Looping songs with 2 or more sections | How to

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Ok I'm back with a few more tips on looping for you all. Today we're looping songs with 2 or more sections, or songs that have a verse structure, then different chords for the chorus, and then again more changes for the bridge.... Argh!
Well... there's a few ways to tackle these!
They're also often called 'b' sections or 'c' sections with the 'a' section being the main part of the song.
and YES - some of these looping tips are super obvious and you will already do them, buuut perhaps there are some examples and ideas that you might not have thought of that are useful to you also!
I recommend going to check out his channel (if you haven't already). He's a great player and has some super nice videos also.
Looper: I am using a TC Helicon Voicelive 3 - the link below is to the 'extreme' version as the Voicelive 3 is no longer available. You'll be able to search online for the difference between the two should you wish to but hopefully that gives you a starting point to see what it is.
Guitar: My guitar in this is a Takamine ND15c. Pretty old, also not particularly available!
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