Santa Evita (Evita- 1996)

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Santa Evita (Evita- 1996)
Evita is a 1996 American musical drama film based on the 1976 concept album of the same name produced by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber, which also inspired a 1978 musical. The film depicts the life of Eva Perón, detailing her beginnings, rise to fame, political career and death at the age of 33. Directed by Alan Parker, and written by Parker and Oliver Stone, Evita stars Madonna as Eva, Jonathan Pryce as Eva's husband Juan Perón, and Antonio Banderas as Ché, an everyman who acts as the film's narrator.

Following the release of the 1976 album, a film adaptation of the musical became mired in development hell for more than fifteen years, as the rights were passed on to several major studios, and various directors and actors considered. In 1993, producer Robert Stigwood sold the rights to Andrew G. Vajna, who agreed to finance the film through his production company Cinergi Pictures, with the Walt Disney Studios distributing the film through Hollywood Pictures. After Stone stepped down from the project in 1994, Parker agreed to write and direct the film. Recording sessions for the songs and soundtrack took place at CTS Studios in London, England, roughly four months before filming. Parker worked with Rice and Lloyd Webber to compose the soundtrack, reworking the original songs by creating the music first and then the lyrics. They also wrote a new song, "You Must Love Me", for the film. Principal photography commenced in February 1996 with a budget of $55 million, and concluded in May of that year. Filming took place on locations in Buenos Aires and Budapest, and on soundstages at Shepperton Studios. The film's production in Argentina was met with controversy, as the cast and crew faced protests over fears that the project would tarnish Eva's image.

Evita premiered at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, on December 14, 1996. Hollywood Pictures gave the film a platform release, which involved releasing it in select cities before expanding distribution in the following weeks. The film had a limited release on December 25, 1996, before opening nationwide on January 10, 1997. It grossed over $141 million worldwide. The film received a mixed critical response; reviewers praised Madonna's performance, the music, costume designs and cinematography, while criticism was aimed at the pacing and direction. Evita received many awards and nominations, including the Academy Award for Best Original Song ("You Must Love Me"), and three Golden Globe Awards for Best Picture – Comedy or Musical, Best Original Song ("You Must Love Me") and Best Actress – Comedy or Musical (Madonna).

Evita (1996) é um filme estadunidense de 1996, do gênero drama musical biográfico, dirigido por Alan Parker e com roteiro baseado em peça teatral de Tim Rice de mesmo nome.

A história de Eva Perón (Evita), uma das mais populares primeiras-damas da América Latina de todos os tempos, e idolatrada na Argentina, é narrada em flashback. Começa mostrando a filha bastarda de um agricultor de um pequeno povoado, barrada no funeral do próprio pai, e que acaba por tornar-se a primeira-dama do seu país.

Elenco principal
Madonna .... Eva Perón
Antonio Banderas .... Che
Jonathan Pryce .... Juan Perón
Jimmy Nail .... Augustín Magaldi
Victoria Sus .... Doña Juana
Julian Littman .... Juan
Olga Merediz .... Blanca
Laura Pallas .... Elisa
Julia Worsley .... Erminda
María Luján Hidalgo .... Eva (jovem)
Servando Villamil .... Cipriano Reyes
Andrea Corr .... amante de Perón
Peter Polycarpou .... Domingo Mercante
Gary Brooker .... Juan Bramuglia
Maite Yerro .... Julieta
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I love this song very much. I listen to it sometimes.


i played all of the kids in evita once, yes me only, and i loved this song❤️🖤


Bless you forever, beautiful, Beautiful Ava Evita Person!


The parallelism and contrast in this scene is incredible. While Evita is cared for and surrounded by the best doctors money can buy, Antonio, symbolizing the country, bleeds alone. A work of art. Antonio Banderas really steals the show but Madonna is incredible as well. The chemistry between them is a big part of what really make this film so great.


Maravilhosa parte do filme. Emociono-me quando vejo. E Madonna...que show de interpretação.


I played the children in my sisters play and me watching this for the first time makes me sad 😢


Regardless of how you look at her or what she's done, her contributions and what's not, she's regarded as one of the most colorful figures of the 20th century. That you'll never be able to take away from her.


maravilhosa música, e aqui é um coral infantil de Londres, dando show. Antonio Banderas participa também.


we doing musical next week lovely wee girl singing this solo looking forward to it great music


No se si la película sea totalmente correcta desde el punto de vista histórico.
Pero creo que es una obra de arte. Desde el punto de vista musical y cinematográfico. Desde el punto de vista histórico, está muy bien hecha la reconstrucción de vestuario, automóviles y escenografía.
Me encantó el personaje de Antonio Banderas. Ese que siempre está viendo los hechos desde afuera y cuestionando lo que creemos que es la realidad. Una especie de super conciencia
No recuerdo haber visto esta técnica en otros musicales. forma que se engancha esta escena con el vals para Eva y el Che:
Genial!! 😉🖒


Oh what a circus! Oh what a show!
Argentina has gone to town
Over the death of an actress called Eva Peron
We've all gone crazy
Mourning all day and mourning all night
Falling over ourselves to get all of the misery right
Oh what an exit! That's how to go!
When they're ringing your curtain down
Demand to be buried like Eva Peron
It's quite a sunset
And good for the country in a roundabout way
We've made the front page of all the world's papers today
But who is this Santa Evita?
Why all this howling hysterical sorrow?
What kind of goddess has lived among us?
How will we ever get by without her?
She had her moments--she had some style
The best show in town was the crowd
Outside the Casa Rosada crying, "Eva Peron"
But that's all gone now
As soon as the smoke from the funeral clears
We're all going to see how she did nothing for years!

Salve regina mater misericordiae
Vita dulcedo et spes nostra
Salve salve regina
Ad te clamamus exules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes
O clemens o pia

You let down your people Evita
You were supposed to have been immortal
That's all they wanted
Not much to ask for
But in the end you could not deliver

Salve regina mater misericordiae
Vita dulcedo et spes nostra
Salve salve regina Peron
Ad te clamamus exules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes
O clemens o pia


Production Companies:
Vivendi (current owner)
StudioCanal (current owner)
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution (Distributor)
Cinergi Entertainment (International Distributor)
Hollywood Pictures (Releaser)
Cinergi Pictures (Presentation)
Argentina Filmgroup S.A.C.I. (in association with)
Webber Official Museum (copyright holder)
Hurtwood Films (production)
Dirty Hands Productions (production)
Cinergi Finance Group IV (financement)
Cinergi Finance Group V (financement)


Esta chica era una maravilla de la naturaleza, en primer lugar por su increíble belleza, una belleza fascinante, cautivadora. Ninguna mujer en el mundo ha llegado a esta perfección. Aunque los criterios de belleza han cambiado, hoy envidiaría a las mujeres más bellas. Es imposible no enamorarse locamente mientras admira su rostro angelical. Naturalmente maravilloso, también, por todas las acciones que ha realizado para su país y especialmente para las personas en dificultades. Construcción de hospitales, orfanatos, residencias de ancianos, defensa de trabajadores CGT derecho a votar mujeres, donaciones a los necesitados. Nadie en el mundo ha hecho tanto por su gente como esta chica. Sus descamisados (sin camisa) como los llamaba cariñosamente la adoraban. Su muerte fue la mayor tragedia para su país, pero ella es y seguirá siendo por toda la eternidad la madone de Argentina.


Disperse protester by sword has ever happened ??


danke, merci, dearest gott, ich art/ist merely only das luck~key bastard who hath been fooling around many palaces like une stupidest fly flying around et fooling around das most lavishly luxurious royal~ties' palaces bypassing all royal~ties' guard$ ( god$) as " wee " art/ ist das well~masqueraded, et well~disguised flies en das legendary edutainments' gamesmannships' impostering confidences' games' artists :)


This part of the movie always confused me. I get what's going on with Eva but what's the deal with Che? Why was he marching with those people? And what were they marching for? I can't read a word on their signs and the synopsis for the story doesn't say anything about the scene.


ecoutez, s'il vous plait,

( en anglais eigo ingles iggerish englisch english :)


( like,
tanks et think~tanks :)
