DS1307 RTC Module with Arduino-Real Time Clock

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Let's explore, how to Interface DS1307 RTC Module with Arduino Uno. DS1307 is very popular real time clock chip out there in the market. We'll be using TinyRTC Module. The DS1307 RTC Chip support I2C Serial Communication Protocol. We'll learn how to use Wire library to read clock and calendar parameter. Also we'll be Programming DS1307 RTC Chip to perform read and write operation.
Finally we'll make Clock and Calendar Project with Arduino Uno using RTC Real Time Clock Chip. The circuit conenction is as below
Arduino -- RTC Module
A4 -- SDA
A5 -- SCL
5V -- VCC
Finally we'll make Clock and Calendar Project with Arduino Uno using RTC Real Time Clock Chip. The circuit conenction is as below
Arduino -- RTC Module
A4 -- SDA
A5 -- SCL
5V -- VCC
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