Looping songs with 2 or more sections | How to

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Ok I'm back with a few more tips on looping for you all. Today we're looping songs with 2 or more sections, or songs that have a verse structure, then different chords for the chorus, and then again more changes for the bridge.... Argh!

Well... there's a few ways to tackle these!

They're also often called 'b' sections or 'c' sections with the 'a' section being the main part of the song.

and YES - some of these looping tips are super obvious and you will already do them, buuut perhaps there are some examples and ideas that you might not have thought of that are useful to you also!

I recommend going to check out his channel (if you haven't already). He's a great player and has some super nice videos also.

Looper: I am using a TC Helicon Voicelive 3 - the link below is to the 'extreme' version as the Voicelive 3 is no longer available. You'll be able to search online for the difference between the two should you wish to but hopefully that gives you a starting point to see what it is.

Guitar: My guitar in this is a Takamine ND15c. Pretty old, also not particularly available!



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my man how do you do these loops so perfect while being soooo high? Great job.


"General Noodling" is the name given to the commander of the looping army.


Hey David I do "Crazy" as well I have a suggestion that some might find useful: When Playing a song where the chord changes from minor to major (or vice versa) you can loop the chord WITHOUT the third of the chord. Then you can play either major or minor on the fly.


You bring the essence of a song. Never really heard Crazy had such strong lyrics. Thanks man.


Thank you so much for this video! I was thinking about buying a loop station for solo performances, but everytime I look for examples, I see people looping sections several times and building a huge wall of sound, breaking entirely the structure of the music and dynamic of the music. You proved me that it is possible to do some neat stuff with a loop station!


Great video, always wondered how to incorporating loop in whole songs. Very well explained thank you.


Thanks, great job explaining the options 🎸🙏⛱️


You make it look so easy....it’s not easy!


I subscribed to this guy just because he is so chilly I like your positivity man 😂💯


So not only did you help me nail the timing aspect of looping in your "6 Tips" video, but this was the other topic I was concerned about being new to looping! Great job with this David.
I have been playing music (muti-instrumentalist) for almost 30 years now both live and studio. The Studio "One-Man-Band" deal is always something I have done for demos and album work.

Looping was always the "Dream Solo Act" that I have bwanted to do for20 years now. So I finally bought all of the gear and highly underestimated how much thought and practice needs to go into an act like this! Your videos have been extremely helpful in filling in those knowledge/experience gaps.

Looping is a completely different beast of an art form that is such a cool act when done correctly. It's artists like you who make it look effortless and I hope to get there soon. Maybe even be able to give back to the YouTube community as you have fotoll the guys/gals that need it like I did.

Cheers, David!



Why is this not the most watched Looping Tips Video? Practical. Easy to understand. Great examples. Insta Subbed.


I'm a so so guitar noob, and I don't sing that well.. but I bought myself a loop station because I think there's something magical about creating music this way. I have the Boss rc30, and I was struggling to make the loop into a song. You gave me so much more ideas, you deserved another like and a subscriber!


Great tips David, and really kool version of Crazy


Watching your video made me happy to see someone whom has so much fun playing and singing guitar. Besides being a good singer and player, you are just enjoyable to watch perform. thanks for posting your tips, it will give me something to improve my looping cheers from the Yukon


Thanks. I've been contemplating this very concept. I think you narrowed down all the variables.


David, your tutorials are well thought out and are very helpful. You also have charm and a sense of humour which, sadly, many others are sadly missing. Oh yes, you're loaded with musicality, well done and thanks


Dude I love how stoned you appear in this. Also very helpful vid as well.


I came to this video from Paul David’s “7 Looper Songs” video, then went to your September how-to, then came back here and just has to subscribe. Your tips and instructionals are very handy, thanks for going to the trouble of making and uploading them!


You have a great voice. Very expressive! 👍
On the looping, my Valeton GP200 looper has undo/redo footswitch, so I can record 4 bars then put something over it (like 4 bars of chorus stuff), then use the undo/redo button to switch between the looper playing chorus or verse. Obviously the original underlying 4 bars will be the same on chorus/verse but it can still give a good result!


Merci à toi mon ami. ! Tues vraiment bon! ne change rien. Au plaisir de revoir tes tutos. Cordialement
