How to install PostgreSQL 16 on Windows 10/11 [2024 New Update] Complete guide | pgAdmin 4

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PostgreSQL, often referred to as "Postgres," is a powerful open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is known for its advanced features, extensibility, and standards compliance. Here are some key aspects of PostgreSQL:

1. Relational Database Management System (RDBMS): PostgreSQL is a type of database management system that follows the relational model. This means it organizes data into tables, where each table consists of rows and columns. The relationships between tables are defined by keys.

2. Open Source: PostgreSQL is free and open-source software, meaning that its source code is available to the public. This fosters a collaborative development environment and allows users to modify the software according to their needs.

3. ACID Compliance: PostgreSQL adheres to the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, ensuring the reliability and consistency of transactions in the database.

4. Extensibility: PostgreSQL is designed to be highly extensible. Users can define their data types, operators, index types, and functions, allowing for customization and support for various data types and operations.

5. Concurrency Control: PostgreSQL provides robust concurrency control mechanisms, allowing multiple users to access the database simultaneously while maintaining data integrity.

6. SQL Support: PostgreSQL supports the SQL (Structured Query Language) standard and extends it with additional features. It also supports procedural languages like PL/pgSQL, PL/Tcl, PL/Perl, and others, enabling users to define stored procedures and triggers.

7. Scalability: PostgreSQL is scalable and can handle large amounts of data and concurrent connections. It supports features such as table partitioning, parallel query execution, and streaming replication for scalability and high availability.

8. Data Types: PostgreSQL offers a wide range of built-in data types, including numeric, string, date/time, Boolean, JSON, and more. Additionally, users can define custom data types.

9. Community and Support: PostgreSQL has an active and vibrant community of developers and users. This community provides support, documentation, and regular updates to the software.

10. Cross-Platform: PostgreSQL is cross-platform and can run on various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS.

PostgreSQL is widely used in various industries for applications ranging from small-scale projects to large-scale enterprise systems. Its flexibility, extensibility, and robustness make it a popular choice for developers and organizations looking for a reliable and feature-rich relational database management system.
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