Java program to count digits in an Integer

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#learnwithkrishnasandeep #javacodinginterviewquestions #javaexamples #javaprograms #javatutorials #javaprogramming 1) How to read a matrix from console in java?

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I don't know if this is allowed, but you can do it with Strings too:
int number = 120;
String numberStr = String.valueOf(number);
System.out.println("The number has " + numberStr.length() + " digits");


Yr recurrsive baale thoda acha s samjha diya karo!!appna jaldi jaldi m nikal diya


One more idea - Convert the digit in String, and check the length


We can find no of digits of a number in O(1) time and yr approach will take O(no of digits) .


Ecellent sir.This really helped me a lot.Many many thanks


does anyone know the algorithm to show the digits of this number including the zeros 0001. should show 4 digits.


In the first approach, why you divide it by 10?


heloo bro nice explantion but i have some more vedeos about progamming like strings and arrys and palandrom with diffrent examples


int num = 1234;
int Len= (int) Math.floor( Math.log10( num) + 1 );
System.out.println("Count of digits = "+ Len);


Anna please made some programs important for ibm in java
