3 Things You Should Never Do When You’re In a Fight With Your Husband…. No matter how mad you get!

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My fiancee and I have been together 8 years. We had this talk very early on, within our "honeymoon" period of the first few months, ESPECIALLY the threatening to leave. I told her that, in my opinion, if either person threatens to leave, or sets a condition upon which they'll leave (ultimatum) it means that the person threatening is no longer dedicated to the relationship, and will keep moving that "red line" closer and closer as a way to control the other person.

I told her if I ever give you an ultimatum or threaten to leave; the relationship is over and she should move on, and that if she ever did those things, I would consider it over and move on. Never manipulate your partner using the end of the relationship as leverage... either leave, or don't; never threaten.


Doing #3 is a good way to make #2 happen, ladies.


I thought this was basic knowledge? Jesus I’m almost 16 and I have more common sense than some adults that is insane


How about y'all shouldn't do this to each other..


My X did all three most of time. When she wasn't right, and wanted her way most often. God I can't believe I stayed with the marriage for so long.
What waist of our time.


I think I did number 2. I was two months post partum, doing everything for the baby day and night and all house work. I was exausted, baby called saying he was going to be two hours late. Baby had been crying all day and I was at my breaking point. He came home in that caos and his father called to help vaccinate the dogs. I told him I was at mi breaking limit. He told it would be 20 min, I told him not a min later. It took another hour. I broke, put the crying baby in the crib and hid in the closet to cry. Next day he told me our marriage was só bad he was thinking on divorcing me. I said nothing. When he was mid way to work I called him. Told him that I was ok with divorce, but HE was going to find the fucking lawyer, and serve me because I was already taking care of his baby, his house, and paying most of the bills, if he wanted a dicorce he was going to do it himself. I hanged up. He turned arround. He never divorced me. Our baby is 8 years old now.


Never forget a divorce with a man cuz that's actually giving him a way out


I say, just don't get in a fight to begin with.


Br my girl does all of those things to me and we been together for 14 years she always tells me she wants to make things work despite both of our past decisions but she still just blames me all day too for everything and then wonders why it's hard for me to talk to her


Sadly the vast majority of women will never learn this. Good on you for being one of the rare ones.


Is it me or is natural beauty gone. Stop going to Earl Scheib. I’ll paint any face for $19.95


Don’t get a fight with your husband listen to his wisdom for a change


Things a man should never say to a woman; i do, will you marry me.
