5 SIMPLE guitar looping songs | and how to play them

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Here are 5 simple guitar looping songs that you can add to your set maybe even tonight!

I've wanted to make this video for absolutely ages with a few super simple guitar loops that you can just copy and use for your own sets and gigs, or just your own enjoyment. You can see everything I'm doing in the video, and replay it as much as needed to get your own guitar looping version down!

Feel free to change the keys, or change the style/groove etc, and make these loops your own as you experiment with them. They're just nice simple tunes that I think you'll enjoy!

And in case you're wondering, yes - his video was a lot of my inspiration to create this one!



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David i gotta say this was like eating all the veggies the marrow the meat and the gravy, man this is what i need more of, you have taught me so much and still i learn everyday from the simplicity yet how amazing it sounds. Please keep doing these more and more. I would love to see video of your whole gig one day just to see how you keep them rolling. I have to admit that i have started using the kick drum trick of yours and its amazing how many songs i have been able to just jam along with that. Wow we never stop learning. Thanks buddy appreciate it hugely 👍🏻🍾🎸


I just added “ The Joker” by Steve Miller band to my loop list. I try to loop 1 to 2 song per set. I’m a solo singer songwriter doing 1 to 3 hours shows. The joker is so simple I can sing over loop then jam out over it and really stretch the song even get the crowd singing along. Thank for the videos love your style


joy to you man. I wish i could sing. my guitar has to be my voice. thanks !! I'm dancing in the moonlight right now!


wow you can really tell how passionate you are about music!! this is a super helpful video thanku!!!


Really digging the Loopers out there helping each other out! Great job


The diminished note that breaks up the monotony of the loop. Monotony is the enemy when looping. So anything we can do to break that up will translate well. Great touch.


I just got an RC 1 and you stated it right at the beginning of the video this is exactly the situation I keep coming across. I find a great song and there’s a bridge or there’s a chorus or there’s some other chord progression somewhere. Thank you for posting this


What a tasteful player. Great job! Our phones are listening to us tho. This looping thing has been on my mind a lot lately and here you are with exactly what I need. Anyway, I’ve made my living playing the last 15 years and started to add the looper but I was able to stay booked without it so I got lazy 🙄

I want to add it now and this is perfect for me to figure it out. Thank you for such a smart way to teach and help others learn.


First video I've watched of you but you have loads of talent, great job, just liked and subbed


You are a terrific teacher, I have been a piano, horns, keyboard player, guitarist for way to many years, and now I am learning looping, your videos and your talent, patience, humor, personality all make this easy to understand, plus I like your choice of music which also helps a lot. I notice you tune down 1/2 step, reason? I am trying to use guitar and synth, which necessitates matching both to pitch, just a little more challenge, no biggy. Just recently bought a headrush looper, thought it might be less of a learning curve than the new Boss for a newbie, so far working well. Appreciate the time and effort you put into creating your videos, they are great for sure. I live in central U.S. Paul


Never seen that G/D chord before.. wow-
Thx brother!


So inspiring !!..thaks ..you are talented and you have a beautiful voice ..very pleasant to listen to..Bravo


I'm a vocalist looking to get back into the music scene maybe even get back into gigging around one day.... but I need to practice as I am only a singer/ percussionist... I can play guitar but not very well. Thank you so much for this video it is going to help so much!


Lots of people (including Paul Davids, who is very good as you say) demonstrate the features and possibilities of loopers, but not many demonstrate putting an entire song together and making it sound good. You are a looper ninja, David! Love the guitar work on all these songs and especially Dancing in the Moonlight, by the way. Sheer class.


I got here looking for simple songs for my guitar students to play. They won’t be using a looper yet, but I loved what you said about leaving some space and not making the loop too busy.


Just what I been looking for, best looping tuitions I found. Just bought the donner circle looper and you're a great help.


Back to basics for me after spending weeks on rc 600 set ups...now what...this works again


This kind of videos makes the difference! Thank you so MUCH🤘🏼❤️ you rock


Thank you! Appreciate the insight and straightforward tips. Really good stuff.


Ooh you have become my inspiration and teacher.. Thanks I can't wait to try out gigs now... Thanks David
