Top nuclear envoys from S. Korea and China hold talks on N. Korea

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한.중 6자회담 수석대표 회동 개최
China's top nuclear envoy is in Seoul for a five-day trip.
UNSC's draft resolution on North Korea is set to be the focal point.
Other topics could include thorny issues such as THAAD deployment in the Korean peninsula.
Kwon Soa fills us in.
Ahead of a vote by the UN Security Council on a new resolution imposing the strongest sanctions yet on North Korea,... China's special representative to the six-party talks Wu Dawei is in Seoul for meetings on that issue and more.
According to Seoul's Foreign Ministry,... Wu is meeting with his South Korean counterpart Hwang Joon-kook Sunday... to exchange views on the international response to North Korea's recent nuclear test and long-range missile launch... and the current situation on the Korean Peninsula.
Upon arriving at Incheon International Airport,... Wu told reporters,... as strategic cooperative partners,... China and South Korea could discuss just about any issue on the basis of their mutual respect for one another.
That could be an indication that the possible deployment to South Korea of the U.S. missile defense system known as THAAD,... which China opposes,.. is on the table, too.
Ever since China reached agreement with the U.S. on the draft UN resolution,... there has been rising speculation that the two may have come to some compromise on THAAD,... as Seoul and Washington recently delayed their first talks on the system.
Meanwhile,... in New York there is a chance that the vote on the new resolution will be delayed,... as Russia,... one of the five permanent members of the council, said it needs more time to review the draft.
Experts say that it's unlikely Moscow will oppose it,... though it may propose minor changes.
Kwon Soa, Arirang News.

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