Naturally manifest ANYTHING in your life (even SP's) law of assumption

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How to naturally manifest anything you desire, including SP's (specific people) | In this video, I share with you, exactly how to manifest into your life, anything that you may desire. These manifesting principles and techniques are according to law of assumption teacher, Neville Goddard.

Subscribe for regular uploads on alternative approaches to manifesting, mindset, LOA & law of Assumption.


☁️ When it's NOT manifesting | 4,000 Events Analogy
☁️Assuming through SELF CONCEPT
☁️The Change of Mindset that helped me MANIFEST
☁️How Often Do You Visualize | You Already Have It If You Desire It
☁️How We Can Manifest Quicker by Understanding TIME & The Process of Manifestation Itself

•Three of my Favourite Divination Card Decks•

𝑩𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑰𝒏𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔:

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”Whenever I reach that state of stability, watch my world mold itself then in harmony with this INNER CHANGE." - Neville Goddard. There is such a powerful lesson within this statement, I hope you receive it. <33


I knew of this power of BEING from the moment I realized I manifested my husband (sp) by CHOOSING to live my life from the state a woman who is satisfied, happy and fulfilled with life period. When I fully committed to my new assumptions, and inner change, my sp appeared effortlessly and we are happily married. If you are reading this, just know that once you go within and create from the state of knowing, your world will change. People will conform accordingly 💜💜💜💜💜💜


This is the real deal. I've been manifesting for 5 years now. I started with the Law of Attraction and now I've been using the Law of Assumption teachings by Neville Goddard and what I learned through out this journey so far is that you have to start from within. We literally have to shift and think from the end. By doing this we have to start by completely being honest with ourselves and look at the areas in our lives that are lacking in.

1. I've noticed that our inner talk is so so so important and it creates our reality. If you're always complaining about money and telling your friends how broke you are then that will become your reality.

2. We have to forget about the 3D world and literally shift to the end state. FYI, you will get tested in the 3D world which means that whatever you react to in your 3D world will prove to you the areas in which you are lacking in. For example, let's say someone comes up to you and tells you that you're stupid. If you believe this is true then you will react to this therefore that will be your reality. We cannot react to the things we don't want in our lives.

3. Pay attention to your feelings. If you're feeling anxious and worried then NO you are not in an abundant state. Affirm, affirm, affirm everyday and try to change your beliefs. Once you change what's inside you the world has no choice but to follow.


I hope this helps someone. To the best of my ability, here is my explanation of the concept of living in the end. Let us stick with the SP theme. For example, let's say you received a text/email from your SP. You will be excited and most likely feel a range of other emotions. It is this excitement that will keep your manifestations away from you. Now, let's say you received that text/email BUT from the perspective of your visualization, the message was received in the past. A few years in the past, it happened so long ago it doesn't invoke any emotions in you. That excitement is gone because this is old; it doesn't matter. This is living in the end, where manifestations happen fast. It doesn't matter the technique; what matters is it not being a big deal.


This makes a lot of sense. Sometimes I feel like a “delay” in manifestations hardening into fact is leaving you with no choice BUT to focus on the state of being as opposed to wondering about the 3D. The more we check, wonder, worry, contemplate, search, feel anxious, get upset, feel the need to give up … the longer it takes. That’s what I’m starting to realize and this video puts it into better perspective. Good job !


I totally agree with everything you said! Every time i’m thinking about things i wanna manifest into my life, i’d always be like i need to be writing it down everyday, i have to be this or this, etc, like i have to be doing something in order get those things which i wanted. And i just realized that feeling of needing to do something is a state of desiring. Which means i haven’t got the things i wanted. So now i’m telling myself that i already have those things i wanted and i don’t need to write them down or do something. Even if i did, i’m just being grateful for having those things.


I think I watched this video over 10 times and at first I felt like I was here as the person who wanted to manifest my SP and with a feeling of anxiety and the more I repeated the video I felt like I should embody the state. Now I feel like I already have what I want and I feel at peace, I think I got it states. So what always manifested was states, that's why we always manifest when we are in that mindset of already having what you want, sometimes after repeating the affirmations or visualization a lot, you no longer have any contrary thoughts in your mind and you get distracted and that manifests out of nowhere in 3D in a totally unexpected way SP appears, that money you were manifesting appears... OMG manifesting is easy


7:52 this is really important to understand and i don’t think i ever really understood it when i was going through it. one day i would feel happy and i would think “oh look i’m thinking positively!” only because things were going well that day. it’s important to keep a positive mindset on your bad days though because it shows just how much you’ve changed.


The intro quote is LITERALLY what I’ve done in the last 6 months or so w/o even realizing it 🤯… I’m watching this video today w/ so much peace and excitement for what’s to come in new interactions KNOWING that things have to be different. ❤


States is like acting? Instead of spending all day doing techniques, repeating affirmations all day and writing scripts until my hands ache trying to manifest, that would be the role of the act that is in a state of lack, right? I should spend my day being the person who already has what want, scripting only when I want to and affirming only when my mind thinks about what I want, being the person who already has what I want, no matter the 3D, playing the role of person who is in the wish-fulfilled state? OMG I think I understand states


you don't know how you save people's life sometimes.. i was in a depressive state a minute ago, and i saw you posted and i'm suddenly feeling better. Just thank u for everything, your channel helped me so much 💗


You have great style. softer than Joseph Alai but equally powerful. Really good interpretation of Neville Goddard. Much appreciation for your work. Thankyou. Dom


I absolutely love this woman's classy personality and quirks, her voice is just beautiful and so is the way she constructs the content, it's just such quality. The best manifestation content on YouTube imo


I’ve saved this video and continuously watch it because you broke manifestation down so beautifully and I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience!


What you started saying after 5:30 is exactly WHY so many are resistant to hearing it; you cannot get through to someone operating in lack, or having convinced themselves, that their fulfillment will come externally; especially, from another person. Like manifesting a text from an ex... sooo much content being made on social media around this topic & I feel like it keeps people stuck from seeing the bigger picture of what manifestation is & is all about... its about empowering yourSelf; not trying to just get a quick fix to feel better, by desperately needed something or someone external to validate your own disconnect. I actually commented a very similar thing to someone in a Facebook group that I'm a part of & while I don't make a regular habit of commenting or responding to posts that show a clear lack energy or mindset, the posters' response back was just that; lack & victim mentality. Her post was referencing displeasure around a belief that she had that she's "always last to find a man" & the one she had her eye on, she was crying over him not reciprocating with her. I told her that she was looking outside of herSelf for proof of what needed to come from the INside FIRST & she didn't like that response too much... Yet even if your intentions are genuine, some people just won't hear you in the way you intended.


That was amazing. My soul sees and understands its power. I started the video as an attractive woman, living an earnest living in England, trying to manifest my sp and during the video I bacame a confident, elegant, beautiful, married lady, living a wonderfully fulfilled, abundant, prosperous, and blissful life in California. Thank you xxx


Thank you for the video! And also for talking about the internal world part. We're free to manifest whatever we want but we shouldn't put all our happiness on just exterior physicall things. If we're not well with ourselves and don't focus within, and don't get to know ourselves and heal, everything will be meaningless because we will chase blindly and expecting everything to fulfill us - when we should fulfill ourselves


Great video. My perspective has been changed. I realize that I need to focus on who I am and how I perceive myself, rather than focusing on physical things and other people.


You always make me calm down. When you are talking it's like saying: Hey, do you know that everything is Ok, everything is done and you have nothing to worry about? 😁😁😁


You're really underrated 🙁😢 yoy deserve recognition yoy literally changed my whole mindset just gonna persist whatever you said🙂♥️
