The Truth Behind Epic's Lawsuits

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The Epic vs Google case has been a wild ride. The outcome has some real important potential impact. How will this contradict the results of the Apple case? Let's talk about it

S/O Ph4se0n3 for the awesome edit 🙏
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Make the video about the mouse. I think you're wrong, but we'll see


>apple fanboy

This explains such high concentration of absolutely idiotic opinions


Yes, it IS a ABSURD that a STORE doesn't have a shopping cart. this is not gamers "sucking". this is gamers actually having a reasonable reaction. Epic just wanted to undercut steam and steal games to profit. they only see profit, any real advantage to developers is a byproduct of wanting to take steam's market share, and that's fine. that's how things are. but the way you said this things make they look like "good guys" when in reality we all know it's not like that. (ps: they are most definetly not the better store, just because they have lower cuts doesn't make them better, If given the option I WILL buy games in steam in every opportunity.)


I'm really curious about the mouse thing


Don't insult the gamers, Theo. Most of them aren't developers and haven't been told about the difference in revenue split.


Theo seems to be very poorly informed about EGS and Steam situation.


really good video synthesis yet all the comments are gonna be about this mouse nonsense smh you brought this on yourself theo great strat gg


I'm sorry Theo, but regarding Epic and Steam, you are 100% wrong. The reason why people got mad at Epic Game Store is not because "gamers suck" or because "there's new competition"... The reason why people got angry, was because EGS tried to attract customers by enforcing exclusivity to their specific store. Meaning, they basically said "Yo developer, if you release here on our store we give you money, but you are not allowed to release the game on any other store at all. Only on ours." From a developer perspective, this is fine. From a consumer perspective, this fucking sucks. You have one open environment that has build tons of features, that don't use anti-consumer practices, and it's a place where people have a lot of time invested. Then along comes another party, and they try to force their way into the market, not by being better, but by withholding products from the consumers.

It's all about the hatred for exclusivity, in what is else an open market. Steam doesn't prevent developers from releasing on other stores. GOG doesn't prevent developers from releasing on other stores. Origin doesn't prevent developers from releasing on other stores. Only EGS does this. Only EGS is anti-consumer this way. They might be pro-developer, but they are anti-consumer.

It's one thing to have exclusivity when you fund the entire development, e.g. Sony and their games on Playstation. It's another thing, to look at a game that's soon to be released, make a contract with the developers, and then make the developers go back on their word, retract their planned release on other platforms, and make the game exclusive to EGS.

So I'm sorry, but you are wrong here. You have many good takes, but this is a horrible one from you.


As a Linux fanboy I find it funny how people claim they'll defend Apple with their last breath


I think your argument that "gamers suck" because they introduced the Epic Games store is pretty reductive. If it was only about another store launcher, another option to buy games that would support the developers more, people would have been fine with it. The real crux of why people were mad about the Epic Games store was because they paid developers directly to publish on their store exclusively. Other than the launchers that sold a company's products directly, like the Blizzard launcher, this wasn't a wider practice on PC the way it is on game consoles.

On top of that, like you said, the store didn't have many of the features that Valve has like cloud saves, forums, reviews, automated refunds, the game overlay, etc or even a shopping cart to purchase multiple games at once. They were paying developers to publish exclusively on a store with a significantly worse experience for the customer, in a market where this was not the norm. So no, it wasn't just that "gamers suck."


I think I know your argument for having the port on the bottom like the Magic Mouse. The argument I’ve heard is that if it was on the back, people would just leave it plugged in all the time and it would ruin the clean look of the setup.

But that doesn’t change the fact that it sucks. The shape is about as bad as you could possibly make a mouse. The only mouse I’ve used that was worse is Microsoft’s Surface Arc mouse.


The port on the bottom of the Apple Mouse was a bad design decision.


7:20 "Epic, despite building a better game store" this part is false. Epic went and hired EPAM (Belarusian outsource company) to make that store. Now that store is locked at 30fps and laggy af.


The magic mouse sucks regardles of the port at the bottom. It's way too flat and is more uncomfortable to use than the trackpad.


Theo, what makes you say Epic's "real" customers are developers? As of the most recent data I saw, the overwhelming majority of their profit is generated by their own games. Do you have a source for your claim about their revenue breakdown?


Why would end consumer worry about profits of big corps like Apple, Epic Games or whatever? Let them fight and rip each other to shreds. I am sure Epic Games is filthy rich from pedaling skins to children, with or without apple tithe.
About Epic vs Steam: if you want a customer to buy your game in your store instead of comfortable and feature-rich Steam, you should give that customer an incentive: either give discounts on Epic, or elevate price on Steam, or do something else.


Do you have a citation for apple diaabling Epic employee access to their Macs?

Like i knew apple was petty, but i hadnt realized it went that far (and no other source ive found claims that)


Epic games store sucks real bad. There's no excuse to make basic stuff and not to put players first


that's the first time I heard Apple went as far as to disabled their macs, that's crazy holy shit they went far and beyond


Yeah the EGS was very broken and slow when it came out. Now it's just slow and has no features.
