Tech Skills That Will DISAPPEAR In The Future!?

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What are the tech skills that will become obsolete in the future? In this video, we explore some of the most important tech skills that you need to stay ahead of the curve. We also discuss does the future hold for coding and other tech-related fields!

Article I am referencing is: Forbes 14 Tech Specialties That May Soon Be Obsolete

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// My Story

I am currently a software developer who once modeled and thought I wanted to pursue a career in the fashion industry. While I was modeling in Hong Kong, I eventually felt the desire to further my education. I decided to depart the modeling world and move back to Canada, knowing that could be the end of my modeling opportunities. I attended Ryerson University for GCM (Graphic Communications Management), as I thought I might still work in the fashion industry in another capacity. It was in my last year of university, I was introduced to a very basic coding course. I instantly fell in love. From there I knew I wanted to pursue software development but didn't have a clue where to start. I didn't want to go back to university as I just completed a four-year degree. I decided to enroll in a 10-week intensive coding Bootcamp. From there I started working at a small startup learning and growing my technical and soft skills. I then transitioned to a larger company where I am a software developer and technical consultant today.

#TechSkills #tiffintech
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Thank you all for your support! What other technical skills do you see that will become less in-demand? This isnt a bad thing but rather important to be aware of as technology continues to evolve! I will do my best to respond to every comment


0:37 - Single Language Development (Sticking to just one technology, not to be confused with being a specialist)
01:50 - Hard skills without soft skills
02:55 - Quality Assurance
03:51 - Systems Admin (Cloud and SaaS is taking over)
04:30 - Single software expertise (See point 1)
05:31 - Recommendation: be open minded and learn new things


Tech skills don't usually disappear or be made obsolete. No matter how perfect a program is, you still need someone to maintain it. Plus, tech skills are really easy to transfer. The problem comes with the market keep changing the job title to fancier and fancier names...


As a programmer, we do not use the word obsolete or disappear, only "UPDATED". We program to develop to cope with the present and prepare for the future.


Everything will DISAPPEAR in the future...


Nice! Yes, multi technology is way to go… but it’s fun!
I am in IT because of the fun. I am in a new project and know Java EE and they said to me: you have to learn Kotlin, SpringBoot, Kafka, Docker compose, Hexagonal architecture, Javascript… and I said ok and I learned it.
I am developing but with all this tech it’s like playing with toys 😀
And I get nice salary for it.

And do need people to learn soft-skills? I just talk to people.. I never had to learn anything about soft-skills for 16 years in IT.
So my advice for soft skills: do not hesitate to ask, talk and explain.


So beatiful and so smart ❤

I have finished HTML & CSS and learning JavaScript now.


On "single lang dev" the Forbes piece was a bit confusing.

The recruiter they quoted said, "it has become a real challenge to find skilled developers and engineers proficient in specific languages as they lose favor" Which I took as meaning the old devs retire, and the new younger crowd are not interested in those langs. But there is still lots of legacy code written in them that needs expanding, maintaining etc? A young relative of mine specialises in COBOL and he is doing very well.


The more low-code tools and chatGPT code will be in the codebase, the better testers and QA you will need...


I'm a software engineer working with multiple languages and technologies on the daily. For me it's never been just ONE language. I primarily code in Java/Spring Boot, Python, React, PHP and SQL. But there's much more to software development than just code such as Openshift and Kubernetes, CICD, Automation techniques, etc.

I don't know anyone who only learns just one language and finds any success. I find the "single language" bit a little vaguely-worded and don't ENTIRELY understand. But I am going to assume this refers to those who are either trying to gain entry to the field or because older developers just don't want to use newer tech. It's gonna be a steep order as the bar of expectations rise.


I delved into the Microsoft Stack 25 years ago. It may not be the "wow" type of tech but it will continue to pay the mortgage.


True, upskiling ourselves is the way of survival in today's technology world 🙂


I really hate the trend to start making devs do QA, since besides the general bias inherent in that, we lose the PoV of the QA tester which is usually different than the developer's. Also, devs doing QA are expected to write tests yet actually learning how to write good tests is NEVER taught or incorporated into that process.


is it the same Forbes who called "data science the sexiest job of the century" a couple of years ago? :) I see the point here, and definitely worth discussing, but journalists, especially legacy media, are pretty crap in predicting the future, to be honest.


In big companies there is a lot of need for people with more hard skills than soft skills. No one needs just those IT guys that are kinda OK but you can also show to the customer. You also need some (or even more) true geeks that just sit in the basement and do really great things and know how and especially why to use certain technologies.


Frankly, I think computer related technologies and the skills needed for them rarely disappear altogether. They rather first morph into a newer, more modern guise, like QA mentioned in this video, and later, to some extent, fade into the background without really disappearing.

And remember, about 25 years ago the advent of at-that-time fancy, new, Java and object-oriented programming would render 4th generation languages like Cobol, etc. instantly obsolete, right?! Well, that's not quite what happened in reality. All large banks, financial institutions, government administrations, and so on still have Cobol software running, and even systems of which nobody knows in what language they have been programmed. Documentation has often gone missing a long time ago and even if we still have the source code, the compiler happens to run only on a vintage MS-DOS computer. Before we can even think of doing a project touching those systems, you need to do 13 months input-output logging for a basic understanding of what it does. If you're lucky, there might still be a grey-bearded system administrator around, brought back in from retirement, who knows at least

Exaggerated?! I can give you a handful of examples from projects where I have worked with supposedly retired former employees who had been hired back as freelancers cause their knowledge of arcane software and IT-systems had proven to be mission-critical for the organization!


As someone industrial automation as well as knowing how to program in many languages, use databases etc… at least on the industrial automation side, many of the existing outdated software/hardware usually has a replacement… i think over time a lot of this will fundamentally move more into ways that a SCADA system or MES will be more what will be friendly for execs… that will mean a proper fire walling/DMZ set up so that the industrial side is not affected by the front end on the enterprise side.
Gone will be days of serial, Profibus DP, Modbus… but more Ethernet centric bus to use for communication between multiple PLCs and sensors…


I'm currently studying towards a system administrator role, does this mean I should change my roadmap?


Tiff you should do a whole basic series of Code with Tiff in python!


People get confused between the services out there (paid or free) that teach skills and the market need for skills. There is no direct correlation between the two.
