surprised as both knew some words.


Interesting video! I recall seeing many gypsies growing up in the UK. Many were involved in the fairground operations, traveling from one large field or public park to another. They basically kept to themselves, would only stay a few days in certain places before moving on


Growing up in Serbia, I have seen gypsies with their wagons gone through the villages. I remember my mother has given them food, even some of our clothing that I and my brother grew out of it then when I came to America and have seen people from India, gypsy reminded me of the of the Indians look the way Indian people look they do favor them quite a bit


Great posting. Very, very interesting. Thank you.


Absolutely fascinating. Thank you so much. I am from the UK (live in Canada) and have spent a lot of time in India. I learned that I have Romani ancestry, which made me very happy and anxious to learn more!! :)


In the city that I born in Brazil, they have a huge land area and one time of the year the girls who are 15 years old get married in the Catholic Church. All married at the same day of the year, it’s beautiful to watch. They don’t mixup with another person from the city. They marry the person from the family. But they are not friends at all.


I was told the term Gypsy was derived from the people who left India, went through Egypt & on to Europe. These people clawed themselves Gypsies (from Egypt).
In Europe they call themselves Roma. Because of their nomadic lifestyle, they are discriminated. They cannot find employment & had no alternative but resort to stealing to feed their families.
People who are fortunate & well off should try to help the Roma/ Gypsy people.
God put us on this earth to love & care for each other & live in peace. Amen


They used to think Gypsies arrived from Egypt ? That is why the gyp formed the name GYPSY!


We had a band of gypsies stay at my parents' campground in the 60's. They were roofers to make money. They stayed about a week or 2 and then moved one. They were nice and very interesting to talk to.


This video is truly fascinating and beautiful . So worthwhile. God bless you.


Agreed about the "born into" ethnicity. Modern culture has romanticized (sorry, couldn't find a better word) the Gypsies, and a lot of western people, especially hippies, want to believe they are "spiritually" gypsies. It's too bad. Gypsies are their own ethnicity, and unfortunately many of them have faced a life of extreme poverty, as well as prejudice from mainstream society.
You have presented many beautiful images of Gypsies in this video, and it's good thing to show them in a positive light. But the lives of the Gypsies are hard, and sometimes brutal. I wish that the governments of the world would officially recognize their ethnicity and do a better job of protecting their rights.


Im half gypsy. My mother was disowned when she eloped with my Puerto Rican father, but was brought back in when she left him. I've spent many holidays with my gypsy relatives and been to many weddings and funerals. She raised me "American" but I did learn the language and culture. I was a bratty kid who was embarrassed by my heritage because it was so uncommon. Now I would give anything to reconnect. This was very well done. Its difficult to find docs that get it right. Like the narrator said, you cant become a gypsy because you consider yourself spiritual or a free spirit, You're either gomney or not. Beside living in huts, gypsies still hold true to most of their culture and traditions today. Since my mom passed Ive lost touch and now I have a daughter and want her to experience how beautiful this part of her background is. If any actual gypsy reads this, my name is Cher and my mom was Libby Nicklas from New York. The gypsy pipeline is small so I know you might have heard of her or ask your parents. I live in Indiana right now and would love to attend a gypsy wedding or church with my eleven year old. Please comment so we can get in touch.


One of the distinguishing traits of Gypsies is their yellow-green eyes. It invokes a sense of mystic and magic especially in their swarthy face.


Over centuries so many groups of people migrated from lndia in various directions for various reasons, but they have taken their languages, cultures, traditions everywhere and preserving these as much as possible.


some dark skinned gypsies I've seen in finland might be the most pure race gypsies. they call them self with a finnish word as mustalainen. translated as blackie


Beautiful people. The green or blue eyes with the dark skin is stunning! When I was young my Dad would always say I was part Gypsy, I moved a lot. I do believe some of me does come from Hungry. ♥️


When pyramids were built, the stonemasons from India came to Khem. There they became friends with people from the Balkans and went to live there and became Gypsies.
