Is Greek or Latin better? (spoken Ancient Greek) · Ποτέρα ἀμείνων εστίν;

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Which do you prefer: Ancient Greek or Latin? Which one is better, and why? In this video, I'll pose these questions to you in spoken Ancient Greek! The term "Ancient Greek" applies primarily to the language of those who wrote the literature of the Greek language from approximately 800 BC to 600 AD. The Ancient Greek in this video conforms with most standards of Classical Attic (5cBC - 4cBC) and Koine (4cBC - 6cAD), *both* of which are part of Ancient Greek, and constitute its normalized variant.

PRONUNCATION NOTES (see below for English*): Έλληνες φίλοι, σε αυτό το βίντεο δεν χρησιμοποιώ την παραδοσιακή σχολική προφορά της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής, εκείνη που χρησιμοποιείτε και γνωρίζετε στην Ελλάδα σήμερα. Αυτή η συμβατική προφορά ονομάζεται η ‘Λουκιανή Προφορά’. Είναι διαφορετική προφορά από αυτή που έχετε συνηθίσει. Η Λουκιανή Προφορά είναι μια ιστορική αναδημιουργία του ήχου των Αρχαίων Ελλήνων κατά τη Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία. Σας ευχαριστώ για την υπομονή και την κατανόησή σας. 🇬🇷 😊

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I'm very pleased by all the interesting responses! I hope it's clear that the title isn't meant to convey that I am seeking an empircally derived answer about which of the two languages is "better" — rather, it is an opportunity for the viewer to express his opinion in Latin, Greek, or any language in the comments.


Is this your first video entirely in Ancient Greek except for your “Ancient Greek in Action” videos? In that case, congratulations man. You sound like a real ancient Athenian.


Love the way that Ancient Greek is written! The flowing lines of old calligraphy on ancient paper have always struck me with their beauty. I cannot wait to begin studying Greek after I’m finished with Latin! I’m thinking Koine.


Αυτό το βίντεο ήταν πολύ ωραίo! Η προφορά σου είναι γλυκιά, και μπορώ να την καταλάβω σαφώς. Να πας καλά, φίλε! Κάνεις καλή δουλειά!


Cool to see you get even deeper into Greek. You really made Latin feel accessible and you have been doing the same with Greek.


I have to say that because of my love for learning about ancient Greek history and archaeology that I have more of an affinity for the language over Latin. Also just wanted to say that I’m so thankful that I found you on Youtube. I am a classical archaeology student who also wants to go into philology and you’ve been so incredibly helpful, especially as I’ve been trying to learn Koine and Attic Greek.

Also, for another perspective, I sent my friend, (also a classical archaeology student) who speaks Latin your videos and she loves them. She says in her opinion Latin is better who would’ve thought haha.

I also got my linguistics teacher to start watching you and some other people you’ve feature on the channel, and she really enjoys what you’re all doing.

All in all, thank you for what you do!!


As a Cypriot Greek speaker I just had an aha moment when you asked which language we like, because they way I would answer in Cypriot:

Αρέσκουν μου τα Ελληνικά.

is actually more similar to ancient Greek than the modern Greek:

Μου αρέσουν τα Ελληνικά.

Thanks for another great video!


This is exactly what i wanted to see from you.
Thank you.


What a great video my man. The subs were helpful. I appreciate your exposure of ancient Greek, and in a lovely accent; my girlfriend overheard you and wondered if you were Italian!!


Too difficult to decide based on the other factors so I'm going with Greek just because it is the OG.


I love Ancient Greek because it sounds so musical and rhythmic, like the tide rolling in and out on the ocean shore. It really does sound like the language of a seafaring people.


Linguam latinam melior est! I'm a native speaker of Spanish, I love Portuguese, Italian, French, Romanian, Catalan, but LATIN is not just a language is THE LANGUAGE and also the immortal language, I'm loving it, it's such an astonish language!


Lingua latīna melior est! No, but in all seriousness, it was really cool to be able to understand all the Latin subtitles :)


Since it's not a real competition but a challenge to get acquainted with each language's esthetic values,
the answer is easy:
Compared Poetry Recitation.

That'll get some Lucian-pronounced greek poetry into our ears—for the better!


This is so cool! Πολύ καλό video Λούκιε, χαίρομαι τα αρχαία ελληνικά video σου! I hope more will come in ancient greek, especially educational ones :) Χαιρετίσματα από Ελλάδα :)


Such an amasing dude. Its the first time ive seen a non Greek speaking koine. Huge respect my man, this is a feat on its own. I cant imagine how many years it took for you to master that, thats pure discipline. 👏👏👏


This is amazing! I'm sharing your videos "a rotta di collo" ( wildly, madly) as we say in a very informal way in Italy.
P. S. I'm Italian born in Rome with roots in the South of Italy, but I prefer Greek, I find it more elegant. ( I like Latin very much too)


Latin for its magnificent stance and nobility, Ancient Greek for its musical punch and frenetic blaze


There are a number of criteria I would base a preference for either on:
- Familiarity, both to prior and current knowledge, and its similarity to ones own language and culture.
- Technical superiority, in communicating ideas efficiently and descriptively.
- Literary texts, in count and skill. Genres will be important for the individuals interest, histories vs poetry for example.
- Phonetic grace, that being how it flows, the connotations in hearing it (eg beauty vs harshness), how well it rolls off the tongue, phonetic shortcuts in use, clarity etc.
- Prestige, an always important factor, both in current and historic use of the language, and the cultures and people associated.

Some of these would constitute a personal bias, and others are more objective. Ill leave it to experts to determine the latter.


If we're comparing the literature and range of expression of Ancient Greek vs the Latin of the Romans, Ancient Greek. But could anything be more sublime than In Paradisum? Much in medieval Latin is delightful. Then add in that it was the lingua franca of the educated in Europe for a millenium. Overall, my pick is Latin.
